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AF April

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    AF April

    Anybody up for an AF April????

    Had a 3 hour consult with a homeopath yesterday (quite amazing!) and it seems I am full of yeast. I guess that just makes me want to drink all that wine every night just to feed it. So now I am on some homeopathic remedies and a diet change and I am hoping that I will get this problem under control.

    I NEED this AF time!!!!

    Day 1 for me!
    xoxo peanut

    AF April

    Congrats Peanut!! I am on day 4....but can only take it one day at a time. I am hoping to get through the week AF....but I am happy with what I have accomplished so far. I hope you can make it through April AF!
    AF Since Sept. 20, 2010!!!


      AF April

      Peanut, I really should hop on board with you. I have to get up early tomorrow morning, so I should stay AF tonight. But I just found out today that a job I have been hoping for for a year and a half has now gone to someone else. I am really upset.


        AF April

        Keep strong CS04 Ronald and Peanut too There are better days ahead! Spring is here and you have all of us here to lean on!
        Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
        And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

        • Yesterday is History
          Today is a Mystery
          Tomorrow is a GIFT


          AF April

          Hi Peanut, I'm doing AF April with a couple of others over on 'The Next Day thread' in general so I'll do it with you too.
          Feel free to pop in & say 'Hi!' over there!!
          Day 2 for me (it's the next day here in NZ already - hence the name of the thread!!)


            AF April

            Thank Angel - I saw when you peeps down under started that thread. Thought it was a grand idea!!! I'l try to pop over and join you too!
            xoxo peanut


              AF April

              Peanut, I'll join you. After all, you know I've been missing my old buddies!

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                AF April

                I'm in. I really want to buy (and fit into) the new swim suit I have been wanting.


                  AF April



                  I would like to join you, but have a long weekend planned with hubby, just 4 days when I will be modding, so you may say this wont count as an AF April. But am in for the other 26 days and I have just completed a whole MARCH!

                  Hope everyones doing ok.

                  Love Moo
                  "The greatest thing in the world is not so much where we are,
                  but in what direction we are moving."


                    AF April

                    Hey Peanut,
                    Would you mind telling me what stuff your homeopath doc is having you change and what diet changes you are doing?


                      AF April

                      I blew it tonight (only one glass of wine while out to dinner), but still, I'd like to try an AF April... Goodness knows I'll be healthier for it and will consume far fewer calories. I'd really like to fit back into my clothes that I've outgrown in the past few months.

                      I've been on Campral for 1 week now and have had several upset stomachs, and feel quite bloated. Has anyone else had this issue? Have you figured out how to modify your diet to better agree with Campral? Frankly, I'm having a hard time remembering to take it 3x/day.

                      Thanks so much for being on this board with me. I'm new.


                        AF April

                        Welcome runnermomma - hey - are you a runner??? I am! Can't help you with the Campral issue though. I had thought of going to my doctor to try that too, but opted for another route!

                        Dove - it was really quite interesting, as at one point, he said he would listen to my pulse - but he wasn't listening to the rate, he was listening to my organs!! And he said my liver is weak, and when he pressed down harder, I had no liver at all!!! Strange. Also, that I am a Fire personality and body type. And that I have a huge yeast build-up in my system. I think his aim is for me to get rid of all the yeast, thereby reducing my craving for wine. Hey - I can have all kinds of alcohol in the house and it doesn't bother me - just the wine. Maybe the juice feeds my yeast population, keeping me wanting it!(Besides my addictive personality!!)

                        Anyway, I am on a Probiotic acidophilus and this other herbal formula, for modifiying intestinal flora. Plus Avina Sativa, which I looked up and appears to be oats, but used to treat depression and withdrawl from tranquillizers. Hmmm..... Used as a nerve tincture. I am wondering if it will help me to stay calm, not so "fire" like, stop those "Arg! I need wine!!!" thoughts. Homeopathy is all about getting back in balance, and things don't happen overnight, but hopefully at the end of the month, when I go to my follow-up appointment, I will be doing better. He wanted to start acupuncture too, but he is going away for 10 days, and says treatment for addiction through acupuncture has to be continuous, so we will start that in May.

                        Gotta try something, as clearly, I need help!! Just gotta stick to the diet of course, not really a diet, just some Do's and Don't. No AL or bread or any yeast products, no cheese or peanuts (my two favorite foods) and no red meat or red potatoes. Much like the Candida diet I have done many times with the Wild Rose herbal detox.

                        Are you thinking of trying some homeopathic approach?

                        Off to learn some meditation techniques! (my homeopath doc wants to teach me to meditate too, but I don't have the $300 for that at the mo!)

                        April 1 almost done! Yay!
                        xoxo peanut


                          AF April

                          I'm in for an AF April. It was last April that I started back drinking after I was AF since January. My precious dog got run over and I bought a bottle of my rum and drank on and off (binge drinking) until Jan 28th. So April is special for me to get thru. (Thus my name)

                          Guess what??? All the sadness that I had and drinking for months didn't bring my dog back. I miss her still, but I'm not gonna drink.

                          I am proud to say that I have been AF since Jan 28th thanks to the support of my husband and this website!!!!:thanks::thanks::thanks:
                          RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

                          "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


                            AF April

                            Hi April.
                            I had to put my dog down 18 mths. ago (old age really), and i miss him too. Great job on your af time, and hang in there. They are the best companions aren't they? and all the adventures we have with them........Beautiful memories.
                            Stay strong...................G.

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              AF April

                              Guitarista;584706 wrote: Hi April.
                              I had to put my dog down 18 mths. ago (old age really), and i miss him too. Great job on your af time, and hang in there. They are the best companions aren't they? and all the adventures we have with them........Beautiful memories.
                              Stay strong...................G.
                              Ah thanks! Yes them little buggers can really get inside your heart. I still have my other dog. She is soon to be 12 years old and still acts like a puppy. Thank goodness for the most part she does not chase cars when she is outside. You have a great day!
                              RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

                              "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy

