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Where do I begin with Topamax?

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    Where do I begin with Topamax?

    Hi everyone! Wow, I can't believe I'm actually writing and making this happen. I am very much a closet over-drinker, and pretty darn good at it. I have always wanted to not be one, but I have never wanted to stop. Until now, that is. I am completely embarrassed to mention anything to a doctor, and frankly, I don't know what to say or how a Dr. will react. Can anyone offer me any support? I made an appt. with a new physician for 4/10. I just don't want to let the fear and embarrassment stop me from becoming free from drinking, once again. Any adivce is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

    Where do I begin with Topamax?

    Hi Ready! I feel the same way that you I'm glad you asked the question! I also would like to try Topamax...but am too embarrassed to talk to a doctor. I can't wait to hear some suggestions!
    AF Since Sept. 20, 2010!!!


      Where do I begin with Topamax?

      I was totally the same 2 months ago!! I was very open and honest with my doctor...I had hid for so long...but knew it was time!!! He and I have worked so closely together on this, it has been amazing. I have really kept good notes though, so when I go in for the appts I can tell him how I've felt week to week...sometimes you forget, you know. I started on 25mg/week and went up from there...followed the book. I really read up on it here and on other places online...side effects...ect....I really like seems to really work for me!!! Good luck in your journey...this site is great!!! You're not alone!!
      "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



        Where do I begin with Topamax?

        Welcome Ready!!

        I don't know anything about Topamax but I do know it takes guts to talk to your doctor about this. But your doctor has seen and heard it all before... it's all in a day's work for them, so try not to worry about it. Good for you for making the decision to quit!
        AF since December 22nd 2008
        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


          Where do I begin with Topamax?

          i to am to embarresed to go to the doctor so was going to order online,also my husband wants to do it to but often needs writen confirmation from the doctor as being a responsible adult for his bussines and is worried this may go against him,i no how you feel and need to get off this roundabout,good luck


            Where do I begin with Topamax?

            Welcome Ready,
            I had a wonderful experience with my Doc. I chose a female GP who I had never been to before and neither had my family, she is fairly young and had never heard of MWO before. I went armed with the book, a list of the suppliments recommended and I asked her to prescribe Topa. I must've spent a good part of an hour just chatting to her and going through the program and which parts I was going to incorporate into my plan. It is the best thing I ever did!! My Doc has been one of my biggest supporters and recently she has also helped me to quit smoking.

            Oh and my Doc felt it was nobody's business other than my own so did not record any of this on my medical files.

            I hope that you too have a great experience with your Doctor.
            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


              Where do I begin with Topamax?


              Welcome! MWO supps and Topa are working wonders for me. First time trying anything like this for me. I think you have to be ready and sounds like by your screen name that you are! I have followed the online recommendations per MWO members, discussion with my doc, and research........ started 25mg Topa them increase weekly by 25 mg. I am up to 75mg currently and about to hit 100mg in a few days. I was ready to make the change. Good luck. Shout out!


                Where do I begin with Topamax?

                Thank you to all of you!

                I feel better than ever about talking to a doctor, now! I will definitely bring the book, that is a great idea. I know that once I do it, I'll be wondering why it took so long to tell a health professional about my drinking! I feel so blessed to have stumbled across this book... Thanks again.


                  Where do I begin with Topamax?

                  I am soooo ready. I've been ready, but didn't know where to begin! The only thing that people mention is AA, and that is just not for me, so I've been stuck. Thank you so much for your words, I'm more excited than ever now! Keep in touch!

