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    hmmmm the joy of alcoholism..... i've detoxed far too many times but i'm on my own this time and it scares the crap out of me if anyone has any suggestions i'd appreciate it


    Get some L-glut, kudzu, chromium picolate, thiamin, niacin, milk thistle, magnesium, GABA, 5-HTP, and vitamin B12.

    All of these have been mentioned on here as really good in helping to recover physiologically. If not all of them, I'd get the L-glut, GABA, and milk thistle at the very least. All of these help to bring your brain back into balance and reestablish liver health.

    Drink LOTS of water, and eat frequent snacks that are rich in complex carbs. AVOID simple sugars and caffeine for awhile. Eat lots of fruit.

    I was scared too, just last Wednesday. I found there was nothing to be afraid of. Now, depending on your typical alcohol intake, body weight, etc. your experience might be different. There are some great articles in the research section on here that will fill you in on the details involved with easing the shock on your body when you quit. Go ahead and make sure you get a good "fuzzy" about what your body will need once you take away the AL it has come to rely on.

    And of course, make sure you understand the conditions under which you might be in danger and need to seek medical help. Since you didn't mention your circumstances, I dont really know what you're up against.

    Good luck!



      You are not alone . . .

      Hi Jon, trust me you are not alone . . .

      This forum is a wealth of Support and Inspiration.

      Good advise Sage . . . personally I cannot attest to the meds. but they have helped numerous people here. Thanx for the tip Sage about the Research section, I will go there now.



        Exercise can help move the toxins out of your body faster. Sound sleep can help anxiety a lot so work on ways to sleep soundly; keep a 7 day schedule, eat right, quiet time before going to bed.



          Don't try to do too much so you don't stress yourself out. Make yourself the #1 priority, and just do a little of exercise, eat good food, and try some supps if they're available to you. Baby steps is the key. Then add a little more each day.
          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.



            Be Strong

            Im on day 4 af today and im finding it tough,really tough.i had the shakes,sweats and nightmares to contend with up until last nite,whilst although i never slept a wink,i wasn't sweating....made a nice change.
            I cried on day 2,at bedtime ,because i was so angry that i was who i was.An alcoholic.
            I came on here and left this site 2 hrs later smiling and feeling proud that i hadn't drank and wouldn't have a hangover.I smiled to myself when i went to bed.
            This is the day (4)((i haven't been af for more than 4 days in the past 5yrs)
            where i normally fall and think "feck it,it's my liver" but this time im thinking "feck drinking,this is my life"
            This site has been an absolute godsend for me,here was where i learned my new attitude....and i like it.
            There are soooo many angels here who have helped me immensely!
            Stay awhile,read awhile,and drink water.....
            Just my tuppence worth...
            Take Care....

            "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
            Bring it on!



              I'm right there with ya, I've tried many times to stop and now I'm back at it again..trying to stop. I just started today and I happened across this site, and I'm hoping this will help. I like the idea of us talking to each other because we've been there. The hardest part for me is the drive home and weekends. I drink a pint of Stoli Vodka every night, and sometimes more on the weekend. But I'm determined to get it done this time!
              Only Those Who...Attempt The Absurd...Achieve The Impossible



                Stay strong Annie. Day four is generally the worst, and it gets better soon. As you say, you are past the sweats now. Things should brighten over the next few days, anxiety decreases and sleep will come. Make a diary entry. It helps later on to have a record on how really bad days 1-4 really are; so you don't want to repeat them.



                  Ditto on the diary idea. In addition to reminding me later on down the road, it kept me more sane at the time.

