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ODAT Thursday (somewhere in the world)

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    ODAT Thursday (somewhere in the world)

    Good Morning!! Usually being the last post, I decided to jump into Thursday on Wednesday evening. I just had to write!! Just to prove that I am NOT so crazy and am dealing with a jerk. Our house is one long hallway basically with the kitchen as the heart. I'm going out of the kitchen from the side and looking down the hall I spy DH coming out of his room at the end of the hall holding something behind his back. He spies me and moves his arm further back. The sunlight streaming through the opposite window makes the object behind his back sparkle like, now I really pay attention. He's holding a 1.75 half empty bottle of brandy behind his back.
    Now, is it that he doesn't want me to know that he has brandy because: 1. I might drink it?????? 2. He doesn't want me to know that he's hiding out in the back room drinking it??????
    Either way this is no relationship I want to continue.
    That said, you all have a good day and I'll be back on PST on Thursday.:H:H:H and xxx g

    ODAT Thursday (somewhere in the world)

    Is it that he doesn't want you to know he's drinking or doesn't want you to drink....I am already 5 glasses deep and it is only bedtime.....thank goodness other people understand how I feel....
    AF Since Sept. 20, 2010!!!


      ODAT Thursday (somewhere in the world)

      Morning ODATers!

      Hi Gelgit - what happened with DH and the mysterious brandy? At least you're laughing about it.

      Ronaldo, welcome to ODAT - if it was bedtime when you posted, welcome to a new day, is it going to be an AF day?

      Hello to everyone who follows. Rusty, you're right about the weather! It's gone really chilly. Ah, the joys of Spring.

      Well, I haven't had a good week so far in terms of being AF - but I have had only one "stupid" night, and two nights of managing to keep control. I think, on reflection, it's a bit too soon for me to be trying to mod, because it's very hit and miss - sometimes I can, sometimes the madness that is AL just grabs me. And I just feel so much better when I go AF - brighter, happier, thinner - so I'm going to jump back on the wagon, and try to get a good run of AF days under my belt again.

      Hope everyone has a great day, and meets their aims today



        ODAT Thursday (somewhere in the world)

        Hi all ODAT'rs

        Thanks Gel for getting us started. What does DH stand for? Presume its your other half you are talking about. He was probably trying to hide the bottle. That's the part of secret drinking I hated. Hiding, replacing bottles, ugh! Another plus for staying AF, must remember it.

        Very windy here and quite cold but got a small walk in. I have been AF for lent and for some reason this week seems much easier. Dont know why, the teenagers are driving me mad but maybe they have pushed Al into the back seat, I dont seem to be thinking about him near as much. He is sneaky though so I must keep my guard up.

        Have a great day everyone.



          ODAT Thursday (somewhere in the world)

          I havent had a drink since Sunday and I feel great about it though the weekend is nearing and I worry about that. This weekend I will be hiding out at home !

          Best wishes to all today =)


            ODAT Thursday (somewhere in the world)


            Rainy here again but at least I got the lawn mowed beforehand. Got 10 people for lunch Saturday but at least they all know I don't drink.

            Gelgit, well.....? So was anything more said about divorce?

            ronaldolover, I tried to get you into chat last night. Hope you are OK today.

            Lonely, RJ recommends 30 days AF before trying to mod. I can't say as I never tried to mod. I'm pretty sure I'm not made of that stuff.

            rustop, you are SOOOO GOOD!!!

            One-way, :welcome: and congratulations on 3 days!!! Keep it up!

            Have a great one!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              ODAT Thursday (somewhere in the world)

              Morning ODATers!!

              Day 2. I think I'm doing this in increments. First one day, then two... now aiming for Three. But first today. And the thought of AL has already crossed my mind. I've got to think of something fun to do today. I've got a couple movies, but, sheesh, there is only so much time I want to hang & watch movie.

              Now I Could clean my place! (Where in heck did That come from??) :H

              When I was drinking on Tues., I made a rather important phone call (not a friend). Now, I realize I don't remember the outcome!! I have to call them back... I'm going to say something like, "I'm sorry, but I had so much on my mind when we talked and just wasn't focused." Oh DEAR.

              OK, maybe that's enough to keep me AF today!

              One way - great job!
              Rust - WOW.
              Ronald - if I can go a day (or two?), YOU can, too!

              I admit Day 2 is feeling shaky as I write this. Just would be a perfect day to hang out (nothing urgent to do)... and...
              Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                ODAT Thursday (somewhere in the world)


                Husbands are a complete mystery to me! Mine says he supports me doing 30 days AF. I'm on Day 18. Says he's really pleased for me. THEN comes home from work with a bottle of champagne and puts it in the EMPTY wine rack where it is now tormenting me??!!

                Am I meant to celebrate 30 Days AF by drinking it???!!!!!:H

                Luckily my favourite tipple is red wine.
                If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                  ODAT Thursday (somewhere in the world)

                  hi ODATs

                  Yeah husbands are a different breed aren't they? Mine announced at the weekend that he would not be drinking this week at all and since then has had a couple of glasses of wine EVERY evening - this does not help me:thanks:

                  Savvy, I know what you mean about doing it in increments I think to start off with that's the best you can possibly hope for - I know that I was just like that this time last year when first joined MWO.

                  Keep at it guys


                    ODAT Thursday (somewhere in the world)

                    Saaavvvy - do day 3!! You KNOW you are going to have AL thoughts, so find something else to occupy you/think about. Chocolate is good. Do some photography. It IS possible, what's the worst that will happen if you DON'T drink?

                    Oooh, I think that might be tough love from Betty - I have progressed.

                    Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                      ODAT Thursday (somewhere in the world)

                      Good Morning to all ODATers!

                      Everyone seems to be doing great and moving toward their goals! I love seeing this. It is so inspirational to me and gets my day going even more positively!

                      I wish everyone a great day! I am finally going to be able to enjoy some sunshine here in the Pacific Northwest today

                      Keep up the great work everyone! Take care and hugs to all

                      Hello to all that follow!


                        ODAT Thursday (somewhere in the world)

                        Yo Yo Yo ODATs!!! Howdy to all from sunny Florida.

                        So it's Thursday and I'm in the middle of climbing a fence. Behind, I can see last Sunday....way back in the distance. It's a little foggy because I drank some wine back there. But there's a long crystal clear stretch since Monday morning and I'm here on day #4 AF, still clean as a whistle. Am on this side of the fence with only Friday from keeping me from the top. Come Friday night, Al's invited me to hop over to HIS side of the fence and have a couple of glasses of wine. After all...I've been SOO good this week, right? Hm. He's a smooth talker...darn that Al. It's just SO clear and clean and nice on this side. And I look in the mirror and see just what 4 days of AF have done for my appearance and mental well-being. This is the point at which I decide if Al's invitation truly is the more desirable of choices for my Friday night happenings. Or, perhaps, I stay on my side, where things are anxiety or guilt. No worries about having to climb BACK over from Al's side on Saturday with a raging headache and cotton mouth.

                        But, after all. It's just Thursday. So I'll hang out on my side and wrestle this day, only, while I have it. Will worry about the rest when tomorrow comes.



                          ODAT Thursday (somewhere in the world)

                          to all the DHs out there........

                          Dear Hubbies notwithstanding brandy bottles floating down hallways, I woke up this morning yearning for a cup of hot tea rather than a slug of chardonnay. It's day 5!! My bowels are still "detoxing" and I ache all over but my head feels great. I am looking forward to soon not feeling guilty when I can't remember a phone conversation or something I said:H so, I know what you mean.

                          The temp job that I got hired for 2 months ago finally called me with some work: not much but a start.

                          No more talk about divorce until after tax time. It's very complicated and to minimize the financial trainwreck, I'm looking into a legal separation. Finding another DH is the LAST thing I would wish for:nutso:

                          I think he just didn't want to share any of the brandy. I've got a very social weekend coming up and will be offered much good company and good wine. I'm going to plead the diet/calorie excuse:thumbs and not make much of a fuss about it.

                          To all of us that deal with DHs, I really do think that those with the contradictory behaviors really don't want us to stop drinking. Whatever feelings of power or control they might not even know they are enjoying would be threatened when we come into our own, healthy selves. Does that make any sense?? To those of us with wonderful,supportive and happy HDs... hang on to em: they're rare!

                          Let's do the best we can for ourselves (cause that will rub off on the rest of our worlds) feel good and ODAT until Monday. :h:h:h


                            ODAT Thursday (somewhere in the world)

                            Sweaty - ummmmmmmmm

                            Not doing it.

                            While I feel I'm not progressing much, I am getting to a place where I 'm Understanding.

                            God bless.
                            Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                              ODAT Thursday (somewhere in the world)

                              Good afternoon everyone!! Reading all these post today was like reading my own only you guys write so much better than i do !! Husbands..friday coming...our deep friendship with red wine that we can't seem to get away from...its so present in our every day life , the music we listen to, in movies, in our friends my restaurant!! grrrr.....but lonely one i'm with you Im not ready to mod yet.. Have to get more af tonight i will drag myself to pilates and will think TEA and WATER !!! have a great night everyone...

