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ODAT (One day at a time) Monday

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    ODAT (One day at a time) Monday

    Hi all ODAT'rs

    Its been quite on the ground over the week-end but I guess family take over at week-ends. Hope you are all doing ok and getting there ODAT.

    Did not do anything exciting over the week-end but it was AF and that is the main thing. When I first started MWO getting any AF time was so, so hard. Then after getting a few 30 day stints it got easier especially during the week. Week-ends were still hard, especially as hubby has his wine. After about a month of lent I am now starting to find week-ends a little easier. I still get drinking thoughts but they do pass. A bit like the drinking being AF is progressive. For those of you struggling dont give up. I for one dont want to go back to what I was like before MWO, a bottle of wine a night person. Keep going ODAT.


    ODAT (One day at a time) Monday

    Hi ODATrs! Yes, Rustop, it was unusually quiet over the weekend. I hope that was a good thing! I also had an AF weekend, but had a bit of a struggle pulling it off. I thought when I joined MWO in January that I would be AF forever starting Jan. 1st. I was sorely mistaken. I have had some ups and downs, but, like you, seem to be becoming "progressively AF". I hope to get there soon. I envy the ones that start and have such trmendous resolve that they achieve their 30 days and beyond the first time! Well, Congrats on your AF weekend.

    Here's to an AF day, everyone!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      ODAT (One day at a time) Monday

      Evening Rustop and Dill, I didn't have an AF weekend and am paying for it today, grumpy and lethargic.

      Well done to both of you!

      Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



        ODAT (One day at a time) Monday

        Hey all!

        I'm back from my vacation with my family. My Mama, sister, niece and great nephew went to Florida for a week. I'm still AF....Woo Hoo....It's been a little over 2 months now. I'm glad to be home. The weather was rainy and even stormy some of the days, but we still had a great time. I'll admit I have had some AL thoughts recently, but getting back to this website with you guys is helping put them back where they belong....out of my mind.:thanks:
        RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

        "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


          ODAT (One day at a time) Monday

          Hi Everyone!

          Day 2 and feeling more INSPIRED than I have in a long time. I think conquering big urge yesterday to buy some helped a Lot. I feel like each time we overcome an urge, it makes us stronger when the next comes a long.

          I HAVE to keep that in mind! That I will be building up strength as more time passes.

          But for now... It's ONE DAY AT A TIME for me!!

          April - not sure where you were in FL, but we're Very dry in Tampa area... almost drought situation. 2 mos. is Fab, btw.

          Rust - I agree with you that becoming AF is just that.. "becoming". One day here & there, then a couple together, then stringing a few, a week, etc. I got up to a Month, though, and STILL went back to old ways, so I can't get cocky!

          (Especially after only one day!)
          Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


            ODAT (One day at a time) Monday

            Hi Sav, am pleased to see you hopped on over to Monday - you sound good! I was so craving a Gin and Tonic, but have just stuffed my face, so feel a bit better.

            Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



              ODAT (One day at a time) Monday

              This is a good thread for me. I'm just starting out and am so afraid I'll fail like every other time I've tried. My weekend was really hard. My husband and I just aren't communicating and seem to be fighting all the time. Really doesn't make my #1 desire to stop drinking any easier, but hey there's no time like the present to stop -- right? Wish me luck. I'm going to try posting regularly.



                ODAT (One day at a time) Monday

                Welcome Home April
                Welcome aboard Sante
                Well done Savvy. Keep up the good work.
                I am getting ready to leave for Florida on Wednesday morning to see my Father.
                Hopefully, I can forget about my unemployment and financial nightmare for a few days. It should be great. My Sis and both of my sons are coming. Will be an AF trip.
                "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                  ODAT (One day at a time) Monday

                  Sea - SO HAPPY that you figured out a way to see your father!! I'm sure he'll be Thrilled to see all of you. A change of scenery will do you good, not only for being AF, but to take your mind of other stuff.

                  If you're going to be near the Tampa area (and have time), let me know in PM, and I can give you my number. Maybe can meet & commiserate about NO JOB, etc.!!

                  PS - Liking your new avatar!
                  Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                    ODAT (One day at a time) Monday

                    Here goes...

                    What my weekend consisted of? It sure as heck was not AF (I know what that means now). I have been layed of (A.K.A. Fired) since 2/6/09 and have just spent the last 2 months drunk and stupid. I have finally admitted to myself that the reason I was layed off is due to drinking. Funny how if you are not dependable, you are not needed.

                    Friday night, I got stinkin drunk, got up Saturday morning (hungover as usual) and started all over again. When my husband got home from work, I thought it would be a good idea to go have a drink at a bar...ugh. Went to bed and passed out (after blacking out for God knows how long). Got up Sunday morning, poured a cup of coffee, put it aside and started drinking shots of LTD. Around 3:30pm I passed out, woke around 5:00pm (drunk AND hungover), poured another shot dumped the rest of the liquor down the sink, sat and cried and KNEW I had to stop drinking...what an aweful way to live.

                    When I woke this morning is when I found the MWO website and am feeling somewhat better. I dumped all the booze that I had hidden down the drain, poured a cup of coffee and decided that I want a life. Period!

                    I am starting a new job on Monday and I know that I can't be there in mind and body if I continue to drink.

                    So, here is to a new day. One AF and filled with hope.

                    I guess I am being rather selfish now, thinking only of myself and ODAT! Thank you for your support and I certainly hope that in the near future I can be of support to others who have lived a life like mine and are looking for a brighter future.

                    Yours truly,
                    Rise And Shine


                      ODAT (One day at a time) Monday

                      Hi Rise and Shine keep coming back, reading and posting. Thinking of yourself is very worthwhile!

                      Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                        ODAT (One day at a time) Monday

                        Hi everyone

                        Dill - I too envy those who just seem to just start and keep going. Having said that many may have taken medication which I didnt apart from the supplements, so we all make choices. The important thing is not to give up.

                        Sweaty Betty - Hope you are feeling a bit better.
                        Savon - You sound much better and more positive, keep going, you can do it.
                        April - Well done on 2 months, that is amazing.
                        Sea - Glad you managed to arrange to go see you Dad, it will be a nice break, just what you need.

                        Sante, Rising - Welcome, you have come to a great place. Have you got the book yet? It's a good place to start. Keep reading and join in and tell us how you are getting on.



                          ODAT (One day at a time) Monday

                          :welcome: Sante and Rise and Shine

                          Rise and Shine, you sound like you hit rock bottom yesterday. Terrible as that feels use it to help you out of this mess. Write down all the things that are wrong at the moment - health, emotional, relationships, financial, work. Amazing how much of that is down to booze! Then whenever you are feeling weak and needing a drink reread your list. It really helps you see clearly. You've got a week to get ready for your new job and you will be amazed just how quickly you will feel better and look better if you go AF. Give it a go ODAT (One Day at a Time)!

                          Seacailin, have a great trip!

                          Day 22 for me. Had my usual wobble on Saturday evening but managed to distract myself by cooking a meal and after about an hour the urge had passed. So glad now that I didn't give in to it as the Big 30 is in sight now. Had a very busy weekend and feeling shattered today. That combined with the UK summertime clock change means an early night for me def no drinking tonight, I'm too tired! YAWN!!!
                          If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                            ODAT (One day at a time) Monday

                            I'm here too .. pretty much fighting with my husband. Seems all we had in common was drinking? Anyway still here and AF ...
                            Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the know to the unknown."
                            Author Unknown :h

                            AF - Sept 4, 2012
                            10 days - Sept 13, 2012
                            2 weeks - Sept 17, 2012
                            Slip on the weekend but tried too moderate!
                            AF - Sept 24, 2012 (get back on the headaches not worth it)
                            Slippery slope Oct 1 ..... Trying to not give up!



                              ODAT (One day at a time) Monday

                              Greetings ODATers!
                              Been a while since I've dropped in on this thread, but today i have decided I need to pay attention and log in here for some much needed motivation. Day 1 for me again - drank way too much saturday night and spent all day yesterday feeling down, not just physically, but emotionally, like guilty or embarrassed about my goofy behaviour with people over at my house. I wish I could temper my behaviour and not have to be such wild party animal, wanting to dance and force others to dance with me. Ugh!!! Why am I the only one who has to be so crazy?!?!?

                              Dill - hi to you! An AF weekend sounds grand - that is where my biggest struggle is!! I also know what you mean about the immediate success of some. I joined last May and it was so hard, I did 10 days and slipped, another 8 days, etc. Finally started fresh in June and did 33 days. And since then, only short spurts of AF. But if we don't keep trying, we will never succeed, right???

                              Rise&Shine and Sante - welcome!!!
                              Sea - so glad you figured out how to get out and see your dad. Where in Florida are you going? Hope you get to contact Savon for a little chat!
                              April - 2 months is so fabulous!!!

                              Big hello to everyone else on the thread and all those to come.
                              I'm keeping my fingers crossed for myself today!!! I really, really need this!!
                              xoxo peanut

