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ODAT (One day at a time) Monday

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    ODAT (One day at a time) Monday

    Hi guys,

    I'm on day 4 AF and NF and feeling really good like i can do this this time. I think the motivatin for me comes from last Thursday night after a 3 day bender (conference away from home) I drank like an idiot and honestly I think I'm luck I woke up Friday morning.....

    I said that's it......I have done many stints of AF time - this time it is clicking - I need my 30 days....and I'm sick of smoking too - I have resolve, I have my supps and 30 days is going to come this time hell or high water. So today is day 4 - I will keep myself busy with my daughter and my tea tonight and go to bed early. I'll see you tomorrow on day 5.....

    Love and hugs,
    Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


      ODAT (One day at a time) Monday

      Hi everyone,
      Im like you Peanut when I drink i'm the party animal , dancing , which I did friday night !GGGGGrrrrr.. so saturday felt so bad and tired slept most of the day then got some wine since i was home alone and drank the sunday just rested and didn't drink at all!! what a wasted week end , where i could have done so many things in and out the house!!!!! Back again day 2 and back on suppl . and excersices.. Welcome to all new ones and returning one and to everyone great job on all yours succes !!! have a great day !


        ODAT (One day at a time) Monday

        Hi All ODATERS
        Just in from work hope u all had a good day. Sea have a good time with ur family. Rise&Shine u had a rough time at week end but u are still here to tell the tale. Today is the first day of the rest of ur life. I am nearly 3 months AF now. I find giving up something in the new year or the beginning of a new month is much easier, just a personal psychological quirk!! I love saying I dident drink this year so far. There is a new month about to begin so maybe at the end of the month doing ODAT u can say I dident drink for month of April.


          ODAT (One day at a time) Monday

          Well, done, Irish! Has it gotten any easier day-to-day? It's so hard in the early stages it seems impossible to continue. I need some hope that the daily struggle gets a bit easier over time.

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            ODAT (One day at a time) Monday

            Uni - I'm planning on going NF April 1 (using Irish's logic of starting something on the 1st of month, year...). I'm WAY more addicted to nicotine that to AL!! Any advice?

            I think the thought of seriously quitting smoking has given me more motivation to quit drinking - since drinking leads to... smoking!

            It would be really Amazing to be FREE of both!!!!

            Irish - 3 months is Awesome!

            Anyway, Day 2 looks like a done deal.
            Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

