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ODAT Friday 27th March.

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    ODAT Friday 27th March.

    Morning all.

    Have a great weekend. I've organised a breakfast meet up tomorrw. A sneaky way to avoid AL.

    I had two glasses of wine last night and feel very hungover again today. One really is enough, but I can't quite believe that and keep trying the second. Am off on hols next week, but am going to do another 30 days when I get back. I like the challenge!

    Savvy - so my 'tough love' didn't work on you, are you ok though?

    Hi to all to come, have a great weekend. I have a stinky college assignment to get in before midnight tonight. It's only 300 words but I'm just dragging them out painfully, one by one.......

    Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:


    ODAT Friday 27th March.

    Morning Betty, and all to follow

    Went to a party last night and had a couple of drinks - nothing excessive, but I'm back on Day 1 and aiming for another good run of AF days. It's not been a great week in lots of ways and I'm really having a bit of a struggle feeling optmistic about anything at the moment. No doubt will be on here tonight because that seems to get me through. Sorry to be so down. Hope everyone is feeling a lot cheerier than me!

    Have a good day everyone.



      ODAT Friday 27th March.

      Hi Betty, Lonely and all to come

      Hope things soon improve Lonely. I'm sure they will, that's life, its full of ups and downs. We have to try and ride out the bad times and keep reminding ourselves that something better is ahead. Not easy at the time I know. We are all here for you so come and share.

      Good luck with your 300 words Betty, I'm sure you will get there. Still cold here but at least its dry so I got my walk in. Nothing major planned for the week-end, just the usual chauffering duties! Driving late Friday and Saturday nights does help keep me AF free so every cloud has a silver lining I suppose.

      Everyone else big hello and hope you all have a great week-end.



        ODAT Friday 27th March.

        Thanks, Betty - I'm ok. Welllllll.

        I am trying to understand what is different Now (drinking) than Then (not drinking).

        Nothing, really. Except Attitude. My attitude now is... "who cares" - apparently, not ME. Just don't seem to care.

        But if I don't, no one will. It's most important that III care. Again, that vicious circle thing: the more I drink, the less I care.. the more I drink.

        I'm learning. I'm studying! It's weird, it's like I'm observing myself and my thoughts with regard to AL (and other things) more than ever. I'm Hoping all this study will result in ACTION.

        I think one of the big things is: WHY am I choosing things that are "not good"? I Know I'm a good person!! I'm thinking that it has something to do with "self-punishment". Working on understanding that... Need to figure out a way to be more gentle with myself, for one thing.

        OK, guys, enuff w/this poopie! Hope you ALL have lovely Friday.
        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


          ODAT Friday 27th March.


          Hit & run today. I overslept.

          Looks like everybody is on a learning curve. That's good. Knowledge is power. Use what you learn!

          Savy, I know what you mean about the self-punishment. Let's talk more about that later. Think about resentment. The other day DG mentioned that resentment was named in AA meeting as the main reason for relapse. PM me to remind me, OK?

          Lots of guests here this weekend, but no drinking for greenie!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            ODAT Friday 27th March.

            Hello Everyone!

            I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Mine is going to be full of temptations....but I have faith that I can make it through (at least in moderation). Next week is a new week....and hopefully I can stay AF!
            AF Since Sept. 20, 2010!!!


              ODAT Friday 27th March.

              I was just thinking that I have no desire to moderate my drinking. Although I have not drank in some time -- when I think of drinking the desire is definitely not for a "nice glass of wine". The desire is to get really buzzed and then some. I swill a bottle of wine in less than an hour. I guess that means I am a binge drinker through and through. At the same time, I was wondering if any of you can get pleasure out of drinking "just one". Or does drinking one set up a struggle to keep from drinking too much? Just wondering.

              Hope you all have a great day and weekend.


                ODAT Friday 27th March.


                speaking for myself...

                ONE simply is Not enuff!

                I can do it when out w/friends - at home, nooooo, I drink until it's gone.

                Shoot. Guess I classified myself!
                Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                  ODAT Friday 27th March.

                  Well my hopeful comrades wishing you all the greatest strength in your pursuits for moderation or AF.
                  I have been on the forums before but for some reason I had to reregister this morning(hadn't posted since Dec.).
                  Things had been great with my control systems plans in place up until my last post in Dec. but have been slipping for me. I have found lately that like Matt has illuded to in her last post brain is registering after my first beer -No I don't really want to moderate I want to get past that and into the " things feel great state" which we all knows leads to the really buzzed or drunk state on really weak days.


                    ODAT Friday 27th March.

                    Hi ODATers!

                    I am joining in on the self-reflection and learning curve this morning too. Had a couple glasses of wine last night and it made me feel so sick. I am starting back on day 1 and reassessing my goals and plans.

                    Have a great day to all! Have a fantastic weekend!


                      ODAT Friday 27th March.

                      Friday eve blues?

                      oh dear,i feel a bad case of the rush out and buy a btl of wine its friday,syndrome coming only on day 2???my kids are with their dad for the night which means im home alone and could slip and no-one would know?cept me,then id feel like shit?any advice as to how i can beat the urge to go get a damn btl of the red stuff i 'm so badly craving but will know ill feel such a fraud 2moro????
                      "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
                      Bring it on!


                        ODAT Friday 27th March.

                        Hi all ... looking forward to another AF day. I have company but will be drinking my Non-Al drinks. I'm reading a book by Alan Carr called The Easy Way to Stop Drinking. It has really got me interested. I'm not saying I don't get tempted b/c I do, but it passes. Here's to another AF day ... 34.
                        Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the know to the unknown."
                        Author Unknown :h

                        AF - Sept 4, 2012
                        10 days - Sept 13, 2012
                        2 weeks - Sept 17, 2012
                        Slip on the weekend but tried too moderate!
                        AF - Sept 24, 2012 (get back on the headaches not worth it)
                        Slippery slope Oct 1 ..... Trying to not give up!



                          ODAT Friday 27th March.

                          hi annie & :welcome:

                          Do something else that involves exercise. Make something tasty AF to drink. Eat some healthy snack. Read a good book. Go to the library and see what they have on video on yoga. Make a list of things you want to do this weekend. You know, those things that you, like the rest of us, didn't get around to because of drinking. Go to the mall and window shop. But don't get in the car if you think you may stray to the wine store. Stay here and read. Good luck! You can do this. Think of waking up early tomorrow AM feeing GOOD!!!
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

