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Here I go

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    Here I go

    Hi and welcome! Big congrats to you - You're doing great! ... For me, finding "stuff to do" is half the battle .. I have been doing a lot of research into supplements lately and have purchased some stuff -- feels good to be doing something for myself in that regard ... and I've been getting into coffee and warm water and lemon (supposed to be good for the liver) .... Getting outdoors in the nicer weather helps too.

    Keep on posting and talking about how you're doing .... Here's to more AF days for us all!
    AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


      Here I go

      Welcome Flgirl,
      I lot of people at day 3 here , I'm there too!! Let stay strong together all week and ready to face a weekend af. Have a great day !


        Here I go

        Day 4 and feeling good

        Sea...have a great vacation. We have had some great weather here in South Florida...don't know which part you are headed to, but I'm sure it's beautiful all around. Gotta start enjoying my surroundings more.

        So Day 4 is starting...feel good and a beautiful day outside...starting to appreciate them more with a clear

        Petal...great for you and hubby! Let's all keep going. :goodjob:

        Yoga...I intend to keep coming back. Love the supportive atmosphere! Nice not to be alone while I move forward with life. :l

        Wish I had more time to look around today. Gotta drive a bit for work today. :upset:

        Everyone have a great day!


          Here I go

          Rock #4!! Well done FLG!!! Am on #3 myself and feeling equally great. Funny how much you notice in your world when your every thought isn't on "okay...when will I be able to pour that first drink" or having to look at the world through hazy Al glasses. Hooray!!!


            Here I go

            I'm sorry that your mother passed away. It makes sense to a brain that is affected by AL, that AL would help. I used it to "Help" me when my dog passed away.

            Long story short. My Dad had been suffering from congestive heart failure for years. He got worse the end of 2007. I knew I had to be sober to help him and my Mom. So I was sober. He died in my arms Feb 2008. We were getting him ready for a doctor's appointment. He was walking into the kitchen. He said he was tired. Mama grabbed a chair for him and he slumped into it and my arms and passed away. Knowing that the last thing he heard was me calling his name has helped, but it hurt so bad. I wanted to drink so bad. I knew I couldn't because I had to be there to help my Mom. I stayed sober until April 26th when my dog got run over. I think that the death of my dog and the pent up anger and sorrow for my Dad was all I could take and I started drinking again. It didn't help me at all. It made me a prisioner in my own home. I would rather drink alone (hubby here, but that didn't help) than do anything with anyone.

            Jan 27th, after months of drinking most every night. I drank just enough to scare the crap out of me and decided I was going to die if I continued to do this to myself.

            You will find my story and others here almost like yours. When I was new here I was amazed that there were so many people who were struggling just like I was. Day one I went to the chat and met a member who had 1 week AF. She and I struck up a conversation on the chat and we have been pming each other since to check on each other. Now, it's not so much to check up on each other as it is to just chat. I hope you find this website to help you has much as it has me.
            RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

            "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


              Here I go

              Day 5 and going strong

              Day 5 and I feel soooo good. I came home from work yesterday, picked up my son from school (almost ready to drive himself), and then we went for a 2 and a half mile run together and he helped me cook dinner!

              After we went for a run, I was singing with headphones on in the kitchen as I was starting dinner, and he kept coming out of his room. I asked him if he wanted me to stop singing, and he said, "No. I like it. You just keep drawing me out here." And then he offered to help cook dinner. Isn't that great! I thought I had already pushed him so far away that I might not get him back. I was just happy that he took me up an offer to run together...I haven't run in months, by the way. :H

              Aprilmoon...your story is so mine. Mom died in my arms too under same circumstances, congestive heart failure. At least I was there for her. Unfortunately, she was all I had, other than my son and sister, and I was free to fall apart after she died. I was already headed there for a year now in between taking care of her. I wasn't drinking every day, but 2 evenings a week I would have a bottle-plus of wine. When she died in September...I was pretty much drunk for 2 weeks until I had to go back to work. Started drinking 3 to 4 nights a week after I went back to work. Then it started getting earlier and earlier in the day when I was home or after my work was over for the day, which is sometimes 11 AM. What woke me up other than what had to be severe AL poisioning this last weekend was I was already getting more depressed and had already been saying now I am losing the one thing I love more than son. I could see it...he was hardly talking to me....Look whay 5 days of showing him I can get back to "normal," whatever that is, did.

              Loving it...

              Yoga....:goodjob: Yep. Life is nice when you are not hazy.

              Decastille...Thanks for the welcome. I am with you. :l

              42cat...Thanks for the well wishes. I also went out and bought some supplements to enhance liver function, mood, health. I am doing a liver cleanse this weekend that I found on the internet in a few instances, so looks like a good one. Asked a few friends, and they have heard of it. I plan on keeping going with the supps. Feeling better!

              Ronaldolover...did you make day 4? I hope so

              Gonna go wake my son up and cook him breakfast now. That will freak him out
              Ha ha ha.

              For all of you trying to be AF :goodjob:


                Here I go

                FLgirl - you sound sooooo great!!! Day 5 - good for you!!!
                Wonderful feeling to get up early to feed your boy, yes? I did that last June one morning when I was AF - I got up and made Eggs Benedict for everybody - the sauce from scratch of course (it really is very easy!!). So happy your son is coming back to you. And you have a new running partner too! Good luck when the time comes to teach the boy the drive - relax and take deep breaths. I went through 3 of them and I am amazed I didn't explode, I was so tense!
                xoxo peanut


                  Here I go

                  Hey FLgirl, I made it through DAY 4....but not through NIGHT 4. :upset:

                  Today I am going to go home and go for a run and work out and hope to keep myself busy so that I can have another AF night. Wish me luck!

                  Congrats on being AF.....I am sure it feels great!!
                  AF Since Sept. 20, 2010!!!


                    Here I go

                    Hey Flgirl ! So happy for you , you are doing great..!! Its so humide today here in Florida ...all I want is water....I'm going for April AF .. Also want to loose a few pounds for the beach... Hi to everyone ...see you all later !!


                      Here I go

                      Welcome aboard Fl, You will find great support here and people who understand what you are doing thru. Read and post ALOT !!! i look forward to getting to know you..
                      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                        Here I go

                        Wow FL Girl. You are off to a great start! Plan your work and work your plan! That's what my Daddy always said! Stay with it... It gets better and better. Soon will be a year for me! Lovin it!
                        "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                          Here I go

                          bestlifeldms;585029 wrote: Wow FL Girl. You are off to a great start! Plan your work and work your plan! That's what my Daddy always said! Stay with it... It gets better and better. Soon will be a year for me! Lovin it!
                          WOW...A year BEST !!!! That's is amazing and so are you and your continued support to this site...You are my ROCK and my HERO !!!
                          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                            Here I go

                            Well done FL for this fabulous start. Keep those positive feelings going and its great to post them, so that if you have a wobble you can read them and it helps such a lot. Great good luck to you girl.

                            "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                            but in what direction we are moving."

