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Hi! Just Re-Introducing Myself ...

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    Hi! Just Re-Introducing Myself ...

    Hi to everyone, I have been away from this site for a while - actually, not away, still reading but not posting! I had started the program quite a few months ago and was doing really well, got complacent and well... the rest is history as they say. I was on the full program and decided that I was so good at this, I didn't need to take the Topa or follow the plan anymore. Well, I can't say I have ended up back at square one (one or two bottles of wine a night) as I have gotten it down a bit, BUT, I'm still not happy with the way I can wake up in the night feeling so hellish, mentally and physically. I am not there 100% for my children and husband and I want to get to the stage where I can have a glass or two of wine now and again and be done with it. Will that ever be possible? Are there just some people who can do that and some people who can't? Am I better just cutting out wine from my life altogether? The last option would be very difficult as hubby drinks as much as I do, but he doesn't seem to have any conscience about it. Wine and drinking is very much part of our lifestyle as we have a small vineyard and are starting to produce our own wine. It's just the done thing here in South Australia - you drink wine, it's wine country...

    Can I just add that this new site is pretty AWESOME! It is such a fantastic site with fantastic people willing to be honest and tell their stories, therefore enabling others in the same boat to not feel so much that they are "the only ones". Also, the side-serve of humour is an absolute riot! I am loving THE KANGA ...... his ingenuity, masterfullness, humour with a touch of office romance thrown in is rivetting (no pun intended Tawnyfrog - the perfect side-kick in this cyber sit-com!!)

    Hi! Just Re-Introducing Myself ...

    Welcome Back Annie

    Sounds like though you've had a little relapse you've come back at the right time. You're right - I'm newish here but this is a great community. Getting back on the supps, the exercise and CDs will help as will hanging out with the good people here.
    Trish In Omaha

    Shepard James 'Shep' Walker: I think it can best be said..."The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
    Sidda: Well, what about the road back? What's that paved with?
    Shepard James 'Shep' Walker
    : Humility.

    "Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood


      Hi! Just Re-Introducing Myself ...

      Welcome Back, Annie! This is a great place. Whether you do abstinence or try for moderation, I guess we all keep learning that you can't ever completely let your guard down!!!

      Hugs, Kathy
      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        Hi! Just Re-Introducing Myself ...

        welcome back

        Welcome back! It is really valuable for people to share their experiences. This way others know what to look out for and others don't feel alone when they see things slipping.

        You pose some very good questions. I don't think that there is an anwer that anyone can give you except yourself. I know looking at my track record where I need to head. Over the years I have done abs to moderation to right back to where I don't want to be. Its just getting honest with yourself about your track record and deciding what you can and can not live with.


          Hi! Just Re-Introducing Myself ...

          Welcome back. Thank you for your honest feedback. I am at 34 days on mod. I think it is interesting in a profound sense that we all tend to to think we can manage alone at some point and not be as deligent. Me included even in this short time. I am doing well, but in the past with my weight, I can lose weight, adopt a healthy eating habit and excercse, but at some point I get lax. I rationalize that I can eat more, not exercise, drink more wine...And viola, every time, I gain the weight back and am back to square one. I am conscious of this for the first time now. It has helped getting my drinking in control, but I will need to be extremely cautious not to find myself on that slippery slope again. I guess what I am saying, if the price I must pay to remain sober, healthy, fit is to visit this site, listen to CD's, take supps so BE IT! I am willing to do this this forever if I need to. I will not go back to the person I was a month ago. I can't. I am clear on my commitment to myself this time. Amazingly, this commitment is affecting my eating habits as well. I am concentrating on mods with wine and the spillover into my diet is positive. I appreciate all the sharing regarding those who started out awhile ago and perhaps slipped and are now back. I want to learn from you all. Thank you for opening up.




            Hi! Just Re-Introducing Myself ...

            Welcome back to posting. I feel like I am reading about myself on the flip side of the world. I don't live in a vineyard, but I can see them when I look out my backyard and wine tasting is a way of life around here as well. I don't want to give up the vino either, but the pull of the 3rd glass is so strong some days. My hubby also is a big drinker, so abs is not realistic for me either. I also have done the program in the past and have recently restarted. I am doing well this time, so hang in there and we can be there for each other.

            Humor is just another defense against the universe!


              Hi! Just Re-Introducing Myself ...


              Thank you everyone for the warm welcome back. This site really does have amazing power, I can't say that enough. After going back to drinking about a bottle a night again (okay, maybe sometimes a little over), yesterday, I dusted off all my supps and topa, took them and VOILA, yup, I still poured my 5.30pm starter for six BUT ......that was it! I drank it, not particularly enjoying it, finished it then hubby topped me up and it was still at the same level when I decided it was time for bed! I guess I'm ready to take this in hand again! I really do believe in the topa although I now remember why I stopped it - it was giving me headaches and making me feel sleepy. Now, I've got to balance up the scales here - don't take the Topa and drink too much (therefore get headache and tiredness next day in form of hangover) or take Topa and put up with the side effects - well, after writing that down, it seems a simple choice now!

              Geez, what's this strange feeling I've got.......... could it be excitement? :happy:

              When I first started this program I was ecstatic at the change in me. I had energy, looked healthy, genuinely had a heart that felt like it was singing, and waking each morning waking up was wonderful! I'm gonna get that back!

              :thanks: for being here.


                Hi! Just Re-Introducing Myself ...


                Frmca - how funny is that - you must have posted same time as me - and on the other side of the world to! And... I almost picked that avatar!

                You will know what it's like to be surrounded by vines and that world daily. It does become a normal part of life - pruning, harvesting, vintage, tasting, etc etc . It's fabulous and it's exciting BUT would be great if the stuff that was produced at the end of it all wasn't so hard to control!

                Good to meet you!


                  Hi! Just Re-Introducing Myself ...

                  Hey Annie - did you ever get to use those programs I sent you? How are you going at the moment? Looks like I'm back at the same time!

                  Love Jools
                  "The lazy man always works the hardest"
                  "Pride always comes before a fall"

