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4 Day Thread

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    4 Day Thread

    Hi, there, everybody, ,
    I thought I was pretty hot yesterday, and felt great that Day 2 was going easy... and here Day 3 is going minute by minute. I THINK I'm going to make it, but it is definitely not easy.


      4 Day Thread

      Mollyka, How ya' doon?

      Hey, there,
      Is today any better for you than yesterday?


        4 Day Thread

        Day 4 arrived!

        well, I'm on Day 4 now and stil making it!

        Due to a bit of a computer hiccup couldn't get on yesterday, Day 3, which may be good since Day 3 was probably the roughest, but made it through and now on Day 4 I am starting to feel a bit resolve is certainly been tested though, but at least the sweating has gone away a little and although I still feel shaky and the cravings are at times brutal, I'm feeling more confident about thinking a day at a time now instead of an hour...feels like I am coming down off the flu, funnily enough I have even developed a cough (probably not related) but at least slept reasonably ok last night, woke up not too late and felt much more energy when waking up, my case of the grumpiness still here,though I did get out and about and walked for a few hours to burn off the where to get AL or anything like it when walking in the hills!

        Hope everyone else who is trying this week is doing well..Day 3 was definitely the worst and I don't want to go through that day again but glad I somehow managed to make it through.

        Best wishes everyone, hope you're doing the best you can


          4 Day Thread

          Hey, Phil, Good work!

          Hi, Everybody!
          So, I made it through Day 3 ok, even though I agree, it was the hardest. And, it was really lucky that I didn't cave, because I had to make an early evening emergency trip to take care of my elderly step-dad. I wouldn't have been able to do that on a normal evening, because I wouldn't have been able to drive.
          Yesterday, Day 4 my husband came home from work early, and suggested we go out for our make-up Valentine's dinner ( he was in the hospital for most of Feb.) He chose our favorite fancy restaurant, and immediately I start thinking about the two Manhattans before dinner and the wine with dinner that I usually would have there. And I start worrying..... and then it hits me, just like the commercial "Hey, I could have a [V8!] virgin mary!" And, instead of being second best, that was actually what I started craving. And we had a lovely time, he had his glass of scotch, and I came home feeling proud, but thankful that there was absolutely no feeling of being shorted.

          OK, so now, Day 5.... our Friday date night. I am debating in my head of whether to try a couple glasses of wine... if I can't hold it to 2, I might not be a candidate for moderation. We'll see how the evening progresses.

          GOOD LUCK EVERYBODY! Keep on making those baby steps in the right direction. Have a wonderful weekend!


            4 Day Thread


            can u lend me some of your strength?

            I am on Day 3 today, not AF but almost AF. Look at the Drinktracker. And it is Friday which is my worst drinking day. I will make it again, because I feel really good without AL. (I think...)

            Mica, I would not try 2 glasses yet, only if there is not mor at home.
            Keep us updated!



              4 Day Thread



                4 Day Thread

                Well, almost

                So, on Friday, for our date night, I had three glasses, not two, of wine. And then again last night, (Sunday.) So, I'm starting back with Day 1 today. I'm not proud of not keeping it to two glasses.... but at least I didn't sneak a drink or two from my husband's scotch bottle, which I would have done before. So, a tiny step in the right direction, but there's a whole marathon in front of me. I'm getting there, slowly but surely.


                  4 Day Thread

                  Hey, Mamazum,
                  What's the Drink Tracker? Sounds like something I could use.


                    4 Day Thread

                    Hi Mica,

                    you can find DrinkTracker on MWO page, Our Community and scroll down to Miscellaneous section. It is towards the bottom.

                    I'll post tonight.


                      4 Day Thread

                      Link to drinktracker

                      Welcome to My Way Out


                        4 Day Thread

                        Phil - Congrats on making it through FOUR days! I'm happy to report I'm on Day 4 (FINALLY!). Not going out anymore today... so I've done it.

                        Phil, btw, I lived in Hong Kong for about 3 yrs. a Long time ago. I still have pretty vivid memories. I was there from 9-11 yrs old. Took the Star Ferry every day to school - what an adventure!

                        I'd like to go back someday and see it from an "adult" point of view...

                        Mica - yes, it is about "baby steps". My next goal is a WEEK. (Gasp!!):chute:
                        Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


                          4 Day Thread

                          Well done Phil in HK and Savon19!

                          Just back from a short break to Espania so just checking in with you guys - :goodjob: on your 4 days - really proud of you!!!!!!! I've spent a lot of time in HK also and find it's an amazing place!
                          Well, for me, I did well. As you may recall I did 3 days before I went away, Thursday was a bit manic but then did well Friday (3 glasses) and Sunday (3 glasses). Would also have done well on Saturday but arranged to meet old friends but certainly I was better than in the summer so that's a bonus (good job with the euro being ? for ? :H!!)
                          Certainly the TOPA is now well and truly working for me. Awaiting my Nal so when I'm back out in spain for the summer should be just on the iced tea!
                          Will be starting a Day 5 for you guys to congratulate you just in case you don't see this and also to kick my ar*e in gear again! :lxx

