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Mayday Mayday!

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    Mayday Mayday!

    Inhaaaaale....exhaaaaale. Am tempted to have a glass of wine tonight after a conversation with my son's karate instructor. The long and the short involves that he is a shrewd business man and corralled us into a larger class package for a longer contract, a few months back. I've, since then, learned the old "kid gets burnt out on an activity in a short period of time" thing. We're ready to be done and, after approaching the owner, feel TOTALLY defeated. Am thinking on just letting them still deduct the monthly fee and letting my son continue his other activities....

    POINT = I don't handle stressful situations well or conflict. The conversation's over and, ultimately I'll make the decision but my body feels that know it. That "man I'd love a glass of wine" and the edge would immediately soften...but then the glasses multiply like rabbits and yaddayaddayadda it's tomorrow morning and I feel like crud.

    Took another dose of supplements and am sipping on a seltzer. Getting ready to make dinner. Busy busy. Am trying to think of it as a bit of an experiment...observing how my body is feeling but recognizing that I am ultimately in charge. Me. Not Al. Not that karate studio owner (and be darned if he's gonna make me break my planned 5 AF days goal).

    Send some AF vibes my way, friends...I could use them!

    Mayday Mayday!

    I'm sending you some yoga !!! Im AF tonight home with my 17 years old daughter who has a broken hang in there you will be so happy in the morning...


      Mayday Mayday!

      Hey, Yogamomma. Don't drink over it... although I know you are tempted. He isn't worth it.

      I will tell you a little story about taking my daughter who is 3 to one of her school friends b-day parties in Feb.

      Well it was held at a Karate place. They had all of us parents fill out 'participation' forms. There was about 5 minutes of trying to get these 3/4 year olds to do some basic moves. (That was a laugh).

      The day after the party I received a call from one of the owners. She was going on and on about how my little one would benefit from joining a class. I imagine she would; but the way she was trying to fenagle me over the phone - I was getting pretty p'd off about it. I told her I would think about it... she called every night........ I had my grandmother take messages for a week! I finally got onto the phone with her and started to ask about prices. She said she didn't know!!! Can you believe that? She offered to put my kid into a 30 day program to see if she likes it. I asked if there would be a contract signing to get the 30 days first and foremost? She said she didnt know! Talk about f'd up! OF course she knows! She is the owners wife apparently. So I told her I was NOT interested. Holy cripes!

      All of the other parents that went to this little boy's b-day went through the same thing.

      Last week I received a letter from this Karate place. Letting me know that my little one could have her birthday there for free and they would provide the pizza and juice. I can totally see where that would go. I wouldn't doubt that was how that little boy got his birthday party. Pretty smart marketing techniques.... but so annoying for us on the other side.

      There is another party for another little boy in April. Different Karate studio - with a participation form to be filled out. We aren't going. I told my little one that we will be attending girl parties this year only. They should be pretty safe from the solicitors. LOL. If we went to everyone of them it would be about 32 a year anyway. Ugh!

      UGH! Now I would like a drink. No, just kidding. It isn't worth it. I am so sick and tired of people taking advantage of others.... anyway, hang in there!!! It isn't worth it.

      5 days is great! Sorry for the ramble.


        Mayday Mayday!

        Hey there, I'm here too drinking a mocha coffee ... Hang in there! Frustrating when people take advantage of us!!!
        Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the know to the unknown."
        Author Unknown :h

        AF - Sept 4, 2012
        10 days - Sept 13, 2012
        2 weeks - Sept 17, 2012
        Slip on the weekend but tried too moderate!
        AF - Sept 24, 2012 (get back on the headaches not worth it)
        Slippery slope Oct 1 ..... Trying to not give up!



          Mayday Mayday!

          Good vibes coming your way! Keep sipping that seltzer, staying busy and posting. You can achieve your goal! Hang in there.


            Mayday Mayday!

            "no drinking for yogamomma today"
            "no drinking for yogamomma today" *sending the vibes*

            Is it working??


              Mayday Mayday!

              Accountable...I'd bet it's the same karate company...same EXACT deal re: birthday parties, etc. Good words of wisdom "don't drink over it". Much appreciation to you.

              Dcast & the rest of the gang, thanks for the cheerleading. Doing well so far. Finished dinner and gluggin on seltzer. Am thankful for this outlet and for your listening ears (well, eyes I guess).

              My day has been bettered because of you guys taking the time to reply. Thank you and I'll thank you tomorrow morning, too!


                Mayday Mayday!

                Good vibes coming your way!!! You can do it!! What you are feeling is nothing that a drink can cure!!! BE STRONG!!
                AF Since Sept. 20, 2010!!!


                  Mayday Mayday!

                  Sending postive vibes your way too !

                  I was dying for a drink tonight and almost caved ...I mean I have AL in the house so it is VERY tempting. I cant just toss it that would be nuts ! But OH the temptation !! So instead I went out and bought some orange crush and a bag of chips I am sippin crush on ice and the chips are long gone but I feel ok .

                  One more day almost done and its on to day 5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!


                    Mayday Mayday!

                    Wally! That's a COOL idea. I hadn't thought about the "lost credit card" idea. They ARE deducting the amount monthly. It's not totally to that point yet...I'm a bit of a conflict-hater like I said so negotiating isn't my forte. My husband's going to play the old "if the money's REALLY your goal here and the child's best interest isn't YOUR best interest (Mr. Business Owner) then that's pretty bad because we've got big word of mouth here in town". We'll see where that goes but, worse comes to worse, that credit card idea's an ace in the pocket.

                    Thanks for the vibes helping hands! Day #5 in the a.m. here and I feel STELLAR. Fringe of the weekend so I just said a prayer asking God to help me remember this crystal clean "high" I'm on and float me over the urge to drink tonight or tomorrow night.

                    Good Friday to all!


                      Mayday Mayday!

                      :H:H:HI have a great way of dealing with unwanted calls. You need Caller ID for this but having glanced at the display and seen that I do not want to talk to the person I let my 7 year old daughter answer. She can talk non stop about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING! She doesn't like handing calls over to grown ups either. This suits me fine and deters even the most persistant cold caller! Gives me a break from her chatter too.
                      If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                        Mayday Mayday!

                        Yogamomma;580489 wrote: Am trying to think of it as a bit of an experiment...observing how my body is feeling but recognizing that I am ultimately in charge. Me. Not Al.
                        This is perfect.. just observe. Think of yourself at an amusement park and AL is the rollercoaster from hell you've been trying to get off - you are finally off and just watching the rollercoaster.. you can see it go up and down, but you are safe and firmly planted on the pavement.. YOU ARE NOT THE ROLLERCOASTER! It's amusing from the ground, but sucks when you get back on..

                        Stay strong, Yoga..


                        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                          Mayday Mayday!

                          NO AL in house! The only way I can Possibly do it.

                          THEN, I only have to deal w/demon saying, "buy some, you derserve it, you'll like it".

                          Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                            Mayday Mayday!

                            Blue Sky...that's a riot and I'll try it but with my 6 year old. Even more random responses for that unwanted caller.

                            Fellow "mama"...namaste in return. My light both sees your light as well as your analogy re: the rollercoaster. I'll teach my last yoga class of the week at 4 today and will LOVE how clean and clear thoughts come with new transitions and ideas that have been pushed back by Al in the 5 years I've been teaching. I'm LOVIN it!!!

                            Good call, Savon. My husband's a capable moderation drinker, tho, so we've not emptied the house yet. He's good about not offering or buying and he supports my efforts so we've got a good team.

                            TGIF to all and healthy weekend to you.

