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Starting..and Scared...

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    Starting..and Scared...

    Working on day 2 AF!

    Well, I'm on AF day 2 now, it is nearly 10 at night and I'm holding things together sort of! .Woke up feeling groggy, but not as bad as I thought I would, and definitely better than I have in themorning for many years. I have been doing everything to try to distract myself from thinking about AL, but we all know that is easy to say but hard to do. Am trying to change what I do during the day etc and vary routines to avoid that familiarity - I may not know all my triggers, but I know that if I do what I always do the craving will be intense.

    So far, apart from alternating between sweating and the chills and also the occassional sets of shakes I'm dealing with it...though I almost started gnawing my own arm off at one point It's challenging, but still better than picking up the bottle again. Based upon the amount of water I have been chugging, I see a high water bill coming up..but if that is all it costs, then it's a small cost. Still feeling a bit emotionally fragile, but like startingover said, think of it as a nasty case of the flu. I'm going to distract myself for the next couple of hours and then get to bed..should be tired enough since last night I slept somewhat badly (which was predictable I guess).

    Photogirl, I've tried to pour bottles down the sink many times over the years..and the few times I have been successful in doing so in the past, I've known in the back of my mind that I was only fooling wasn't until the last time I poured a bottle down the sink that I realised that is where I wanted it to stay! And hey, pouring that bottle down the sink was a good move really on your temptation! I hope the rest of your day 2 works out well.

    I hope everyone else is doing ok and hanging in there as best they can..even these two days for me, small steps though they may be, are comforting in a way, since I know I have
    some mental strength left in me to do this and everyone's support and encouragement here is fantastic.

    I am trying desperately hard to be able to stay AF free tomorrow and start a new separate thread for day 3! :thanks:


      Starting..and Scared...


      I am in the middle of day two and understand what you're going through! Last weekend I tapered down from 2 bottles of wine/night to one. I felt way worse from that than I do from going from one bottle to nothing! You will start to feel better in a few days at the most-you are doing a GREAT job! Just focus on the positives, the fact that you will feel great AF-you'll sleep well, have better energy and not be dominated by AL. Think of yourself as being RELEASED from a very real kind of tyranny, as opposed to feeling deprived (I am talking to myself here, I think!)

      Keep up the good work. Feel free to PM me any time. I'm going to hang in there this time.



        Starting..and Scared...

        Hey Phil and Crazyforwine,

        I am glad to hear that you guys are making it okay. Just remember that if you don't make it as far as you want to completeley are still in a better place than where you used to be. I have to remind myself of that because I tend to get disappointed in myself, but I have to remember that I have come so far from the old me. Good luck to everyone and I hope we all make it to day 3!! :l
        AF Since Sept. 20, 2010!!!

