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    Hello, my name is Tracy I a 37 and have a big drink problem. Vodka is my choice and I drink almost a bottle a day It needs to stop as I feel dreadful I know its wrecking my health.

    I have never even got to this time of day without a drink before but today is day one , I have finally stopped shaking now I do however have a horrid metal taste in my mouth I can do I cant tell anyone about this I so ashamed I have got to this stage and state

    I could really do with some advice on how long it takes to feel better

    Thanks a lot


    hi Tracy.:welcome:

    You will find a find a lot of info and support here. You know you can't carry on like you are, that you MUST stop.

    Don't be ashamed, you are not alone. Read the posts, there are women all around the world just like us who have got into a mess with alcohol. Be strong and take it one day at a time. Just get through today and then the next day. It gets easier and you will soon start feeling better in all sorts of ways.

    If you get serious withdrawal symptoms you should see a doctor immediately, even though you are embarrased. It can be dangerous to stop drinking suddenly. There is a thread in the forum Need Help ASAP where someone describes withdrawal.

    See you around.:l
    If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.




      I don't want to scare you, but I lost a friend a year ago to acute liver failure. She was a vodka drinker. Think of it as poison. It will be really hard to go through the detox, but you have to do this unless you want to end up like my friend. She was 50 years old with 3 little grandchildren.
      Stick with us, it really helps!
      NF since June 1, 2008
      AF since September 28, 2008
      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:



        Thank you I know I need to stop its just knowing how to.




          :welcome: I'm glad you are here. My hard liquor of choice was Vodka so I know where u r coming from. Drink plenty of water, booze dehydrates us. You will feel icky for a good five days, but it will get better. You will be feeling emotions keenly, BUT IT WILL GET BETTER. If you feel yourself waivering get onto chat. If noone is there, post that you are feeling vulnerable and wish to chat. We don't bite (hard) I am so glad you are doing this. :l



            Tracy :welcome:

            I also was a vodka drinker. Almost a litter a day. Hang in there. It will get better after the first few days.

            As Blue Sky said-If you get serious withdrawal symptoms do not hesitate to go to the doctor or emergency room.

            Come here, read and post. This place has so much support.
            AF since 7/26/2009

            "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

            "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous



              Hi cakequeen and welcome! How wonderful for you to take this step. I know how hard it is and you'll be so happy you did. I too was a vodka drinker. Any time of day. But no longer!

              Drink water - more than you think possible. This will help flush your system of the toxins. Squeeze fresh lemon in the water if you have it.

              Eat lots of small healthy meals / snacks to keep your blood sugar stable. Your body was used to the alcohol. Eat fruit.

              Go for short walks - do something outside to get some exercise sun & fresh air. Try to get some sun on you for 5 minutes now if you can. It helps set your body's emotional tone for the day.

              Do some deep relaxation breathing if you feel anxious. Meditation. Hot bubble bath.

              The shame and guilt will get better and so will the shakes.

              If you feel like you need medical attention, do so. :l Good luck! We're with you!

              Stay close by. We've all done this.
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



                Welcome Tracy -- I love your stage name btw!!

                Stay close to the boards, read, learn and ask questions -- we are here to support you:-)
                "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"



                  Another ex-vodka drinker here too! Well, I'm trying to say ex - been off it since Jan 09.


                  You can do this!
                  Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message



                    Thank you all for your kind and supportive words I have made it one the first day in 2 years that I have not drunk I have been to my friends this evening just in case , I feel a lot better after eating too I dont feel anywhere near as bad as I did today although I am wide awake and peckish again lol



                      DeeBee;583406 wrote: Welcome Tracy -- I love your stage name btw!!

                      Its because of my Job I make wedding and celabration cakes

                      Stay close to the boards, read, learn and ask questions -- we are here to support you:-)



                        :welcome: CQ :goodjob: on your first day. You walked through the door..close it and :b&d: that nasty bottle. You can do it.




                          Go for it!

                          Try to get through. There is a lot of support here, hang in there, love oceana:happyheart::heart::happyheart:



                            Hi CakeQueen!

                            :welcome:While my choice of drink in the very near past has been wine, when I drank hard liquor it was Vodka. Former friends of mine and I would do shot after shot. We wouldn't even mix it. I am so thankful I broke that I need to overcome the wine. We are here for you!



                              Again Thank you I was so pleased and yes today is day 2 I had a rubbishy t, hats my favourite word lol.
                              last nights sleep though, was up till the wee smalls and then was just boiling and sweating ...not nice however this morning I woke up without the shakes well minimal ones and no feeeling of get to school and work everyone so I can have a drink .. nor was my leftover drink from the at the side of the bed for me to finish

