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we did it!

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    we did it!

    hi all me and hubby succeeded with day 1 now on day 2 feel fantastic although didn't sleep very well but was expecting that'already feel so much better inside with no anxiety feelings but that could be mind over matter,does anyone in uk use calms forte if so can you get in the uk or do you ship in,well done to everyone on adding an extra day'and if not pick up and start again it's never to late.:l

    we did it!

    Good for you and yours petal. The first day of the rest of your life. Anxiety is a killer isnt it. But it is one of the first things to go once you get the chemicals rebalanced in your body after the massive chemical highs and lows from AL. That is what the supplements do. I am sure you can get the true calm in the UK it just might not be called the same thing. Have a look at what is in it and then look around and get something similar. I spent ages loitering in health shops looking at the labels until I found what I wanted - the one I use is called sero-tonic and it is similar. Dont forget the l-glut it is a great craving and binge killer. Best of luck.


      we did it!

      don't worry i have NEARLY every supp going have sent hubby off to work with his stash for the day said i would ring and tell him wot to take and when(people at his work will here him rattling as he walks,never mind all for a better life for us)


        we did it!

        That is great! They do work but it does take a bit of time and effort. It is good that you are both committed to it together - lots of people do not have the support of their other half especially if they are drinkers. My advice would be to figure out what are your key trigger times and at least for the first couple of weeks plan to do something else in that time. Time and boredom are our enemies!


          we did it!

          In the UK, there is Kalms Sleep - it contains valerian root. It worked for me.
          Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


            we did it!

            :goodjob: petal and hubby! I've been away a while so am just catching up on the threads. Am SO annoyed with myself - had been on the TOPA and doing well on it (totally reduced cravings) then found I was getting really dopa on it, my resliance to AL was v. low (obviously a good thing!) but was feeling v.cloudy and not quite with it. So - threw them all away and could kick myself as now have been resolving to SD (secret drinking) before hubby gets home. At least you 2 are in it together!!! Kalms sleep or Nytol is obviously a good herbal start but I suppose you could always go to your GP and get something for sleeplessness/anxiety (you don't have to explain reasons). Good luck on day 2! ODAT! :lx


              we did it!

              hi petal,ive read both your threads,it is nice your both working together at this obstacle,[drinking]everyone has there own program,we can only suggest,what has worked for us,as long as it took you to get to where you are with your drinking today,it will take you to understand how,the modding or sobriety thing takes to do,if your not drinking once you get sobriety under belt,you still have many decisions to make,i myself have been doing this off and on thing for,39 years,i do wish you well,keep posting, gyco


                we did it!

                Petal, congrats to you both and keep at it! I know for me that I can get pretty cranky in the early days of AF, so be aware that one or both of you may have a short fuse in these early days. Take deep breaths and count to 10! It's so worth the effort!

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  we did it!

                  Petal, congrats!! I have just made it to day 3. I am not on Topa, but did receive some supps in the mail yesterday and started those. I have hope that the cravings will be reduced and I can make it through the week AF.....I'm keeping my fingers crossed!! I think we can all do this if we hang in here together!! :l
                  AF Since Sept. 20, 2010!!!


                    we did it!

                    Well done Mr and Mrs Petal!!
                    "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                      we did it!

                      Good Job to you P's

                      I can't attest to any meds. cuz I do not take any.

                      But I do want to say Congrats on you AF days. You too Rol and others Whoopieeeeee!


                        we did it!

                        Hows it going Petal?

                        Just wondering how you're both doing? Keep us posted. Good Luck. :lx

