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I'm new.....

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    I'm new.....


    I am new to this.....but I know I need the help...I have for a long time. I am on day 3 of trying not to have a drink.....but it's been hard....
    AF Since Sept. 20, 2010!!!

    I'm new.....

    I have read up some on the they help?
    AF Since Sept. 20, 2010!!!


      I'm new.....

      Hello, ronaldolover..

      Welcome! Are you new to MYO, or the trying not to drink bit? You know, trying is a word that always gets me in trouble. When I say I will try, it is almost like I have already given in. It gets me everytime - so I don't try to do anything... Does that make sense? I am new back to MYO after a time away. This is a fabulous place with an unbelievable suport group. If you truly want to quit drinking, please aks a lot of questions, stay on the boards, look into the supplements and book, and replace "trying" with something positive like; I havent had a drink for 3 days! Remember to celebrate your victories and ask for help..

      Good luck.


      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


        I'm new.....

        The supps help a TON! Use the resources...
        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


          I'm new.....

          Thank you for the encouragement.....just got home from work and already I am thinking about having a drink later....I feel like I should "reward" myself for taking 2 days off....I know it makes no sense..
          AF Since Sept. 20, 2010!!!


            I'm new.....

            Hi ronaldolover! The voice of AL (alcohol) doesn't HAVE to make sense to be heard. Many of us here know all to well it's sneaky voice. Distract yourself. It'll get easier! Good luck!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              I'm new.....

              It actually makes perfect sense, for me anyway, but nonetheless, it is not a reward. I reward is something to look at and be proud of, if you are trying to quit drinking I don't believe that you will feel very rewarded tomorrow..

              Stay strong, stay in touch. This can be a tough week. I am right along side of you as I am starting anew again. Try and go do something outside the house, like a movie. If you are bound to stay in, make sure you don't have any alcohol in the house and just post away with us.. It is very helpful the first week.

              Namaste, my friend.

              Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                I'm new.....

                Makes sense to me because I tried to tell myself the same thing ! ON TOP of the fact that I had such CRAP day at work I should deserve a drink ..but instead I am going to the gym and I just ordered some supplements !!

                Hang in there Im on day 2 as well =)


                  I'm new.....

                  Welcome Ronald.
                  I read your post and saw the word "trying" and was going to respond to it when MM already has! So no need for me to say anything other than lots of us fall down by attaching SO much importance to alcohol and SO much importance to trying not to drink. When you read Roberta's book you'll come across a brilliant section in which she stalks about defusing the IMPORTANCE we attach to alcohol, taking away it's perceived power. Treat it like butter is her advice. How often do we think about butter? Sage advice.

                  Rewards: I'm substituting chocolate and playing countless games of Max Blaster! I'm not putting on any weight as the choc calories take up from alco calories, and Max Blaster provides something to do with my hands whilst my brain just blanks out and runs in neutral ... no thoughts of alcohol.... or anything else for that matter!!!
                  Three days is a terrific start. You must be very pleased with that result. See if you can work out strategies for continuing not drinking. Set yourself small achievable goals, as too often we set ourselves up for failure by imposing goals that are too hard. But I reckon you'll be fine.
                  Be gentle with yourself.
                  May you be well, may you be happy.


                    I'm new.....

                    Rags;579221 wrote: Set yourself small achievable goals, as too often we set ourselves up for failure by imposing goals that are too hard.
                    Great advice.. I think I'll take a bit of that myself.. Thanks, Rags..
                    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                      I'm new.....

                      Hi MM,
                      Thanks. I have found it works. A psychologist friend of mine calls it the sausage theory... you cut thin slices. You still get to eat the sausage, but you aren't trying to gulp down huge mouthfulls, and choke. Not a bad analogy!
                      Have a beaut day ( or evening for those not in Australia!)


                        I'm new.....

                        Thank you all for your support! It helps so much. I just got back from the gym....but now have the temptation of having a glass of wine....I am going to stay busy to distract myself. It helps to read everyone's words of encouragement. I hope I make it through day 3!
                        AF Since Sept. 20, 2010!!!


                          I'm new.....

                          Don't be tempted. If you really want to make it through day three, you will. Then day 4.


                            I'm new.....

                            Good for you for going to the gym. Think of how great you are going to feel tomorrow morning knowing you worked-out and didn't drink today!! Think ahead, but value today...
                            Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                              I'm new.....

                              what do I do to make this work I have tried these boards but I never get a reply

