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Hi there, please read and respond

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    Hi there, please read and respond


    Hi there,

    Need some help from people who understand. Here goes:

    My mom is an alcoholic - fine during the day, gets pretty nasty at night.
    I suppose I learned that drinking daily was "normal" for her, though I didn't really start until I moved to Calgary, and met my ex. There, it was "normal" for everyone to drink every day. Started with beer.

    Moved on to beer and red the same time. Not copious amounts, but enough.

    Tolerance built up, but wasn't too bad until my only brother died at the age of 22 3 years ago. Then I lost it, had a terrible fiance (yup, same guy), didn't eat AT ALL for months and drank like a fish. I lost my mother and father during this time as well, as, understandably, they could not be there for me. Sooo...after a rather violent confrontation to the ex, I jumped in my 91 Chevy sprint with my cat and dog, and nary even a change of clothes.

    I drove from Vancouver to New Brunswick, and lived there for a little over a year. Drinking increased...just red wine now. Red wine and I don't get along. Noticed I was drinking very quickly as I was used to drinking beer.

    Up to about a litre a day. Decided to switch to white, then cut it with club soda to cut back a bit. Worked for awhile...

    Well, now, still drinking every day. Like it, but I have done some stupid things that I don't remember. Generally I am a happy drunk, but can get a little sensitive and pissy sometimes.

    Function fine at work, don't drink during the day, etc. But my current fiance almost never drinks, and had a previous relationship with a drinker that was quite bad. No conflicts really as, like I said, I am not a mean drunk...and don't usually get "wasted".

    However, this Saturday I stayed up too late, drank too much and took a Xanax (I also have Panic Disorder...which I know is exasperated by alcohol). I guess I then called my fiances' friend at 1:30 in the morning...why, I have no idea, guess I was just up, high/drunk & stupid. Well...that was definately NOT okay - don't think I said anything bad, but it was clear I was wasted, and the friend said he never thought he'd seen me sober (not true, but close I guess). (There's a bit more history there, but I won't bore you with all of it)

    So, I have to slow WAY DOWN. My baby wants me to only drink once a week. Okay...I'am okay with that. Here are the problems I am facing though:

    1) The only plus...I am not physically addicted. No shakes, sweats etc. But problems sleeping. (Can I take sleeping pills to help with that? What do you think?)

    2) BORED!! Drinking was a huge part of my life, and I enjoyed it!

    3) Worried that I will not adjust to the new lifestyle.

    Guess I wouldn't really call my a full blown alcoholic, more of a functioning one who DESIRES to drink but doesn't need to. I think I need to find some other things to fill my life...and find a way to sleep at night.

    Any help, encouragement, etc. you can give me would be greatly appreciated.

    PS - I am having ONE glass of wine tonight. Is that terrible? Going to go alcohol free tommorrow, but didn't want to totally go cold turkey. And yes, I am able to stop at one.

    Please help me with this process, tell me your stories, give me pointers, etc.

    Hi there, please read and respond

    Please respond to this. I see people have viewed but not commented. I really need some support and answers right now. It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


      Hi there, please read and respond

      Hi Lavicious! Welcome to you.

      OK, I think you have realised that you have to stop your drinking or learn to control it at the very least.
      I can totally relate to your worries about a sober lifestyle with the boredom and fear of change too.
      BUT, what could be worse? Losing the respect and love of everyone you know? Losing your job, your friends, your sanity?
      This is what I would do..
      I would download the book from the site
      Make a resolution to go for 30 days (or more) AF
      Really use this time to evaluate your relationship with alcohol.
      Use the tools like supps, meds, CDs, support here and start to make some changes in your life.
      You have been through hell, you have had some dreadful things happen to you. Maybe you need to look at those too?
      I know for me, once I stopped drinking the depression and anxiety lifted, I could start to feel proud of myself again.
      It took time, but it really is so worth it.
      What do you think? Will you give it a go?
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Hi there, please read and respond

        Hi Lavicious.

        I came to the forum a few weeks ago to get help for myself in order to help my husband, I have learned so much in the mean time.

        I too do not have problems to stop drinking, it is more a case of being bored and then drink wine and then drink another and another... I now occupy my time with lots and lots of exercise, this makes me very tired so I go to bed early and sleep really well. I also started making ice tea with green tea,ginger and mint and drink that instead. Also read up on what foods are good so you can restore any possible damage to your body.

        Good luck!


          Hi there, please read and respond

          You have been given great advice. I can't remember if you stated how old you are, but you sound younger than me. Please do your best to take care of this situation (train wreck as stated above) now. I am almost 53 and I wish I could have done this sooner. I have a wonderful life and just didn't know it while I was drinking. It has been over 2 months since I drank my poison (see below). Has life been all rosey??? Nope, but I can deal so much better with everything now. Do I want to drink? Yep, I have thought about drinking often, but I haven't done it. Am I bored? Nope.

          This site will give you lots of information how to become AF and it sounds like your fiance is supporting you. I wish you the very best!
          RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

          "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


            Hi there, please read and respond

            There is a toolbox thread in the monthly abstanience section. It has a lot of useful information in it. I think it's recommended that you stop drinking for a month even if you plan to moderate. That gives you a chance to get your head clear and to make a plan of action for how to mod or go AF.

            The sleeping will get better as your body adjust to sleeping instead of passing out. Read and post, there is lots of support here.
            AF since 7/26/2009

            "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

            "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous

