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Finit withis Shidnit

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    Finit withis Shidnit

    I'm done. Finit as in finished. No liquor left in the house.

    Got my grab bag of nutrient love by my side.

    Have a rough day ahead--hopefully the wild ride won't begin until 11:30 tonight when I finally get home from work and try to sleep through the remainder of Day 1.

    I was gonna cut back, but fuggit.. All in. And I'm sure it's gonna be ugly. That gives me about 4 days before work Monday. Hopefully the worst will have passed.

    Challenges: Getting through work tomorrow feeling loony and likely sleep-deprived (hopefully driving won't be an issue; look at the pretty colors and little blue men in the street!), avoiding that trip to the LQ, keeping up on maintaining healthy sugar levels

    Thanks to everybody who slapped me into action yesterday. I knew I was gonna do something, which is why I'm here.

    I'll keep you posted as to how this unfolds. I'll see you on the other side, Sobriety.

    Finit withis Shidnit

    I tend to agree with Brittz . . .

    Finit, your decision sounds good but from your last post I tend to agree with Brittz "Depending on what type of a drinker you are . . . . "

    Keeping busy will help alot and if you can't sleep, perhaps visit MWO.

    Others here as well would suggest Putting a Plan in place first. Have you got a Plan?

    What about withdrawal? Do you have anyone who can be with you (while not drinking)?

    Please be Safe on this one . . . . :l

    Let us know how it goes each day . . . .

    I'll keep you in my prayers.

    ps, perhaps you should read the threadS from your last post (in General Discussions).


      Finit withis Shidnit

      I know what I'm in for. Last time I went through this in '07, I was REALLY screwed up before I quit. The very next day after binging I was throwing up everything with a rush of blood at the end. I imagine that was an ulcer.

      People will be home with me during the weekend, and I'll ask my wife to keep an eye on me. Last time though, I wasn't eating right, if at all, was living alone, had no vitamins, no job, nothing to stop me from being an alcohol machine. I was drinking anything I felt like drinking back then, whether it was brandy, or tequila, or corona, or absolut. I was not nearly as "moderated"-if-you-will, as I am now. I'm not to afraid. But I've always been afraid enough to avoid coming down off of it this time. Maybe it is because of those memories of the past. I think I went psychotic for a few days. Didn't know I was screwing with my sugar levels so much until I started researching alcoholism.

      So yeah. The plan is to stop drinking, hug my wife and kids, religiously pop the pile of pills I bought, and get some rest. Then, back to work on Monday, and, back to living my life.


        Finit withis Shidnit

        Keep in mind you've got a lot of people behind you here who really want you to succeed. There are many horror stories if you don't believe this is important to do NOW! I just left a memorial service for a dear friend who died of stomach cancer, and I'm so broken up about it all I can think of is paying attention to my health for the rest of my days. Call out for help anytime you need it, and remember, this too shall pass, and you should never have to face it again. Hang in there, baby!
        Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
        awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


          Finit withis Shidnit

          Hey Finit, Hey Rubes . . .

          Fin, thanx for responding so quickly, Good you have family members with you and a plan! YOU CAN DO IT!

          Rubes, I am so sad to hear abt. your friend, I totally know how you feel. (My uncle and my dad - it was horrible to watch and not be able to do anything).

          Prayers for you both . . . :l


            Finit withis Shidnit

            I understand how you feel Rubes and Polaryzed. Just last November my dad died. He drank heavy as long as I can remember, then had an aneurysm and a few strokes at 48. He was also diagnosed with cirrhosis and alcoholic hepatitis, but didn't stop drinking. His life had turned to a shambles and he decided to end it by overdosing on tylenol. I certainly don't want to experience anything like all of that! And he drank beer though, so at the rate I've been going, I have been worse with these volumes of liquor.

            I feel pretty good so far. I made sure to eat a good breakfast and just had a granola bar. I think those pills are really helping to stave of the discomfort that starts to set in around now. I finished off the little bit that I had this morning at 10am, so I expect that at 10pm by body will start to realize I'm not gonna feed it anymore. I imagine it'll be a rough night of tossing and turning.

            I wonder how much melatonin is too much, because the dosage on the bottle didn't do much for me the one time I tried it. But then, I'm taking seratonin now which promotes sleep, and I wasn't taking it last time I tried the melatonin. Maybe I should take Britt's advice and get Unisom just in case. I want to make sure I get my sleep tonight.


              Finit withis Shidnit

              Hey, finit,
              A nurse friend of mine told me that with melatonin, less is more. She recommended trying a third of a mg, not the three mgs that the pills usually come in. I've been cutting the 3 mgs in quarters and atking only one quarter, and find it helps ALOT better than a whole pill. This is what I've come to after years of taking Ambien. Hope this info helps you, too. It is hard for folks like us to actually GET the idea of less is more.... Good luck this weekend. We are here for you!


                Finit withis Shidnit

                Hi Finit,
                I want to wish you the best going thru these next several days especially....
                Try to do some exercise to tire yourself out; that will help with the sleeping. Also, try not to think about having problems and maybe you won't have any. The truth is, no matter what, you will be feeling much better very soon and look back on this as your history.....
                I'll be sending good throughts your way. Krigs
                "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                  Finit withis Shidnit

                  Wow mica thanks! I never woulda thought... I'll give it a shot.. if it doesn't work i'm gonna get serious with benadryl or something.

                  Thanks Krigs. It's kind of odd. Usually by now I'd already have had a couple more swigs to get through the day, but I feel great so far. I know it takes time, but those supplements have me feelin good. I figured I'd be getting all jittery and draggin' my ass already.

