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Starting..and Scared...

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    Starting..and Scared...


    I am not even sure if I am posting in the right area..I have read through so many of the forums on here and they are wonderful many people giving support, gives me a nice feeling just to connect! But so many choices! Anyway....

    A very brief story..I am an alcoholic (saying that is not as hard as I thought, so I guess I recognise my problem!). I drink, on average, at least half bottle of Vodka a day..though sometimes it is more on weekends, up to a bottle a day on weekends and I hate myself for doing it.

    It seems like during the week I can control my urge up until about 4pm, then I start...and that is weekdays...which affects my work obviously and increases guilt.

    On weekends, by 12, I can't resist...I know I will not feel well at the end of the day, but that hasn't stopped me obviously! This has been going on for two years..I have a lot of other problems I need to address, my marriage, my job which I don't care for, my sense of self worth, etc...I am sure this is not new. But once I climb into the bottle I don't seem to be able to think about these things and so I do nothing. I am sure I can do something about the other things when I am happily sober..I am completely aware that alcohol is ruining the quality of my life.

    I want to change, need to change and now I mean behaviour, emotions etc are causing so many problems and I could be in danger of losing both job and marriage if I don't stop...SO I have decided I will (and I can be a stubborn fella as well!).

    I have very slowly been cutting back a little over the past few weeks , and on good days I can now make a bottle of Vodka last the best part of three days (instead of two) if I drink slowly through the day.

    But now I am ready to stop..and so I will be picking up the supplements tomorrow (Sunday), finishing the last drink Sunday and Monday WILL be AF..I so want this to happen and although I am afraid of withdrawal and everything else, I also want to be ME again (if you know what I mean). My family and my life deserves it.

    So, I am going to start on Monday 6 as my first AF day..even cutting down has led to the sweats though luckily I take Dopareel to sleep (Zopiclone) - (I travel a lot, so it helps jet lag as well which is what I first got it for!) so this means I only wake up at 3am in a sweat half the time! Stilnox (zolpidem tartrate) works as well, but Dopareel is over the counter here. I will be trying the L-Glut as well as some of the other supplements recommended here.

    It seems like over the past year, I have developed some skin problems (excema etc), which I assume is from alcohol? Also it seems, as I have been cutting down, I have had a lot of hot flashes, skin itching, rapid heartbeats and the usual anxiety...guess these are all withdrawal symptoms?

    I am afraid of stopping, but I WANT to stop and must stop, nothing could be worse than how I am now (which is almost always with alcohol in my bloodstream) although I am afraid of it all, I am going to do my best to get back to being myself and enjoying life without 'help'.

    Thank you in advance for all your support and I will check in every day as this moves forward for me just to listen to your advice and will mean so much to me, really.

    Thanks..and sorry for the long, rambling note! Thanks so much for your support. :thankyou:

    Starting..and Scared...

    Welcome to MWO. You will find many different ways that people have found their own ways from the sickness of alcoholism to a path of healing thru this website. The MWO book is an important place to start. I suggest you read that throughly and then stay close to this site. Read the threads and post often. I look forward to getting to know you.
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


      Starting..and Scared...

      Hi Phil, welcome to you!
      You are certainly not alone in the effects that al is having on your life. Well done on deciding to address them.
      I take the kudzu and lglut for cravings and come here and use the support daily.
      Once you get through the initial withdrawals, you will notice after a short time, improvements to your health and wellbeing.
      Stay close to the boards, learn as much as you can and keep posting. It really helps...
      Good luck!!
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Starting..and Scared...

        Hi Phil, welcome to you!
        You are certainly not alone in the effects that al is having on your life. Well done on deciding to address them.
        I take the kudzu and lglut for cravings and come here and use the support daily.
        Once you get through the initial withdrawals, you will notice after a short time, improvements to your health and wellbeing.
        Stay close to the boards, learn as much as you can and keep posting. It really helps...
        Good luck!!
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          Starting..and Scared...

          Welcome Phil. I can relate to nearly everything you have described. Good for you taking action BEFORE you lose your job, marriage, etc. I know it seems scary right now, and it won't be easy. But getting sober is SO worth it.

          I was worried about withdrawls when I first stopped. I am fortunate to have a supportive partner in my sobriety. I printed out the list of withdrawl symptoms and reviewed it with my husband. He kept an eye on me and would have taken action had he seen any symptoms that require medical attention. Since you have been drinking daily, maybe your wife would be willing to help in that way? Just in case.

          Anyway, welcome aboard!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Starting..and Scared...

            Hi Phil - and welcome!!!
            Sounds like you have a good plan in place. I agree with Doggygirl - if your wife could watch and help you out and support you, that would be a great gift. It is kinda frightening - change is frightening. But it will be so worth it. Maybe these other issues which you are dealing with - marriage, job, selfworth - possibly these things might be behind your need/desire to drink, to deal with them by numbing you to them so you can carry on. Just a thought. Possibly, once they are dealt with and you feel better about things, you won't need to drink as much to deal with them. Kind of a vicious circle?

            Anyway, your comments on developing eczema interested me. I went to an allergist a couple years ago, because I get these rashes, hives and itchy and haven't been able to figure out what I am allergic too. My homeopath doctor who I just saw this past week pointed out that these aren't allergies, but yeast reactions (I've too much yeast in my system - wonder how that happened?!?! Darned wine!) and also from alcohol - body releasing toxins. I am hoping they will go away once I am clear of AL for a bit, as I am on a 30day AF goal at the mo.

            Keep posting Phil and ask for help when you need it. There is always someone here to turn to for support.
            xoxo peanut


              Starting..and Scared...

              Welcome to the club.....Dude. Yup got the eczema also. Can't wear pants anymore. I suspected that the problem might be alcohol related. I've been up and down on the alcohol pathway for years. Friday, got so desperate (after falling on my head on Tues.) that I sought medical treatment. I was started on Campral and the rash on my arms started shrinking....Interesting. Dry today. Went past my usual spots with no desire to stop and gulp. I've been to rehab, was dry for 5 yrs. manage to dry up whenever I want to lose weight...Blah, blah, blah. Now I'm just sick of myself.

              It's scary because your brain wants you drunk. It's a midbrain thing that takes over. Everything looks gloomy because your brain wants you drunk. Your life stinks because your brain wants you drunk. Do not delay, get help at any cost. There is more help available than ever before. AA is available in most towns big and small and you'll meet some really funny people. Al Anon is for the fam. Find the right doctor to help you. They can give you some meds to ease withdrawal. You really don't need to suffer.

              Read up on the new anti-craving drugs. That's what got me to the doctor. I'm not going to suffer any more. I got the initial information from this website. These medications will absolutely be life saving for folks like us. Monday, gotta get my blood drawn to check liver function and I'm scared about that, too. But, then I'll know and it will motivate me---I hope because I don't want to die of liver disease. :welcome:


                Starting..and Scared...

                Phil in HK;586497 wrote: :I want to change, need to change and now I mean behaviour, emotions etc are causing so many problems and I could be in danger of losing both job and marriage if I don't stop...SO I have decided I will (and I can be a stubborn fella as well!).:
                Phil, just keep remembering the reasons you want to change and stop drinking. Keep those foremost in your mind.

                Take it one day at a time. I used to promise myself I could drink the next day if I just got through THIS day AF. Then the following day I would tell myself tomorrow I can drink if I just get through today, and so on.

                I have just reached 60 days AF after being a daily wine drinker of about 2 litres a day. I too was worried I would destroy my marriage if I did not stop and I am happy to say my marriage is still intact, I feel much better about myself and I certainly feel a lot healthier.

                I wish you all the best. Pan.
                Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
                AF May 23 09 to July 09
                AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                  Starting..and Scared...

                  Afternoon Phil!

                  By my reckoning, then, it's just after 6.00 pm HK time - how are you feeling? From the sound of your thread, Phil, it sounds as if you've hit rock bottom and you know now you want to climb up so well done for that.:clapclap: It's never too late to change so good for you. The main thing is that you want change and change is what you will do. You will probably be feeling a bit scared OR you may be feeling quite gung-ho and be really going for it - whichever - good luck and well done to you for letting your wife and children getting her husband and father back! :goodjob:


                    Starting..and Scared...

                    Thanks so ready to go (I think!)

                    :thanks: Evie, Startingover, DG, Peanut, Border, Pan, Photogirl.. - Did I get everyone?

                    Thanks so very, very much for your support and very positive comments, it so much does make a difference to know you're not alone from others who are fighting the same thing (and who have won), and looking for a brighter future.

                    Over the past few days, I have gradually managed to reduce my drinking and today, Sunday, my last day before I stop, has been difficult but I'm still feeling positive. I managed to go until 7pm tonight before I drank...(though I did not get up until after 10am!), but most of the day I was sweaty and know the feeling. It is now nearly 11pm and just before I wrote this, I had finished what I had left (less than a 3rd of the bottle) and dumped it. And you know what? I really wanted to get rid of it. I looked at that last bottle and said 'no, I am not going to replace you...I'm in control'.

                    So now I am ready for an 'early night' and to face tomorrow. It is a nice feeling to go to bed and not feel drunk, like I used to so many times. The support I see here means a lot to me and this is one of those things that unless you have been through it, it is hard to understand. My wife does not drink at all and I am tired of hiding it all from her - she doesn't really know the extent of my problems with it (I am sure that is common?).

                    Thank you for all your support so far! I am also taking the advice of looking at ways of changing routines etc to help eliminate some of the habits and I have a few days off work as a precaution to avoid 'the routine'.

                    I'll check in on Monday and let you all know how it is going..I don't expect it to be easy, but I am going to try my best!


                      Starting..and Scared...

                      Hi again Phil.
                      Keep on and on with those positve statements like "I dont drink" " I am in control" it will help to re wire the thought patterns in your brain.
                      Sober life is a good life, I never thought I would enjoy it, but now I have to say I am happier than ever.
                      It isnt always easy, but I find writing down the worst experiences with my drinking and reading them if ever I feel weak. Plus writing down all the positves as they come along.
                      Good luck and sleep well.
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                        Starting..and Scared...

                        Good for you Phil!

                        Well done mate! I was wondering how you were doing! Secrecy is not unusual AT ALL! I find at my worse times that I SD (secret drink) before hubby gets home if I know that we're not drinking that night - how bad is that? After a few weeks of that that's when I know I need to get my life back in order. I suppose if you're also living an ex-pat lifestyle (am supposing as got a brother in HK and have experienced a bit of that myself) - you can SO easily slip into that type of habit. Anyhow - throwing away that last 1/3rd bottle was definitely a step in the right direction. Remember - ODAT (one day at a time) or even OHAT (one hour at a time). You've made your decision so stick with it:goodluck:


                          Starting..and Scared...

                          Thanks Photo!

                          Thanks for the idea of the ODAT and there a one minute at a time as well? Actually, it's funny in a way but one of the things I don't have to change is the expat lifestyle since I am local here, and so going out all the time and drinking was never something I did. Heavy social drinking was not my thing. Sad to say it was mostly secretive or single drinking, like that old George Thorogould song 'When I drink alone, I prefer to be myself' Now there is a drinking person's title?...hey, wait..that means I can go out in the evenings (as a new habit) and drink coke light and still enjoy myself..a positive thought to look forward to. But seriously I know what you mean about the SD (before your partner gets home, or the bottle in the other room when they are there...) and it does make you feel lousy. My SD got to the extent that the bottle of water I carried (which is common here in HK in this climate), was not water..Sad... Keep up your positive attitude, it is great! :thumbs:


                            Starting..and Scared...

                            Great Idea startingover!

                            What a great idea, I think I will have a few sweaty, twitchy moments over the next few days writing down all the bad things I have done or have happened while drinking just so I can remind myself how bad it is. Not pleasant sorts of things (hiding bottles, cancelling work or social appointments, yelling at the boss, being unable to have a social conversation, orienting everything around when my next drink can be, the money, not paying proper attention to my daughter or wife, panic attacks..the list goes on). Reading that later when I am in doubt will surely help!

                            I'm gonna keep those positive thoughts up as long as I can! Thanks! (now it's really time for bed!)


                              Starting..and Scared...

                              Hi Phil and welcome to MWO- a great place to find a new you. The book is a great place to start. Also I have found the drinktracker a help in staying accountable. We are all here to help you.
                              Toughen up!

