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ODAT (One Day At a Time) Tuesday 24th March

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    ODAT (One Day At a Time) Tuesday 24th March

    Good morning ODATers!

    Hope you are all well this morning. Sorry to have missed you most of yesterday, but it sounds like everyone is doing OK. I didn't stay AF yesterday, had 2 small glasses of wine with dinner - but I'm actually regarding this as a success, because a 3/4 full bottle of wine went back into the fridge and I stuck to my limit. That wouldn't have happened a month ago - it would have been "bottle open .... oops, bottle empty". I know this doesn't mean I've solved my problem, but it gives me hope that I've at least got more of a grip on myself now. Thank you to MWO and everyone here for that! And I'm going to keep on clocking up those AF days

    I've got a bit of a stressful day ahead - job interview in a different department at work, not an ideal job but it's a job, and I need one. Must get on and finish my presentation ...

    Have a great day, everyone, hope you all meet your targets for the day :h


    ODAT (One Day At a Time) Tuesday 24th March

    Good Morning all -- Cool morning here today but sunny. Lonely, I hope that you achieve your goal and that AL is no longer any force in your life. I guess that is what we all are aiming at -- the day we no longer have to count our drinks; the day when AL as an issue is GONE. Good luck all, see you later.


      ODAT (One Day At a Time) Tuesday 24th March

      Morning All - Got past that mysterious Day 2 impasse.

      Yet, I have to admit that AL has already crossed my mind a couple times!

      Day 3 would be nice...
      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


        ODAT (One Day At a Time) Tuesday 24th March


        Hi lonely, good luck with the job! Good progress!

        Hi matthen. It's SUPPOSED to be cool in VA on March mornings.

        Savvy!! I saw that on yesterday's thread and posted last night. I'm so proud of you! And going to the gym and paying bills is an achievement, believe me! Great job!! Good luck today. It's just today. Thoughts are just thoughts.

        Have a good one!!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          ODAT (One Day At a Time) Tuesday 24th March

          Good morning everyone,
          Lonely one good job on just 2 drinks.. savon great job day 3 ...
          sunday night was not good, had friends over for dinner and there was lots of wine around me so i drank too much and yesterday was my head was in a fug..dont like that feeling !!! Need to stay focus at work so i feel good today but still tired...will go walking tonight to get my energy back ..
          Have a good day everyone !!


            ODAT (One Day At a Time) Tuesday 24th March

            Hi everyone

            Well done Lonely. I know I could never just have two, once I start I have to finish the bottle.

            :goodjob: Savon and here's to Day 3. It's a constant battle for all of us and once we beat Al once by it getting over 2 day blips, 30 day blips or whatever, next time is easier. The important thing is to keep trying, if we dont he will win and we dont want that.

            Hi to everyone else.



              ODAT (One Day At a Time) Tuesday 24th March

              rustop61;578935 wrote: The important thing is to keep trying Rustop
              Hello I'm in Day 31 here ... minus the one slip .. Hang in there everyone. I agree the important thing is to keep trying!!! :thanks:
              Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the know to the unknown."
              Author Unknown :h

              AF - Sept 4, 2012
              10 days - Sept 13, 2012
              2 weeks - Sept 17, 2012
              Slip on the weekend but tried too moderate!
              AF - Sept 24, 2012 (get back on the headaches not worth it)
              Slippery slope Oct 1 ..... Trying to not give up!



                ODAT (One Day At a Time) Tuesday 24th March

                hi all,odaters.congrats on discovering you do what you do,your rt , a couple is better then a hole bottle,but you figured that out,if it sounds like im being sarcastic,im not,day 1, or day 365,doesnt mean anything,its about how you feel inside.lets face it,if were stumbling around ,mummble mouthed or passed out,does it make sense,you have to get to the point your at rt now to be happy,and just keep moving forward,whether you drink or not,its called control,taking responsiblity for our actions,have a wonderful day gyco


                  ODAT (One Day At a Time) Tuesday 24th March

                  Didn't get past Day 3.

                  Thinking that I'm doing this in stages?

                  The weird thing is that coming here gives me motivation - but BUT it also makes me Think about ... drinking!!!

                  So, it's both good.. and bad..

                  (Typical of my life - nothing is Clear!)

                  Yes.. folks. I caved on Day 3.

                  Don't even feel that bad about it, to boot. Well, I'm thinkin I'm just "getting there".

                  Peace, etc.
                  Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                    ODAT (One Day At a Time) Tuesday 24th March

                    Hello everyone. I am new to this site so I hope it's okay to ask a question. I am on my 7th day without alcohol. It has been REALLY hard for me as I have been alcohol dependent for a long time. My husband drinks, often one drink every night but he has no problem stopping at one. I unfortunately always want one more which is why I am trying to stop alltogether. We are supposed to have some friends coming to town next week who drink, and when we all get together we have been known to have quite a bit. I just don't feel strong enough to be in the situation and not drink at all. Am I just weak? My husband says "just have one drink and then just go back to not drinking when they leave". But, I feel like he has no idea how hard this has been for me just to go one week! I don't want to have to start this over again and go through all this again. Can anyone offer any insight? Thanks in advance


                      ODAT (One Day At a Time) Tuesday 24th March

                      I've jumped on here 100 times today only to be interrupted by people at rude :H
                      Gyco--I really liked what you wrote!!!
                      Ocean--I really think you have to do what feels right for you...hopefully hubby will respect that!
                      Savon--I was so hoping you'd make it through day 3...I wanted to tell you congrats on day 2 every time I got one but never got the chance...I wish you'd go back and reread how good you feel every time you get even day 1 under your belt...I know I should take my own advice, huh?!
                      Well--I better move it...I have another class coming up...teaching fifth graders about Peer Pressure!!!! OH the IRONY!!!!
                      Best of luck reaching your goals!!!
                      "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                        ODAT (One Day At a Time) Tuesday 24th March

                        Hi Ocean and welcome (everyday I feel like a newcomer here) I can assure you that your husband is really wrong. You know what will happen, and then besides your own feelings/problems/guilt/remorse/regret and hangover, you'll have this hubby/policeman on your back.

                        Getting older has only one advantage, that I can see, and that is that many, many of my drinking friends just don't anymore. There's more bottled water being passed around than booze.

                        Stand firm and remember there are 60 ways to leave your lover (named Al) Say you're on antibiotics, just set your glass down in the other room, say you've already had enough, carry a glass of ice cube stuffed water and on and on. Please know that I'm talking to myself as well.

                        There seems to be lots of teachers here. I'm trying to sub, but maybe everyone has used up all their sick days already by this timeof year. Every morning, I wait for the phone to ring and the silence is not helping my mood!

                        Yesterday, we lost power and to get through the quiet I completed scrubbed out the stove, oven and vent. I got too dark to do the polishing, but I'll get back to it later this afternoon. Last night, I couldn't sleep because I had so many aches and pains everywhere. Detox probably. This is Day 3 and my resolve is still holding. If I feel like I'm getting too stressed to stay AF I'll take an antabuse. They don't agree with me, like most meds, but I will.

                        Doggy Girl just blows me away!! WOW. Greenie, the job market is not too vigorous right now, could you get back into something yourself? I thought you were 1/2 of your own business. sdl: I love Brett. enjoy the moment, the hour and the day! xxx g


                          ODAT (One Day At a Time) Tuesday 24th March

                          Hi all, and thanks for good wishes - I didn't get the job, but I got some good feedback as to why, so I'm feeling OK about it. And I've applied for two more. Just got to keep plodding on.

                          Gyco, I love what you wrote - spot on.

                          Savvy, just jump back on and have another day 1 and another day 2, and plod along until they add up - that's the only way I've managed, coming here, keeping going, and starting over. The crucial thing is the starting over bit. I saw a film recently caled "If you're not falling, you're not trying" - it was about climbing, but the message is broader - if you're trying to go for something really challenging, then you may well fail but the main thing is to keep in trying til you get to where you want to be. And yes, I too am talking to myself as well here...

                          Hi ocean, and welcome. I agree with gelgit - have a raft of reasons ready - say you're on a health kick, you're trying to lose weight, you just don't feel like it, you've got a bit of a tummy upset so you don't want to drink, you've given it up for Lent. Can you explain to your husband why this is so important for you and ask him to be on your side and support you? You've done brilliantly well with 7 days AF, you have strength



                            ODAT (One Day At a Time) Tuesday 24th March

                            All I can say is I'm after 3+ days.
                            Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                              ODAT (One Day At a Time) Tuesday 24th March

                              Thank you so much gelgit and lonely one. I appreciate your understanding. Unfortunately, I have tried to explain to him how important it is to me, but he doesn't seem to get it. It is really frustrating because I am trying so hard. He just doesn't get how hard it is to break a 20 year habit overnight. Anyway, thank you for the encouragement I guess I will truly just try to take it ODAT.

