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AF April

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    AF April


    I am with you. This is day 5 for me!


      AF April

      Hi Peanut and All,

      I'd like to jump on, too, because April is definitely AF for me. I, too, am interested in what your homeopath had to say about a yeast reducing diet. I've had problems with vaginal yeast for years and the only thing natural I could ever find was tons of natural yogurt and the yeast that grows in it and absolutely no refined or other foods with high sugar content (like wine). Have a good AF day everyone,



        AF April

        I'm just checking in. I'm AFA so far! Aprilmoon, I know you will make it through April, as you have done wonderfully since you started. I'm glad you'll be here, though.
        Peanut, how's the training coming?
        FLgirl, I'm headed your way today! Woohoo! Florida here we come!
        Hi, Sante. You sound like you're doing really well.

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          AF April

          I'd like to join April AF...I will really give it my some know, I go into this with much apprehension...not to say I absolutely won't give it 100% but the truth is I've only made it 4 days since joining in MWO in just over 2 months...I thank you Dill for your words of encouragement in the's what got me to post here!! Let's give this thing a whirl...I'm not a quitter and I'm SUPER stubborn, so I got those things going for!!! I'm in....on DAY 2!!
          "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



            AF April

            I'm in too !! I really need to do 30 days !!! And with easter next week with family I really dont need to drink !! so here we go!! Let do this !!


              AF April

              Peanut - I became a runner in Feb/March 2007, and stopped running in Oct 2007, when I was almost 4 mos pregnant w/ my 2nd child (tough on my knees w/ the extra weight). I loved it. It was wonderful and I felt so strong. I really had planned to get back to running after the birth in March 2008, but my dad went into the ICU & was in and out (mostly in) until he died at the end of Sept 2008. So, I spent most of my time there, and was exhausted by the time I got home (have 2 kids). Anyhow, I have a double jogger stroller and have bought new running shoes (the old ones were shot). I have the best intentions (don't we all?!?!) and really want to start running again (but start off with walking) so I can start the cycle of a better lifestyle again...


                AF April

                Morning everyone - welcome to April 2!
                Feeling a bit bleary - didn't sleep that well, but didn't drink either, and I have returned to the drink tracker. I too love the look of that long line of zeros!!! And I will give it my best to fill it up!

                CS04 - how are you feeling today? Did you stay AF last night? Sorry about your upset with the job, but you got alot of positive vibes from your post!! Things will turn around.

                Dill - are you going to Florida for a holiday? My parents used to winter down there in Naples - snowbirds. Training is a bit slow yet, but the snow if slowly melting - a 3 hour jaunt is planned for tomorrow night.
                Moo - good for you having a complete March AF. And hey - 26 days AF plan for April sounds pretty darn good!!

                SD - I know that apprehensive feeling - I have had it every 1st of each month the past half year, as I always have told myself, this is the month for a full 30 days AF, and I get scared and don't have faith in myself. Just take it one day at a time - that is what I will do.

                Chopper - hope you can get into that nice new swim suit. I need to drop some pounds so I can be a little less self concious in my Hawwaii bikini.

                April - sorry about your dog. Yes, pets can really get into your soul. My cat is 19 and not long for this world and my little Jack Russell is 11yo, and definitely slowing down. He was all excited to go out for a run on the weekend, and I took him out and he couldn't run!!!!! I could hardly believe it?!?!? I had to take him back to the house. Then my BF tried to take him for a walk, and he was still draggin' it. Maybe I overworked him when I took him for a 2 hour walk a couple days earlier - must take care now that he is older, but I feel like I've lost my running companion!

                Sante - look up the site for Wild Rose Detox - there is a school in Calgary, and they have many kits to take, and do have a Candida kit, to help rid the body of excess yeast. But diet is very important, and I think they have it on their website - you just don't want to give the yeast anything to feed on and you don't want to add more yeast. Good luck with that!

                Hi decastille - yes, let's do this. I think we need cheerleaders!

                Best get to work. Have alot to do, plus a lunch run, long walk home from work and a swim tonight.
                Keep Moving!!!
                xoxo peanut


                  AF April

                  Runnermomma - cross posted. I think those jogger strollers are amazing - I have a friend who has a double one, and she would bring her first two out with her running, and I would sometimes offer to push it. Wow!!! What a workout!!!! It must be hard running in the summer in Texas though - I find it hard to run in the heat - mind you, we run in temps below -30C in the winter here, so we are kind of crazy too!!! It's what you're used to I guess!!
                  xoxo peanut


                    AF April

                    Posting in today to say I'm still going AF. It's Friday in Key Biscayne, FL. Hot, sunny, and very windy. Done my little work out for the day -- yesterday I really had a big one, so today did a little one. Had a great, healthy breakfast and am eating healthy. All is going far.



                      AF April

                      Hello everyone,

                      It's dark and raining here in PA with thunderstorms - certainly not FL weather but at least my daffodils are beginning to bloom!
                      I'm in for an AF April, am on day 8 now

                      A healthy weekend to all.
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF April

                        Good for you Lavande!! April showers bring May flowers, right? Well, maybe not where I live!!!!!


                          AF April

                          LaVande ~ great job on day 8! The daffodils in Oregon are everywhere and it's beautiful. Our rain is turning to sunshine and warmer weather for the weekend

                          Here's to our AF April for everyone.

                          I am originally from PA and I do miss the thunderstorms there.

                          Happy and healthy weekend to you!


                            AF April

                            Day 8 for me today, too. Congrats to us, Lavande! LOL!
                            SD, It is the first time I've made it past day 7 since I started on January 1st.
                            Peanut, I'm in Florida to visit my son, grandson and daughter-in-law. They live near Ft. Walton Beach which is on the panhandle. It's paradise! I am glad I made it 7 days before this visit, because I am not stressed about withdrawal or cravings like I am in the first week. I'm not bothered at all about not drinking. I think it's kind of a strange feeling. A good one.
                            Sante, I've never been to the Keys. You live there?
                            Chopper, I've been looking for lilmea down here in Florida, but haven't spotted her yet!
                            Keep strong everyone!

                            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                              AF April

                              Way to go Dill...that's awesome!!! Everyone seems to be doing so well!!!
                              I'm getting confused on where to or the other thread that has the 3 day number on it??? Does it matter??? I just get confused on who said what...and trust me it doesn't take much to do that!!! :H
                              Seems Florida is a popular place on this site!! My son and I go there every year to visit my dad and his wife....we've already been there and back...maybe next year we can catch up with everyone!!
                              Well I'm going to jump around on the other threads and see what's up!!
                              Day 3--whew!!! Tomorrow is the killer...Saturday night, no son, all alone...need a plan, don't I?!?!?! Better start thinking of something now!!!
                              "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                                AF April

                                Almost 2 weeks AF!

                                This is the longest since I was pregnant that I've been AF... Nothing since 4/4! That doesn't mean I haven't thought about it, but I'm glad to have made it this far. Planning to go to 6/5 and re-evaluate then. How is everyone else?

