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ODAT (One day at a time) Wednesday

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    ODAT (One day at a time) Wednesday

    Hi all ODAT'rs

    Brrr, big change in the weather this week. We have gone from sunny and spring like to cold and windy again. Wrapped up well and had a nice walk in the woods with doggies and friend. Now having my coffee and MWO fix so I thought I would get us started.

    Ocean :welcome: As someone who has been here for a while all I can tell you is that if you do decide to break your AF stint, its very easy to go back to old ways, (are you going for 30 days?). It's far easier to come up with some excuse. Those first 30 days are damn hard but once you do it, you will find it easier and easier to accumulate more and more AF time. Prior to coming to MWO I had been drinking every single day for the best part of 15 years. Last year I had over 200 AF days and am going for even more this year. It hasnt been easy and is a constant struggle but I AM NOT going back to drinking a bottle of wine a day again. That's my two cents worth.

    Sorry about the job Lonely, better luck next time. You too Savon, here's to 3 days, you can do it. Everyone else big hello.


    ODAT (One day at a time) Wednesday

    Morning Rustop - you are so right in everything you say. I blew it and drank a bottle of wine last night after four days AF. I don't know why I can't seem to get over the four day hurdle. Anyway back to day one today (even more determined now!!). I'm not going to beat myself up too much though because four days without alcohol is a break my poor body hasn't seen for a while. I'm determined to achieve 30 days!
    Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


      ODAT (One day at a time) Wednesday


      Bleak here too rustop. Rain for the whole weekend. But greenie got her yard work finished first!

      Ocean, I had a week and a half and went on vacation w/ a GF. Assurred hub. I would be AF upon return. WRONG. Took a loooooong time to get back to AF. Just my experience. And I keep that memory with me, lest I try to fool myself again.

      Snap. It's a hurdle. Lots of people seem to have a 4 day hurdle. Maybe this time, knowing that, you'll jump it! I don't usually have the radio on in the AM but today I did and I performed a rendition of your avatar dance in the kitchen in my bathrobe and slippers with bed hair. I'm glad little doggie was the only one to see it. :H

      Carry on!!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        ODAT (One day at a time) Wednesday

        Snap - you're ahead of me in the game. Got past the 2 day hurdle only to fall at 3 days.

        Brushing myself off. Oddly, this time I didn't cave due to something bad, but something kind of good. Celebrating? As we know, it doesn't take much!!

        Day 1. This is crazy!! I guess I've been half-hearted about the whole AF thing. Need to get out of this vicious circle. At least I've gone AF a few days this past week, just not in a row. [BIG sigh!]

        Have a good day, all you ODATers!

        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


          ODAT (One day at a time) Wednesday

          Good morning ODOTers,
          Well last night I had 3 glasses of wine but was able to stop at that and not finish the bottle ! Little victory , but I will take it !! Feeling good today and rested so I will go out and sell, sell, sell,......I hope anyways..
          Ok Good day everyone


            ODAT (One day at a time) Wednesday

            Hi ODATers,
            Welcome to Ocean. Snapdragon I think we should start a 4 day club! I always find it so hard to get to day 5 - but it is worth it when you get there so keep at it.

            Busy day, got parent's evening tonight for my son (always a source of great celebration - NOT!!). It's usually one of those "smile and wave" meetings, yes he doesn't concentrate, is always being the school clown, la la la. Can hardly wait.



              ODAT (One day at a time) Wednesday

              Good Morning ODATers,

              Just wanted to pop in and say hello to everyone. I wish everyone an exceptional day. It's not a very pleasant day here, but I am going to make the most of it!


                ODAT (One day at a time) Wednesday

                Thanks everyone for your input. Rustop - I'm not sure what exactly I am going for. I just knew my drinking had to stop for my little girl. She's only 18 months old and I just never want to hurt her. I guess my ideal would be to be able to have one or two drinks once in a while, but that has never worked for me in the past. I always want one more and that's what leads to trouble. Today is day 8 and actually my birthday and, wow is it hard not to celebrate with my old friend AL!! I just hope this gets easier. Snap - you can do it!!


                  ODAT (One day at a time) Wednesday

                  Ocean ~ Happy Birthday!!! Congratulations on day 8! Keep up the great work and enjoy your day!


                    ODAT (One day at a time) Wednesday

                    Happy Birthday Ocean and keep it up , you are doing so good !! :bday7:


                      ODAT (One day at a time) Wednesday

                      It's Day 4 here too.... so I'll join! Maybe it's detox that I never recognized before. Tried to start off Wednesday with a healthy bowl of oatmeal. Around midday I got bad cramps and the inevitable results. Felt like a trainwreck. All evening hungry and ishy at the same time. Again, bad back pains kept me from sleeping even though I have a great/adjustable mattress. Feel asleep just before dawn and had those terrible morning dreams and overslept. Maybe it's the lemon juice??? Happy Birthday Ocean and a very merry unbirthday to the rest of us! xxxx g

