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taking out the trash on day five (consecutive day five)

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    taking out the trash on day five (consecutive day five)

    I can not get over how freakin light my trash bag was! No wine bottles to weight it down for once in a long long time. I am almost over my withdrawls. This time around the detox wasn't so bad, not like ones past. Probably why I have made it to day five without any cravings. I have figured out I drank (when it began to get out of control) out of pure boredom and it just escalated to an addiction. Keeping myself as occupied as I can, but it's tough without a job. Thankfully the weather is getting nicer. Last night I barely sweat at all, I was shocked. And I actually slept. I did sorta wake up a couple of times, even went to the bathroom once, but fell back to sleep. I see my sisters this weekend, which is rare since they both live way out west. It's for my sister's bridal shower, she ties the knot in June.
    Anyway, I still get itchy, but no more shakes, though I never really shook too badly. I am just so feaking glad that the detox process is almost over. Now I worry about the following days, weeks to come. The 30 day thing. I read where ppl say day 10 is hell or after 14 days they feel they can drink again. I just want to get thru it.
    After I get thru it, then what?
    It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.

    taking out the trash on day five (consecutive day five)

    I don't know if you actually "get through" it.. You just wake up one day and notice life, life without alcohol, and it is beautiful. You shouldn't feel like you are waiting for something, though. Today is your victory. The struggle will always be there, it just loses it's power. You can never let your guard down. I recently did and it got me. Day 6 is hard, day 14 is hard, day 62 is hard. But, as the time goes on there are more easy days than hard ones. But remember, you are already here.. Celebrate! You are on day five, celebrate that, and day six, and so on... I am back to day one, and I am celebrating this day and I have resolved to not drink.. xoxo

    Good job....


    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


      taking out the trash on day five (consecutive day five)

      meditation mama,
      I know, it was such a beautiful day out today and I felt/feel so great, so I don't want to drink, I just want to break the damn habit. And I know it's going to be ODAT since it is nearly everywhere we look. I'm just scared is all.
      It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.


        taking out the trash on day five (consecutive day five)

        I am scared, too... It's OK to be scared, but remember that is just an emotion and it is OK to feel it. I mean; don't try to mask it - look at it and acknowledge the fact you are scared. I think that is one of the hardest things for us - dealing srtaight on with our emotions. But the more we just stare back at them and say - I acknowledge that right now I am scared, I am angry, I am lonely, etc., the faster they will pass.. promise. They are deflated.. It is when we try to cover them up that we get into trouble. Keep writing.. make sure you don't let anything fester inside you. Once it is out it is gone.. xoxox
        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


          taking out the trash on day five (consecutive day five)

          and... you will replace new habits with old habits.. just start with one thing. think of one thing that you wanted to do but haven't because of drinking.. start there..
          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


            taking out the trash on day five (consecutive day five)

            Yeah, the loud tinkling of the bottles as they fell from the bin into the garbage truck still happens, but it's ginger beer bottles.
            Nothing to be scared of. It really is just your mind imagining, clinging.
            Day ten will be what you want it to be. So, be optimistic. Don't let this be overwhelming for you. We should be so happy to be AF. You just said it in your last post.... It's a damned habit. So why should we treat it as anything more.


              taking out the trash on day five (consecutive day five)

              The thing to do after day 5 is to change all your habits. You need to reschedule your evening to remove the old times and old activities. You need to create brand new patterns, new habits, so that you lay the foundation for longer term change. Without this, it's too easy to revert.

              Things that have helped for me include: 1) I eat a cookie now in late afternoon, to insure I'm not craving carbs/sugars at dinner time. 2) I drink a lot of watered down fruit juice in a wine glass, to keep my hand and mouth busy in the evening. 3) I now start getting ready for bed at 7pm, take a long hot shower, and then put on my robe to do "easy" activities. No challenging TV or mystery novels, now, just light reading or old star treks. This is as much to set up a sleep pattern as to avoid drinking. 4) I think about and envision the morning, how nice it will be to have my morning tea and meet the challenges first thing. This sets up an expectation that I'm going to be bright and aware, and that I need to sleep promptly in order to be ready for all the fun I'll have in the morning.

              It's going to be different for everyone. But I think the real enemy is the old habits. Part of transitioning to longer term change is to re-make your schedule so that drinking no longer occupies a valued time/space in it.


                taking out the trash on day five (consecutive day five)

                So true bossman...if you dont change your routine it is psycholgically harder beacause you are constantly thinking of what you "would" of been doing while thinking of what is "missing" ie a drink..creating a new routine takes out those thoughts.Last night i didnt have my "new" normal routine of winding down properly as i was up with a poorly dog again..and as a result didnt sleep as well and couldnt get to sleep it does work!! when you have good sleep you can cope with anything!! i cherish mine now...compared to my all night antics of before!
                When you can look a thing in the eye,
                Acknowledge that it exists,
                Call it exactly what it is,
                And decide what role it will play in your life,
                Then my beloved,
                You have taken the first step toward your freedom.
                Iyanla Vanzant


                  taking out the trash on day five (consecutive day five)

                  I agree with everyone, I had to change my routine and do something different ... each day if need be. Good Luck, you can do it!
                  Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the know to the unknown."
                  Author Unknown :h

                  AF - Sept 4, 2012
                  10 days - Sept 13, 2012
                  2 weeks - Sept 17, 2012
                  Slip on the weekend but tried too moderate!
                  AF - Sept 24, 2012 (get back on the headaches not worth it)
                  Slippery slope Oct 1 ..... Trying to not give up!



                    taking out the trash on day five (consecutive day five)

                    I am fully aware that i is all about routine/habit. I have dual addictions. I can try my best to change them myself, but what it comes down to is I need contact and Motivation. I have lost my ability to make friends. No offense but online support only goes so far.
                    It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.


                      taking out the trash on day five (consecutive day five)


                      It is good to see you keep trying. That is the only way you are gong to beat this.

                      I agree, face-to-face support and friendships are important, too. Have you made a plan to get those?

                      AF April 9, 2016

