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This is not good

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    This is not good

    That was an amazing post! I'm still here, I'm still sober, and I'm still sticking to it!!
    A ship in a harbor is safe, but that's not why ships are built.


      This is not good

      lol....i don't have any relatives in California.
      A ship in a harbor is safe, but that's not why ships are built.


        This is not good

        :lHang in there Lost!

        Glad to hear you are feeling a little better. Hope you don't have too much planned for the morning!

        I suggest you write down how you are feeling at the moment. All the reasons you want to quit. It can be very helpful to read that back to yourself in a weak moment. You have fought so hard tonight, you don't want to have to put yourself through this again!

        I have found that having no alcohol in the house is key to remaining AF. There have been many weak moments for me in the last weeks but having to leave the house to go shopping has stopped me slipping. I even got as far as the supermarket last Wednesday!
        If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


          This is not good

          hi lost 35,still awake,still having the attacks ,normally they last a few minutes ,to a few hours,mine were hours,13 symptoms, they've actually settled down the last year,but i also got control of my drinking habit,the sleep will come back,in time,i see you like me ,Anastasie's your self quite frequently,with to,much Al,you found a wonderful place,wonderful people,most of us suffer from addiction,by how much you drink,and how frequently,you seem to be addicted,doesnt necessarily make you alcoholic,the best the best thing is you want to do something,I, and We, are here for ya,good luck and have a wonderful day,gyco


            This is not good

            lost, you are an inspiration to any person who wants to do whta you stuck to it and made it my friend!!!

            i hope you get some rest today and are able to appreciate that this will get better and you will be able to do this!!!



              This is not good

              Nights are always the worst time, Lost. It's as if we really are all alone here in the world. But that the blessing of this site, because we never really are. So glad you've got that one behind you.
              Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
              awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                This is not good

                simplysleep or other relaxant

                Hi Lost,

                Great job!! Have you tried any sort of sleep med? Even benadryl could be helpful. Not only for the sleeping but also to take the edge off of the anxiety and detox. I too have been there and found this sort of thing quite helpful. Even now I will occasionally take something like that, as after a few years of being used to passing out I can find it difficult to just drift off to sleep sober. I have not found them to be at all addictive. I use Simply Sleep - it's like Tylenol PM but without the Tylenol. I know some people worry they won't hear their children at night but it doesn't knock me out like that.

                Let us know how you are doing!



                  This is not good

                  Sleep is also a tough one for me - I take a lightweight over-the-counter sleeping pill every now & then, sometimes I even break that in half. They are not strong enough to knock you out & I can still get up to tend to the kids (one is having bad dreams on a nightly basis). Just helps to take the edge off.

                  Good luck - it's a tough journey, but the benefits are more than enough to compensate!

                  Well done & take care
                  The mind is in its own place, and in itself
                  Can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.

                  John Milton


                    This is not good

                    also there is melatonin...look in the holistic health section for posts about it.
                    i use it occassionally and it works's a natural hormone that we all make in the evening that tells our bodies it's time to sleep.


                      This is not good

                      Hope you got some sleep, but even if you didnt tonight, you will sleep a lot better in the future without the juice, promise!


                        This is not good

                        I agree with peacenik, lost. I use melatonin and l-tryptophan and it helps calm me enough to sleep.

                        Congratulations to you for toughing it out!
                        "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                          This is not good

                          Hi Lost,
                          I hope you are getting some well needed rest right now....I just wanted to jump on and tell you how great you are doing!! You have shown great strength through this difficult time. I don't need to add to the good advice you have already received, but I will be here (off and on all day). I hope you have cleared your schedule for a few days so you don't have any obligations today or tomorrow.....that will clear your mind a bit and help with the panic you feel. I have to run for an hour or so but I'll be back to check on you. Krigs
                          "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                            This is not good

                            Thank you! I made it through the night without a drop of AL, and unfortunately without a minute of sleep either. I am currently not working, so I figured this was the best time to try to detox. It's 5:40 pm in New York, and I feel very well today albeit very tired. Hopefully tonight I'll be able to fall asleep instead of pass out. At this hour I don't feel any cravings. When I do, I go for a brisk walk. I downloaded an application to my iphone that sends my walking distance/duration/calories burned etc to my laptop so I can see my progress. (if anyone is interested it's the free version of "RunKeeper" on the iphone 3g. I'm still shaking and sweat on occasion but the walks in the 39 degree weather help with that.....thank you so much for checking in on me. I will feel a tremendous sense of pride if i can get through tonight without a drink as I haven't done 2 consecutive nights in at least 7 years. THANK YOU AGAIN!
                            A ship in a harbor is safe, but that's not why ships are built.


                              This is not good

                              Thank you peacenick! But dont go getting me cannonized for Sainthood just Night number 2 is on it's long until the worst of this is out of my system? Any Ideas?
                              A ship in a harbor is safe, but that's not why ships are built.


                                This is not good

                                Thank you Zen...Your "checking up" as well as that of others is making me feel so incredibly supported. And I re-read your posts when the cravings come on like a ton of bricks ....and I just read...walk....wait it out. Still struggling with the food, but now that i'm thinking more clearly I can go back to cooking for myself which is ironically one of my favorite hobbies. (Wow, I can't remember the last time i did a "hobby") lol.
                                A ship in a harbor is safe, but that's not why ships are built.

