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Nervous about ride home

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    Nervous about ride home

    :goodjob: my friend and :welcome:

    Your in a fight or flight situation right now. Choose fight... choose anger for Al... choose to win.

    There will be many battles... fight them hard with the main goal to win the war.

    Starting over again 09/06/11

    "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



      Nervous about ride home

      The decision to drink isn't made when you open the bottle and pour the drink. No, we all know that it's made much earlier in the day...when we set off to buy the drink it's a fait accompli that we will be drunk later on!

      So wlll done for taking control of your life and driving past your Liquor store and going home and keeping very busy. You must have felt proud of yourself when you woke up clear headed and one of the jobs you've put off for ages was done! Today will be a better day for not drinking yesterday and so a positive cycle gets the chance to begin.

      Good Luck and well done on beginning.
      If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


        Nervous about ride home

        :welcome: to WMO,

        You did a good job getting home without AL. I am proud of you. I know how hard that had to be. I'm retired, but I know what you are going thru. Before my AF days (now on 70 and you can do it too, if I can), I would make any excuse to go to the grocery store so that would lead me near my favorite AL store. I could talk myself out of it all the way into the store and buying my rum.

        You brain has a way of playing with your emotions that way. A few weeks into my AL free days, I would tell my husband when I was going to the grocery store that I wasn't going to get rum. He would say, I know, you don't have to tell me that. I felt like he thought that was why I was going. Now, I don't even think about it. Just the other day I drove past my favorite spot for my poison and I shot a bird at that place. What a waste of money I gave that place.

        I'm not saying that I still don't want to drink, because sometimes I do. I just know if it's not in the house, I can't drink it. At first I would be so mad at myself for not getting just a little bottle to have for the weekend. That was my brain trying to trick me again. My brain is logical isn't it! NOPE! LOL You know it would be so good to have several rum and cokes during the NASCAR race. NOPE!!! I know I can't drink a few drinks....I drink to get drunk......never having enough to stay drunk.

        Read and post is the advice I got when I was new here. I am suggesting you do the same. You will see yourself in so many people here. You are not alone. I'll bet you a bottle of rum (just kidding) that you will read post and say, "That sounds like me!"

        Go to other forums and your story, tell us more about you. No one here will judge you. I found telling my story that I'm just human like everybody else here. Some stories are down right funny because of the funny (stupid) things we do while drinking.

        I wish you the best of luck in your journey. One day AF will become 2 and 3 and 4 and if you mess up, pick yourself back up. I was AF for 4 months last year to start back up drinking almost every day (binge drinking). I hope I never mess up again, but we are human. You can do this......and the folks here can help!:l
        RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

        "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy

