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AF April 3

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    AF April 3

    Greetings April AFers!

    I feel so good this morning. Slept well without any sleep aid, but was feeling super tired last night, although that doesn't mean i will fall asleep. Not sure if one of the homeophath things I am taking is helping with my insomnia problem. But really, no desire to drink last night at all!!! One of the things I am taking is Lachesis Mutus. When I look these things up, it seems they are meant to treat other things, but one site said that this one (has small quantity of the snake venom in it!!!) is used to treat alcoholism. Not sure how it works, and not sure where to find out - but if it works to take away cravings, then I'm all for it! Still on the All One Powder, but when it is gone, I might switch to a good quality multi vitamin. We'll see...

    Anybody read Chris Prentiss' book The Alcohol and Addition Cure? I am reading it now - interesting and a great alternative way of thinking about AL dependency. Heal what is causing us to turn to AL, rather than saying that AL is the problem. Must contemplate this a bit more, as I really can't think of anything that I am covering up or dealing (not dealing) with through drinking a litre of wine a night!!!

    So bring on April 3, day 3 - gotta go for a 3hour hike tonight then probably to a bar, but I may bow out or if necessary, have an AF beer while there for a short time.

    How is everybody else doing this fine April day????
    Caiu for now!
    xoxo peanut

    AF April 3

    Hey Peanut ~

    I am right there with you on no AL for the last three days. Well, for me day 3 just started, but no plans to drink this weekend.

    It sounds like your homeopath is wonderful. I may have to check out this route for my own health needs. I do have a question for you. I have not tried the All-One. I am assuming this is used over a multi-vitamin? I am taking a nutrition class and we just got done covering toxic levels of vitamins. I don't want to over do it. Should I just stick with my multi?

    A three hour hike??? That is wonderful! I have been working out last few days as well, and I am starting to feel great. I may try a hike this weekend, but not sure if I am up for 3 hours :H

    Thanks for the tip on the book. I am an avid reader so I may just have to check this on out once my pile of books completed goes down

    Glad you are doing so well and keep up the great work. :goodjob: Onward and upward this fine April day!


      AF April 3

      Hi Peanuts , Chopper
      Day 3 for me too and feeling great ! Its raining here in Florida but much needed ! I'm really focus on this April AF and ready to face this week end ! Yoga tonight !! I have so many projects that I'm doing also ..CLoset cleaning (did one last night) my new painting by numbers ( hard..) getting ready for beach wear lots of work out and good healthy eating !! I need to read this book you mention peanuts.. I also have the book "the easy way to stop drinking " by alan carr , which I just need to finish the last chapter.. Have a great day , happy friday AF ..Ill be back later


        AF April 3

        Hi to Everyone,
        AF for me since March 30 and feeling fine. Did a nice little work out here on the boat this morning. We were on shore yesterday and walked and walked, so it was aerobics today. I'm reading a book by James Nelson. Not for everyone, I would guess, but he makes a really strong case for alcoholism as a disease that, for me, is very, very helpful. Hey, I know lots of folks with diseases and they "manage" them, so why shouldn't not drinking? I'm sticking to seltzer, decaf coffee, and tea...and yesterday had a diet coke (first in about six months) plus a nice cool ice tea. Not bad at all!!!
        Have a great day to all of you,



          AF April 3

          Hey Peanut, Chops, DE, SANTE--
          I'm with you...Day 3 far as the All One Powder goes....SO NASTY!!!! I'm doing a multi vitamin instead....why can't alcohol taste like that!!!! I need to start some sort of all sound like it does wonders for you!!! I know I'll be back on later....I take my son to see his dad I'll be all alone...on a Friday....yikes....I'd go to my parents, but they like to drink a LOT of wine!! So...happy AF Friday...I find popsickles help me through the nights????
          "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



            AF April 3

            Thanks SD for the your input on the All One. I believe I will just stick to my multi! Exercise has certainly helped me over the last couple of days. I like the idea of popsicles. I may have to give that a try myself. Stay strong tonight. You can do this. We are all cheering for you~


              AF April 3

              Popsickles - good idea, I'm gonna try that. Good luck on your own tonight - I know that is when i like to drink alot of wine! But no more!!!!!!!! Maybe you need to get a paint-by-numbers too - it would sure keep you occupied! i think i will start a jigsaw puzzle.

              All One Powder, I mix with OJ - gulp it down with the other pills being taken and it really is not so bad.

              Living on a boat Sante?? Wow - that's a different kind of life! How big is this boat??

              Off to the gym with me!
              xoxo peanut


                AF April 3

                My hubby is liking his ice cream every night for a treat!! Peanut we were born in Saskatchewan!!
                Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the know to the unknown."
                Author Unknown :h

                AF - Sept 4, 2012
                10 days - Sept 13, 2012
                2 weeks - Sept 17, 2012
                Slip on the weekend but tried too moderate!
                AF - Sept 24, 2012 (get back on the headaches not worth it)
                Slippery slope Oct 1 ..... Trying to not give up!



                  AF April 3

                  I moved to Saskatoon about 10 years ago from Wpg - so I never did escape the deep freeze!!! maybe I need to keep moving west, to at least get the Chinooks!!!


                    AF April 3

                    try putting All in one ,with l-glutamine , lots of ice , orange juice mix it all in a blender et voila,, nice cold drink !! you can add a banada or any fruits that is around!! just an idea!! you wont taste the powder at all!!


                      AF April 3

                      Decastille ~ that sounds like a very refreshing drink. I love to make smoothies and stuff. Now, I may have to give the All One a try!


                        AF April 3

                        Good Breakfast!!


                          AF April 3

                          Well I think I've made it through day 3 ok....I'm going to take my vitamins and get my pj's on. grab a popsickle and go watch some tv in bed...I know...CRAZY Friday night fun!!!! No wait...I could be stumbling around here drunk by myself, banging into walls, only to find myself lying on the bathroom floor at 3AM wondering how I got there with my pj bottoms around the ankles!! Sorry for the visual....just needed the reminder as to why the lemon water, vitamins, and popsickles are the better choice....oh I just hate myself that I was ever even like that!!!!
                          "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."


