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    Hi Cake! Glad you found this site. You will find it amazing, I Promise!!

    But I have to say that I'm surprised that you say no one knows of your drinking problem if you've been drinking a bottle of vodka/day!! You didn't say what size bottle it is... but if it's a "regular" size... I'm surprised that you could even walk. I know I couldn't (and I consider that I can drink a LOT).

    Please feel free to join the "ODAT" (One Day at a Time) thread... or the "4 day" thread. It helps to just come on here every day & post. There's a lot of optimism to absorb from others, even if you're not feeling it.

    In the meantime: :welcome:

    AND... :goodjob: on 4 days!! (You're ahead of me...)
    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin



      Hi .. welcome .. and big congrats on your days AF! .... I too am a vodka drinker (and rum) .. (and diet coke - lol, as if that helps) .... I drink/drank a bottle (750) ml a day. Sounds like a lot, but it's quite doable when it's spaced out over a day. Not good.

      Watching your efforts over the last few days has been very inspiring. Keep up the great work!
      AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.



        Today is my 5th day and so far so good I do want to have a drink but I dare not and I still have this bloody headache , The last 4 days have not been the best but when I think of how I felt on Tuesday morning not wanting to go there again ... no way

        I woke up today without the shakes and I actually felt ok happy even ,I am working all day on Sunday I have a wedding show on so it will be wicked not to have the bloody shakes whilst I am trying to set up



          I. had a headache in the 1st week and Greeneyes recommended lots of water with fresh lemon in it. Did the trick.

          Well done. Keep going strong. It is so worth it!
          If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.



            Hi cakequeen!

            Hows it gone today then? Looked at your thread and your progress - :goodjob: on 1) admitting your problem, 2) finding the site and 3) going for it - :wd: Hope you're feeling the benefits of all your hard work. I'm sure for you it would have been a heck of a lot harder - working on the basis of the harder the AL content, the harder it is to kick (? not sure how much that is true?) but good job. Never feel despondent either that it's too late about your body - the liver is the most amazing self-healing organ - get some milk thistle down you, flush it out plenty with water and lemon. If you're feeling in anyway tempted - just log on here, see your support of your progress, see how much people are there for others and before you know it, an hour or so would have passed and you won't even have noticed, that glass won't have been poured and won't have been drunk .... Good Luck darling!!!!! :lxx



              Well its day 7 Its been a manic weekend with work plus we have had builders in our house to fix creaking floors Whoop Whoop it no longer sounds like the ceilings are going to fall in when the children are upstairs

              DAY 7 not a drop has touched my lips not even red wine which I make gravy with lol and you know what I feel bloody wicked , no craving no shakes no twitchy eye no sleeping during the day before the kids come home remembering conversations

              I do want to have a drink but I want to be sure that before I drink again that I will not continue in the cycle I had gotten in to and B That I stay away from vodka



                Well Done Cakequeen! You've done the painful bit so keep going now. Suggest you aim for 30 days. It's not an easy ride but I've found that it's given me insight into why I drink and hopefully established some new routines which will break this bad habit of mine. Lots of time for reflection and I've lost weight and generally feel happier and less anxious. Sleeping deeply too.

                Life is great sober. (So why do I STILL fancy a glass of red wine? - Still don't trust myself to stop at a glass!)
                If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.



                  Thanks Blue, I has been hard but more on the wd symptoms than the actual craving a drink , I love the fact that I wake up on a morning and am not shaking also that I am not thinking about vodka at 8am in the morning

