Hi Shambles!
:welcome: Just seen your thread. We've all been there, done that, bought the tee-shirt and that's why we're here. I found this site at the beginning of this year when googling Kudzo and was so glad I did. I bought some TOPA from River and actually found it did work but then started to get the dopa/topa and felt that my anti-depressants weren't working so threw them away (madness, I know!) and then started drinking heavily again and secretly so am now awaiting a 2nd delivery today and this time I will stick with them. I know exactly what you mean re the emails/texts .... only last night I did exactly the same thing. Worse thing is on my iphone it actually shows the conversation of texts you send which when I looked at them this morning, couldn't even remember sending some of them! Thankfully they were more jokey rather than abusive but even so, clear to receipients that I was pissed! Like you, I felt I wanted a "send off" and as my hubby was out (usually a green light to me for a bottle of wine to myself) I had one so now feel totally crap and disgusted with myself ull. SO, you are not alone at all. Good Luck today!!!!!:lx