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What IS it about the weekend?

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    What IS it about the weekend?

    I was cruising along SMASHingly AF until Friday night. Nothing too drastic but I found, last week, that I didn't need AL and felt very much better...made it to two days AF...who needs the stuff???

    THEN in comes the weekend, like an octopus, grabbing with it's suctioning arms...each holding a glass of wine. For me the weekends will be the hardest. I've got a small child so I don't go out, but even just hanging out here at home, there's a void that I'll need to fill that AL's been happy to for the past 5.5 years.

    Monday, again, and I can't wait to be sitting here, this time tomorrow, VERY proud of myself for not having drank a drop all day. If you find yourself in a similar spot this morning, let's you and me keep our chins up! It's another day...


    What IS it about the weekend?


    I can totally relate. I can go all week without much thought of AL. Friday afternoon comes rolling around and I feel like a totally different person. I am working on finding a good mod balance in this. This weekend I did really good. I normally would go overboard on the weekends but this weekend I kept my head screwed straight and I have no regrets. I am happy it is Monday and I am feeling more confident for this upcoming weekend since I did so well this weekend....but my one fear.....spring break is in two weeks!!!!!!

    Welcome to mwo and I look forward to seeing you around the boards!
    Have a good week!



      What IS it about the weekend?

      You are not alone,

      I too suffer from weekend 'opportunities'; my resolve included changing the routine up a bit and making myself too busy to drink. Hope this helps.
      My creed; "Be the friend you seek, the spouse yours deserves and the Parent your children need"


        What IS it about the weekend?

        Yogamomma, it is very common to have a harder time on weekends. It's a deeply set habit for one thing, and for another, there is so much unstructured time. But, you learned last week how much you liked being AF, so build on that feeling and go for more! Make a plan for the weekend.

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          What IS it about the weekend?

          Hi everyone..i too have have thought of nothing but al all weekend.. i dont work through the week so i dont have the excuse that its cause im at home as i am there all the time!!but i have thought of nothing but al all weekend, and like you all come mon im so glad its start of the new week and i havent had a drop..i think it must be cause everyone is relaxing with their glasses of wine that we must feel we are "missing "out...i know that when i stopped smoking there were times when i so aware of missing it in certain situations for up to a year..but this passes, to the point where you dont think of it at im waiting for that time!!! and hoping it i went out for a meal on friday with friends that all drink..and your made to feel like you`ve said you like abusing small animals when u say uve stoppped drinking!! keep up the good work everyone stay strong!! shelley x
          When you can look a thing in the eye,
          Acknowledge that it exists,
          Call it exactly what it is,
          And decide what role it will play in your life,
          Then my beloved,
          You have taken the first step toward your freedom.
          Iyanla Vanzant


            What IS it about the weekend?

            As always it's nice to know we're "not the only one". I'm looking at my weekend slip positively, at least, in that I didn't drink NEARLY as much as I did last weekend so, comparatively, today I feel WORLDS better than I did last Monday at this time. Also, that eager anticipation of feeling wonderful tomorrow morning. I really got a kick, last week, of truly feeling "on my A-game" from day in to day out:
            -no "fuzzies"
            -no "who did I call last night"s
            -no "uh-oh...did I tick off my husband"

            LOTS of
            -"WOW I'm thinking clearly"
            -"Man, I never realized how pretty that tree is!"
            -"I really found that conversation interesting and didn't lose focus ONCE!"

            I guess that's the thing about slipping but having a plan and dedication to stick to know it's gonna get soooo much better!



              What IS it about the weekend?

              Everything I have read above resonates with me. It has literally been the weekend "habit" that I too have had to tackle. Same as those above I was going all week with no thoughts of alcohol and also eating well and going to the gym 4 times a week, then the weekend would start to approach I wouls begin to think " awww I deserve a treat this week, I have been so good"! That would be the beginning of a saturday night drinking session involving at least one bottle of wine, but often nearer two. Followed by feeling like shit on sunday, sometimes even not 100% by monday and all the other feelings that go with it (wont elaborate as you all know already).

              But here I am after 4 AF weekends (30 days AF) and man is it worth the initial effort and boy is it an effort not to drink at the weekend, as the weeks do soon clock up and you feel sooooo much better about EVERYTHING.

              Lots of love to all you guys.

              "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
              but in what direction we are moving."


                What IS it about the weekend?

                Hi yogamomma...never give up on giving up!! just get back in the saddle, we can learn from our times of weakness..if we want to
                When you can look a thing in the eye,
                Acknowledge that it exists,
                Call it exactly what it is,
                And decide what role it will play in your life,
                Then my beloved,
                You have taken the first step toward your freedom.
                Iyanla Vanzant


                  What IS it about the weekend?

                  Yep, the weekend is definitely tough - I usually behave like a hermit for the first couple of weeks, just to prevent slippage and get some confidence back! Also, many many projects over the weekend to prevent thoughts of 'pre-lunch drinkkies' which would lead to more & more. I have slipped often, and will probably do so again - the thing is, for me it seems to be abit easier each time, not so daunting. So, get back on the old horse quick, sharp and don't loose your nerve! Good luck!

                  Take care
                  The mind is in its own place, and in itself
                  Can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.

                  John Milton


                    What IS it about the weekend?


                    :goodjob:Hi mooderator and Shelley1

                    Mooderator Well done on your first 30 days!!! (Or 4 weekends as you put it)!

                    You're right, it does get easier. Each day of success gives strength to get through the next challenge. But why do I find myself spending so much time thinking about AL? Not just in a craving way but also in negative ways like how badly it was affecting me. Even being here on this site it's still all about AL!!! I want to think about something else!!!!! It doesn't help that I'm still decorating so I have lots of time to think. Trying to distract myself helps but sooner or later the poor old brain comes back to it's favourite subject.

                    Basically I think it comes down to the fact that 20 years of habit are hard to break.
                    If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                      What IS it about the weekend?

                      Yogamomma;578306 wrote:

                      Monday, again, and I can't wait to be sitting here, this time tomorrow, VERY proud of myself for not having drank a drop all day. If you find yourself in a similar spot this morning, let's you and me keep our chins up! It's another day...

                      That's exactly where I'm at Yogamomma. Thanks for the chins up message.
                      Drinking has been my hobby for several years now. It's time to get a new hobby


                        What IS it about the weekend?

                        I'm on day 10. Went to an AA meeting yesterday and somebody said sometimes all I can do, the best I can do is get thru the day sober. So here I sit "getting through the day", thinking is this how its going to be FOREVER???? Waiting for carpet cleaners so I can't even go any where. But, I am clean and sober, without a hang over. Things could be worse.
                        Hang in there. I know weekends can be such trouble...5:00 on a Friday and I'm ready to go.
                        Later, spedteach


                          What IS it about the weekend?

                          Spedteach...I've thought the same "this is how it's going to be forever" thought. Like, if I'm truly giving up, I'll have to go through this challenge for the rest of my life?...guess so! But I've found that my relationships are more meaningful, sensations are more sensational, and there's not that dark cloud over the day that hovers when I'm drinking....heck, and I've only gotten to day #2 AF! If that's only after 2 days, I'll shoot for forever because living seems a lot more fun w/out Al.

                          On day #1 again after the weekend and so far so good! Let's make it stick, friends!


                            What IS it about the weekend?

                            Hi Yogamomma,

                            I'm new too - not new to this struggle though. Baaaad weekend at our house after our cat died so I'm starting over too.


                              What IS it about the weekend?

                              Sorry 'bout your cat, Sporty. Had that happen to me with our family cat last year. It's a tough time.

                              Let's be back on track, we few that stumbled a bit over the weekend. Have made it to 3:44 AF whereas I'd usually have had at LEAST two glasses of wine by now on a Monday. Picked up some Kudzu and L-Glutamine today, having researched correct doses, etc. Took my first dose of each 1/2 hour ago in this somewhat AL-tempting part of the day before dinner. Gonna keep busy and focused and, again, that payoff's going to be in the morning after a (hoepfully) SWEET night's sleep and a look in the mirror at someone of whom I'm superduper proud.


