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Day 1

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    Day 1

    i have been trying to quit drinking for a year now. i have been unsuccessful. after a day or 2 i start to justify a drink, another and another...
    a few years ago i realized drinking out in public leads to bad situations so i started drinking alone at home at night. slowly, i have isolated myself, lost friends, isolated myself from family members and destroyed a relationship.
    today i did not drink because last night i had a bad drinking episode that sealed the end of my relationship with my bf of 2 years. but am dealing with a lot of guilt and remorse and other uncomfortable emotions. i feel alone and scared and i am afraid i cant do this. the longest i have sober is 10 days.

    Day 1

    New, stick in there hon. It will get better. Try to stay sober another day and string together as many days as you can. There are medicines and supplements that can help support you that you can get off this site.

    Keep talking


      Day 1

      :heart::heart::heart:Hi New, REALLY, try to find ways to help yourself, a little at a time. I have been through such a LONG struggle with drinking and I find I am really making positive progress. I no longer awaken every day filled with remorse and sadness because of my drinking. I have been stuggling for FIVEYEARS now trying all different ways to "overcome" my use of AL. I have been drinking for 35 years!

      Read this site, it will give you lots of support. Best to you!:welcome:


        Day 1

        Hi New,
        I have been battling alcoholism for 25 years. Like you I started to isolate myself from my friends and family and started drinking alone at home. Finnally I decided to go and talk to my doctor and get some counselling. I also found this site and realised I was not alone with this problem. You also are not alone, read through the posts and let us know how you are doing.

        You will get lots of support here.
        Hugs too you :l



          Day 1

          Hi New at this - we are all struggling here (some more than others). I have been trying to be AF for ages and like you seem to go three or four days and then start justifying another drink. I will keep trying though - and feel blessed for every day that I don't abuse my body with drink. One day - like so many other people on this site, I hope to celebrate at least 30 days AF.

          Keep positive and keep reading and posting - we are all here to help each other. :welcome:
          Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


            Day 1


            You have found a wonderful website filled with wonderful inspiring members. Read and post was the advice I got when I was new here. I also had tried being AF so many times. It took me having an awful experience Jan 27 to say I had to stop.

            Some here are on meds that help the cravings. You can find loads of information on this website about them. I haven't taken any of the meds, but I do come back to this site everyday for inspiration to continue being AF.

            I met a real good buddy on here my first day. We pm each other all the time to keep each other going AF.

            I'm sorry things ended with your BF, but maybe it will make you a stronger person. You can do this. Being AF will help you see things more clearer and hopefully you can mend this relationship. I wish you the best!
            RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

            "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


              Day 1

              Welcome Nat! Keep posting here! Some good threads to get you started:



              And I'm sure there are plenty of others. You might want to download the book too:

              Quit drinking today the easy way!
              Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                Day 1

                :welcome: New At This

                You are not alone. Get AF (alcohol Free) one day at a time and you will feel happier and start to put your life back together.

                Good luck.
                If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                  Day 1

                  Hi, New. I am not new to the concept of quiting drinking either...but I am starting out on day 2. I, like you, will go 2 days to 2 weeks without alcohol, and then talk myself into it's okay to have a drink. After that I will drink for 2 days in a row or more at home after work or on the weekends. I have managed to isolate myself from friends and family too...although they stick with me, at least so far. I was very mean to my sister the other night on the phone, only to be told the next day that she knows I am hurting and to get help if I need it. That's what I am doing...This place seems like a great place to start. Be positive! Let's learn from our mistakes together. If you are still breathing, it's not too late to change. We all can do it...we just have to want to and not give in to our unhealthy cravings...good luck and take care! Let's think positive!

