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i need help to get started

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    i need help to get started

    i have read the book,got alist of all th supplements which i can get hold of easily in the uk but i was wondering what ALL ONE sup people in the uk use or do people ship in from usa,also do u suggest i wait for the topa to arrive before attempting to just use sups,also my husand is doing this with me but is concerned about the memory loss as he has to talk to people in the medical proffession everyday,has anyone adrafinil or olmifon,i need to get started but want to get it right im already anxious about failing:thanks:

    i need help to get started

    Hi Petal and a very warm welcome to you and to Mr Petal.

    I think it's wonderful that you are embarking on this exciting journey together. I'm sorry I don't have the answers to your questions but I'm sure the others will be along shortly to offer advice.

    My only advice is "BEGIN TODAY"!!

    All the best to you and Mr Petal.
    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


      i need help to get started

      :welcome: to the petals! I don't know the answers either but wanted to say hello and wish you well. Try not to be anxious and turn your focus toward success. Just move along one day at a time if you need to. It is said that you only fail if you stop trying!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        i need help to get started

        Welcome Petal and Mr. Petal. I wish I had answers for you, but I don't. I just wanted to offer a big welcome! Look forward to getting to know you!:welcome:


          i need help to get started

          Petal, big welcome to you! so glad you and hubby are starting down this road to wellness.

          I'm sure there are a ton of products very similar to 'all one' in the UK. if you print out the basic info on it and take that with you to a health food shop I'm sure they can get you the equivalent.

          I'd start now if you possibly can and when the topa comes then it will just help that much more (although it takes a bit to kick in from what I hear). I've not done topa personally mind you.

          quitting al and maintaining a healthy diet, nutrition and exercise has been a blessing in restoring my memory.

          all the best!
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            i need help to get started

            Hi Petal, I ship my all one from the US...I am not sure about your other questions but just wanted to wish you and hubby all the very best on your journey!!
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              i need help to get started

              Hi Petal and welcome to you and hubby. I have been AF for 51 days and did not use supps or meds, so it is possible to just use willpower if your desire is great enough. I was a very heavy daily drinker of wine. I would suggest starting on the supps and see how you go with those and willpower. You may decide not to take the Topa when it arrives. I wish you both well in your journey.
              Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
              AF May 23 09 to July 09
              AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                i need help to get started

                thanks for all your support everyone,we have decided not to use topa and are going to try this using supps only and alot of determination.

