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4 Day Thread

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    4 Day Thread

    Hi All - we had a 4 Day thread a while back, and I really think it's helpful (in addition to the ODAT thread) for people just starting out.

    At first I was going to make it a 7 Day thread... but I think baby steps are in order! Maybe after I finish Day 4? It's not in the bag - I'm just finishing Day 2 & hangin' on by me fingernails.

    So, for all you at the very beginning - maybe still at the point where you need to just get 1 day AF, join in here.

    But this should be only for people with less than 4 days. The ODAT thread (which I love) has people with months under their belts. While that's encouraging, it seems good to have a place for people really just starting.

    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

    4 Day Thread

    Baby steps seem to be what I'm needing. I'm not making very big strides these days. So, what happens in a 4 day thread? What do I need to do, and what do I expect from being here? I still am in absolute amazement that there are people out there who are going through the same things I am.... I thought that everyone else had this under control. Thanks!


      4 Day Thread

      Hi Mica -

      While of course we all start with the goal of ONE day... what I'm thinking with this thread is it will be a place for people who go 1 day, then drink, then go 2 days, then drink etc. Which is what I did for weeks!

      So I need to have a place that will just get me past Day 4. THEN I'll think about going a week AF.

      Just continue to post here until you have 4 days AF.
      Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


        4 Day Thread

        Me too! Me too! Howdy Mica and Savon. Am at the end of day 1 (again). Will LOVE seeing day 4. Am finally feeling back to 95% after breaking my 5 days of AF last week on Friday and then continuing with drinks over the weekend. I'd like to break that trend but am happy with my elongated AF stretches (2 days the previous week). Am hoping to fly by 4 days and keep on truckin but thanks for the motivation for a solid 4.

        Popped a kudzu and some l-glutes a couple of hours ago and haven't thought about drinks . Have busy evening getting the kindergardener ready for bedtime then a killer book I've had my nose in so I'll keep this monkey brain from straying anywhere near Al.

        Let's keep it up and I look forward to touching base with you guys and, hopefully, several others on "Team 4 Day".


          4 Day Thread

          Hi, I was on day 3 yesterday and failed today. Three glasses of wine with friends over dinner, then bought another bottle on the way home, sitting unopened, calling to me. I can make it to day three or four and then I cave, it's been my pattern for months now. Mostly it is due to my unemployment. When I am busy, occupied, etc. I do much better. I like to blame it on withdrawls as well, but I find I deal much better with those symptoms (now I only get night sweats and insomnia) when I have things to do all day.
          I have never been in a long term relationship with someone who does not either drink or do some sort of drug (usually marijuana). I am single now, so I don't have that excuse anymore.
          Anyway, day four is so far the hardest. It used to be day three, so that's progress???
          Begin tomorrow, and ignoring that bottle tonight. I hope...
          It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.


            4 Day Thread

            OMG Rachelita
            I can so relate to everything you said. I have been unemployed for close to 3 months and I have never struggled more. I am also single which I am happy to remain at this point. I really don't need any drama. Wrapping up Day 2 for the millionth time. Will be on an airplane on Day 4 which always gets me a little panicky, but I definitely cannot drink. I will be with my Sister and son, who know all too well of my struggles. Strength and blessing to all.
            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


              4 Day Thread

              I was with my family the last three days, hence the no drinking...
              But it's not always those who know that get me to stop, for a few days. I really want my health back, a job that works me til I become a workaholic, a better addiction at this I believe!!!
              I was addicted to gymnastics and working out growing up, until college, then life was a big ole party that really never stopped. Well, it had pit stops.
              Anyway, the bottle still beckons but remains sealed. Day one tomorrow til day four and then we try try try.
              It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.


                4 Day Thread

                Day 4 is always hard. I think it's that 72 hrs of AL out of your system, and we think we have beat the beast. I caved on day 5 last time. And many times.


                  4 Day Thread

                  Well, Day 3 started VERY early for me - got up about 4:30, after waking up 4-5 times during the night. YUK.

                  Speaking of jobs, I'm planning to go to a company today between 9-11 to submit resume. They only want people who physically come in - no emailing. It's very close to where I live, so that's good. Probably won't know outcome for days... but wish me luck! Really REALLY need a job - not only for money, but to help get me back into Life.

                  Glad others will find this thread helpful.
                  Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                    4 Day Thread

                    Best wishes with the job Savvy. Day 3 started very early for me too, and I also slept like S^%T. Thanks for the pm Savvy. I will call you from Florida. I am sure that I will be able to meet you one evening. We really don't do anything at night. Day 4 will begin on an airplane at 6am. Ugh...
                    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                      4 Day Thread

                      Sea, good luck!!
                      If my body could talk to me on day 4, it would b full f words I cannot repeat! I am getting ready for a bubble bath, hoping that helps.
                      It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to get permission.


                        4 Day Thread

                        Turned out I had applied there Before! Not necessarily bad...

                        But I had already made my mind up before I left that THIS was going to be the LAST day... I could... Drink AND Smoke.

                        Does that sound logical? Not really.

                        Tomorrow is... DAY 1... AGAIN. Sorry, folks. (But it makes some kind of Weird sense to me... can't explain WHY. Perhaps that means it's not that Logical after all.)


                        Back tomorrow. Really!
                        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                          4 Day Thread

                          Congrats to everyone who has made it to day 3! I started out strong...but keep thinking about that glass of wine when I get home. I seem to have no trouble getting past days one and two (with the exception of awful sleep) and then when day 3 seems like I am ready to drink again. Tonight is going to be painful and I hope I can hang in there. I would love to make it through day 4 with you guys!
                          AF Since Sept. 20, 2010!!!


                            4 Day Thread

                            OK - here it is: went to that job thing... turned out I had already applkied there before.

                            Sorta ick?

                            Anyway... sorry guys... decided to Drink.. well.. so that I coudl Smoke.


                            Any case.

                            I'm not even Enjoying this - it's more like... well, my LAST Hurrah.

                            The end.

                            'we'll see what happens. Wanna hear from YOU all???
                            Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                              4 Day Thread

                              Sorry you decided to drink. My day has gone downhill since I posted has gotten really sh*tty, actually. I really want to drink when I get home....but I am so torn....what should I do?? I agree with the not enjoying it thing...that happened to me last week.
                              AF Since Sept. 20, 2010!!!

