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ODAT (One Day At a Time0 Monday 23rd March

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    ODAT (One Day At a Time0 Monday 23rd March

    Where is everyone?

    Hope all the mum's had a good Mother's Day. My trip to London was great, so nice to have a family day out without a hungover stomach to contend with!

    Will check in later.
    If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.

    ODAT (One Day At a Time0 Monday 23rd March

    Hi Blue and all ODATers to come...!

    Well, here I am on Day 2. The one I haven't been able to get beyond in Forever (it seems).

    However, I have my first "happy hour" meeting w/my photo club this evening. I think I can have "just one" (mainly because I don't want to spend the $$$ AND I don't want to be driving...). Also, I don't like drinking in the evening - I know that sounds odd, but if I drink earlier, I don't have hangover!

    I know some will jump on & tell me to have non-AL drink. I'll see how I feel - maybe I won't even go...

    Anyway, hope everyone has a good Monday!
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


      ODAT (One Day At a Time0 Monday 23rd March

      Hi Blue, Savon and all to come

      Good to be back in routine after week-end from hell with teenagers!! Agggghhhh!! I think that says it all. Did get a Mothers Day card and a bunch of my own daffodils from the garden! At 5 and 6 sweet, at 15 and 16, walking the streets and shopping malls every week-end with money in their pockets, not so sweet.

      Their father is not impressed and no further hand-outs to be given unless earned. Set amount each week and only paid if chores are done. I used to pay pocket money when they were younger and they did chores but as they got older and school work and after school activites took over it went by the way side. They do their own rooms and other bits and pieces but it took yesterday's performance to put things in perspective. Mom's taxi wont be on the road as much either.

      Sorry for the rant but on top of all the above there is boyfriend trouble as well so it was just one of those week-ends. On the plus side I stayed AF and am starting the week with a clear head. Have a good week everyone.



        ODAT (One Day At a Time0 Monday 23rd March

        Hi everyone.

        I made it through the weekend without alcohol! I even had lunch with friends who all drank wine, but I only had fizzy water. I am pleased with myself, for once!

        Hope everyone has a good day today.


          ODAT (One Day At a Time0 Monday 23rd March

          Hi all.

          Blue sky - sounds like you had a great Mothers day.

          Savon, I want to say 'don't drink' get to day 2 its fab! , but it is your choice. Tough Call.

          Rust. Teens. *rolls eyes* . We now give ours a set amount each week, they have to save 10%, and then use the rest for transportation, food when they're out, and clothes if they don't 'need' them. It's been working quite well. I also pay them to wash the 3 dogs once a week. The oldest has just got into flea-markets and is trading clothes with his friends, they also take the bus a lot more, or plan and actually ask in advance for a lift! Now we just have to tackle the s*x drugs and rock and roll issues....

          Too Anxious - well done!

          Have a great Monday.

          Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



            ODAT (One Day At a Time0 Monday 23rd March

            Hi ODATs

            Glad to hear you're all fighting on - teenagers ewk! Only have 1 at present but with 3 others in training so to speak, my heart goes out to you Rustop, sometimes it's just take, take, take isn't it?

            Love to all


              ODAT (One Day At a Time0 Monday 23rd March

              Hi all you lovely ODATimers -- nothing to report. I am feeling good and yesterday did think of AL but fortunately was able to chase away the urge. I beat it with a stick . I think I have mentioned a number of times that I take meds for depression. Well, glad to report that they seem to be working well (sometimes they don't). So it is easier to fight the beast, AL, when my brain is positive. Used to be that when I felt positive that was a signal that I was "recovered" from being a drunk and that I could booze again. Only to find myself bottoming out again. Oh well live and learn. Hope this info is useful to someone.

              Rust, sorry you had such a rotten week end. It does get better I hope. Savon, I am with Betty, but if you can do "just one" you will be OK. For me there is no such thing as just one. All I ever do is "just 2" and then "just 3", etc. Guess that makes me an alcoholic. Good luck, God Bless.


                ODAT (One Day At a Time0 Monday 23rd March

                Good Day all ODATers
                Bad News Rusty. My kids are in their 20's and are still Teenagers.
                It is very cold here today. I will spend the majority of the day applying for jobs and trying to get out of this financial nightmare. I will get to an AA meeting at some point today. I still have my dog with me, and of course, I don't want to give her back. The Ex has not called at all. He doesn't mind if I keep her. Savvy, I don't know what to tell ya. I NEVER can have just "One" or two or three for that matter. I am really trying not to let my whole situation get me down. I want to get to FL to see my Dad so badly, but I can't come home to a Foreclosure. I have not seen him for a couple of years. Oh well, doing the best I can. Hope you all have a Great day.
                "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                  ODAT (One Day At a Time0 Monday 23rd March


                  Sea, WHERE are you finding all these jobs to even apply for? Oh right, nurse. That and dental assistant seems to be about it around here.

                  I'm afraid I am in the "no such thing as just one" boat. I wouldn't dare. If I were to have just one, really one, I would spend the rest of the day in misery wanting more and probably giving in. Not how I want to spend my time.

                  Press on! It's worth it!
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    ODAT (One Day At a Time0 Monday 23rd March

                    Good Morning ODATers!
                    It's been a busy, stressful weekend looking at houses!! I think I've found one I like but jeeeesh I'm so scared of making the commitment to spending that much money!!!
                    As I'm reading the posts today it has made me start looking and questioning my own it has changed considerably in the past two months since joining MWO!!! I can honestly say I have not been drunk in 2 months...and I can honestly say probably 2 days didn't go by that I wasn't drunk before. So when people say been posting that having one drink leads to another and another and another....I was there...but now that doesn't seem to be the case....rather than have 8-12 beers a night...I can now make 4 last an entire night (like 4-5 hours) that still a crutch??? or "bad"? And some nights I may just have one and be done??? Just depends...And it seems its more so on the weekends...I do more AF days on the weekdays??? I dunno...just thought I'd add my two cents Have a great Monday!
                    "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                      ODAT (One Day At a Time0 Monday 23rd March

                      sd, I think that is great! This is an individual journey. It depends on what you are like, what you are comfortable with, what your goal is, etc. We are not all alike. Some CAN successfully mod. Some can't. I can be around it, but not drink it. If I catch a buzz, I'm afraid that's all it would take and I refuse to go back there. "There" being a dangerous place for me.
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        ODAT (One Day At a Time0 Monday 23rd March

                        Hi everyone - I hope you don't mind if I join you all - I'm now day 3 AF - and living in hope to achieve a lot more.

                        Rust - I so sympathise with your teenage problem as I had a horrendous weekend with my 15 and 17 year old boys. I had arranged to stay at a friends on Saturday night and had been reassured by my boys that they would be sensible. Got about five phone calls from my neighbour between 10pm and midnight to say that there was a house full of teenagers drinking and loud music in my house. Eventually I had to drive home (luckily I hadn't had a drink - very rare for me!) and read the riot act. Next morning -lots of sulks and moaning about how I embarrassed them in front of their friends, but no mothers day card or anything either. I could scream with frustration at them - arrrggghhhhh!!

                        Anyway - not sure if you have all read Doggygirl's story in the My Story section - but it is so inspiring. She has now been AF for 10 months and had lots of ups and downs, but there is a before and after photo of her 6 months after giving up the booze and she looks absolutely fantastic - 20 years younger.

                        Good luck to everyone for the week ahead - and hope I will be able to stay on the wagon with you all.

                        Love Snapdragon
                        Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


                          ODAT (One Day At a Time0 Monday 23rd March

                          Here's the link to pics of Doggygirl (WOW - she should be spokesperson for Curves... my gym, too... that I need to get to Now!):


                          What an Incredible transformation.
                          Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                            ODAT (One Day At a Time0 Monday 23rd March

                            :wd:Too Anxious, well done on getting through your first weekend AF. Take strength from it. It must have taken a great deal of self control and will power not to have joined in with your friends for 'just one glass'.

                            Welcome Snapdragon.:welcome: I just checked out Doggy Girls pics. Wow, what a transformation. Today is Day 15 AF for me today and my jeans are definitely loser....not just from lack of wine but I haven't been snacking on bags of crisps like I do when I drink . Guess I've also reduced my salt intake which is good for reducing blood pressure. I can already see a big difference in my complexion, bags under my eyes have gone too although dark circles stubbornly remain.

                            Lonely One, where are you today? Hope you ok.
                            If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                              ODAT (One Day At a Time0 Monday 23rd March

                              Hi everyone, hi Blue Sky, thanks for asking after me. Your concern means a lot.

                              Had a bit of a rushed morning, then worked late so I'm only just home. To be honest, am feeling pretty low at the moment. I slept very badly last night, so have felt rough all day - I feel like I've got rather a lot on my plate at the moment and I can't quieten my mind. And I feel rather raw and fragile, and that, combined with not sleeping, means I feel like crying most of the time. My friend at work today asked me if I was OK and I just started sobbing. Not good. I don't really know how I'm going tp pull myself out of this - a lot of it revolves around my job situation, and I'm not in control of what happens there, so I think I just have to try and ride this until some of the difficult stuff resolves.

                              Sorry to unload all this, ODAT is normally so upbeat, isn't it? But I know I can tell you here how I feel. I have to have more faith in myself (people keep telling me) and I have to try and see some positive things in all the turmoil. It's blloody hard, though, sometimes.


