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new to moderation after 3 months abstinence, help

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    new to moderation after 3 months abstinence, help

    hi guys, I am a canadian, was drinking fairly heavily so went ot 21 day rehab to stop, and did, and wasabstinent for 3 months, mostly feeling anxious and uptight,. now on revia, and starting the program and having a max of 3 glasses, okay 4 but lastnight one, and tonight 2. it is exciting. we in canada have a really difficult time getting campral and want toknow if there are any other canadians out there who are getting it. I have figured a way if you want. do any of you go to aa. I know they don;t agree with moderation but I am doubting that. I am hoping that when I start the campral, I won;'t even want the one glass. that would be great too. I never thought I coiuld moderate and for the last 10 dayus, I have been, albeit having at least one glass. I am also up a cottage so hopefully when I get home I won;t be as lonely or as pressured, cottages and drinking go hand in hand unfortunately. anyone else feel the same? stella

    new to moderation after 3 months abstinence, help

    Hi Stella, this can all be tough but it's not just mental. It's physical. Have you gone through the research posts to get the right balance of nutrients to heal your body and calm your anxiety? You don't have to do any of this with the bare knuckles when it's a physical issue as much as an emotional/mental issue..

    Here's a link to a post dealing with anxiety and some supplements to help in the research forum.


      new to moderation after 3 months abstinence, help

      Hi brunello~
      I only wish that I could get to the abstinence for 3 months like you did. Good job!!!! Last time I did that was when I found out I was pregnant, and didn't really have much of a choice. I am not Canadian, but I'm having a hard time here in the States getting any medical professional to take me seriously about prescribing sometihing to help cut the craving/habit?? whatever it is thats eating me up. Let me know how the camprol goes when you get it, because I'm not having much luck doing this with the supps and the hypno (really haven't excercised as much as I should either??) Maybe tomorrow will show me something I don't think I have today????

      Lets kick this thing in the A$$!!!


        new to moderation after 3 months abstinence, help

        also new here

        Hi y'all. I'm not from Canada either - just Texas. I've never posted anything here before; just been reading your stuff. I've been working on the MWO program for about a month and have been pretty happy with it. Its not a miracle, but I think its really helping me get things under control. I haven't been trying for abstinance - just a much more reasonable level of moderation. I was drinking 2 to 3 glases of white wine a nigt but Friday and Saturday nights were ALWAYS much more - way too much; every few months I'd get really stupid and drink until black outs and total sickness the next day moved in... pretty embarrassing. I have teenagers and I hate the example I was setting. I don't mind if they see me and my husband drink - but I don't want them to see me drunk... its pretty bad when Mom drinks more than anyone in the family.... but my family growing up was like that... I really enjoy the CD's. - they help tremendously. I've been using many of the supps and have been exercising regularly for years. I have 4 kids and a full time stressful corporate job. The hardest part is finding time for the CDs but at least I can always listen at night. I've been afraid to try the Topa and like others here, I've never had the nerve to admit any of the problem to my doctor.... I can barely admit it to my husband and sister, but I guess yo have to start somewhere. My big goal is to cut back to not more than 1 lite beer on some weekday nights and not more than 2 or 3 glasses of wine on Friday, Saturday, Sunday... it may not sound like much but I feel a lot better just keeping it all at this level.... I hope I can keep it there.... we'll see.

