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AF April 5

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    AF April 5

    Morning April Peeps,

    Made it through day 4 for the first time since early January - some cravings of course, but I did not drink, and am soooo happy for that. I am tired though - the old night owl here was up late again, Blazing Saddles this time. And waiting and wondering where my son was. I think I fell asleep at 3am and he still wasn't home. I do worry!!!!!

    I look forward to hearing how everybody did and I do believe it was a successful saturday, but for now, I think I will try get a bit more sleep - 5 hours is just not cutting it, and I don't want to have to nap again and have another drunk dream! (it was such a relief to wake up and realize it was just a dream. Phew!)

    Have a super sunday everyone! Will check in later.
    xoxo peanut

    AF April 5

    Well done Peanut!!!

    Well done peanut! Weekends are the worse. I can't even go there at the moment, too scared so I really admire you!! I'm aiming for Mon-Thurs YET AGAIN and then being a MOD F,S,S girl. Am now on Day 5 of TOPA and hopefully it's now taking effect. Hubby was away Friday, Saturday and is back today so unfortunately I had a session Friday and Saturday which I'm feeling crap about myself now. Hope you managed to get some sleep!!!! xxx


      AF April 5

      Hey there Peanut--Sorry to here about your son...those darn kids!! I know I look back and feel so bad at the sleepless nights I'm sure I caused my mother!! Being a mom is the hardest job I could love!! I'm right with you on day 5...I've never got past this one!!! Or was it day 4??? I can't remember if I made it to day for or made it past day 4...either way I KNOW I've never been past day 5!! So get some rest and we'll check in laster! Happy Sunday!
      Photo--Sorry about your weekend--just get right back on board...I'm on topa too...I think you'll like it once you give it a chance and it gets a chance to work into your system...I love it!!! Weekend hard...and even hard if you are alone!!! We're here for ya!!
      "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



        AF April 5

        Great Job!

        Just before I go to bed, wanted to say well done, I am hoping that by next Friday..(which is Good Friday, unless I am totally screwed up) both of us will have something Good to think about personally as well as perhaps spiritually! Sounds like you're really moving forward and that's are 4 days ahead of me and if I know someone else is working hard it just a few days ahead of me, then that is an inspiration - I know it is possible! As Photogirl said to me, one day at a time, one hour at a time..but always a step forward.

        And if you're going to be up late, then Blazing Saddles isn't a bad choice (unless you are eating beans when watching it! :H


          AF April 5

          Pnut and SD! I am so happy for you guys! Woo-hoo! I wish I had time to write more, but as you know, I'm having a hard time accessing internet due to vacationing. The hotel we are at has wireless, but their internet keeps dropping out! I am so frustrated with it!

          Photo, Phil, and everyone else, keep on going. Stay strong.

          Quick story: I was at the beach yesterday and someone bought me a strawberry daquiri. My son handed it to me and I almost put my lips on the straw. I stopped. I handed it back and said thanks, but, no thanks. Day 10 today!

          Hi CatBelle, if you check in. I'll write a bit more when I'm on home turf.

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            AF April 5

            Hey Gang- good job everybody!

            Dill - stopped just in the nick of time, eh?? Get them to make you a virgin daquiri instead - probably taste just the same.

            Photo - I have been just the same as you - I can get some AF time in during the week, but come weekends - wham-o - back to swilling wine as per usual. Just couldn't get past it. I think I did one weekend in early January, so this has been my first since then. It is soooo hard, as it is simply what we do!! Well - I'm still staying up late, just drinking tea, soda and cranberry or AF beer instead. Now I have to teach myself to go to bed earlier on the weekends (it's ingrained in me to stay up late!) so I can get up and be more productive in the mornings. So you - try again next weekend, and I will too.

            SD - I swear my mother never slept during me and my sibs whole childhoods (and there were 8 of us!). No matter what time it was, she knew who was stumbling in the door and could keep track of the last one, to tell us to lock the door. Amazing.

            Hey Phil - let's stick together in this. We'll make it to Good Friday and have something good to celebrate (AF of course!!) - that will be my day 10 if everything goes as planned.

            Dinner time! I seem to be so hungry all the time this past few days!
            xoxo peanut


              AF April 5

              hey peanut .was up early so happy and so full off energy...ready to star the tread...then drama..this time not by me or my drinkin since i wasn't but but hubby ...but he got busted in a lie not be me but by my 17 year old he was the one telling me this week he was there to support me..yeah right///// i have to do this on my on...

