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Home alone

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    Home alone

    I just joined a few minutes ago and I need to get my first day in!! Honestly, scared s*&%less!! I cannot remember the last time I went AF for even 1 day, maybe 3 years ago. If I can do one, I would like to shoot for the week. My biggest concern is falling asleep tonight, both emotionally and physically...any tips and/or tricks would be greatly appreciated!


    Home alone

    Out of my way,

    herbal tea, long bath and a good book. Or just hang out on this website and read all the great advice and support here.

    I'm with you tonight.
    Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it!



      Home alone

      Hey there Out!
      Welcome - you have made a good decision coming here. It might be hard falling asleep, but try to stay calm. I have always used wine to put me to sleep, and have a terrible time when first going AF!! But after a while, it does get easier - your body needs to adjust to falling asleep rather than passing out. If it is really hard and you start getting over tired, there are alot of natural sleep aid you can try - Melatonin, Valerian root - those are a couple. They may or may not work for you - you have to experiment a bit to find out what works. I'm sure there will be many more along with suggestions. Just try not to give in. Take this one day at a time. If you make it through this day one, you might be tired tomorrow, but at least you won't be hung over!! That is always a plus.
      xoxo peanut


        Home alone

        Welcome outmyway!! if you can go for a long walk then have a chamomille , then reading , good luck!!


          Home alone

          Welcome Outmyway,

          You are in good company, honestly! We've all had our first day to get through, it's really not that bad and you will feel so happy and proud of yourself. I know I did. I'm 11 days AF now, feeling better each and every day.
          As the others mentioned, take care of yourself. Take some deep breaths, relax, make lots chamomile tea, etc., stay tuned into WMO - it all helps.
          I used wine to make me sleep too, but not anymore. It will take a while for your body to adjust, be patient. Being tired for a few days is really no big deal - being AF is a big deal and you're worth the effort.

          Hang in there, you can do it!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Home alone

            Hi and Welcome Outmyway!

            Maybe try to stay up as late as you can, so that when you go to bed, you'll be Very sleepy. I know if I go to bed too early (whether drinking or not), I tend to wake up a lot during the night.

            I agree with all that others said. And reading posts from people who have been AF for even a week is very inspiring. They ALL seem to say that they feel so much better!! Something to look forward to - hang in there.
            Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


              Home alone

              Hey ya OMW!...coincidental juggling of MWO!! Welcome and I had my first AF bedtime a couple of weeks back. My plan of attack, at this point, is M-F AF and the Mod on the weekends. It's gotten to be just "what I do" to go AF come Monday and I'm thrilled with how easy that is along with how NICE it's been to get in some extra reading at bedtime. I, too, used wine as a sleep helper and would be tucked in, easily, by 9:00 most nights. I think I'd go to bed earlier (aka pass out earlier) so I'd STOP drinking and KNEW it had to stop. Now I fall to sleep with every memory of the evening, happy to wake up and have to pee in the night because I'm actually HYDRATED!! Har!

              Good luck and enjoy the morning when you get there...they get better and better!


                Home alone

                :hello2::colorwelcome::wave::groupluv: JUST DO YOUR BEST AND READ AND POST ANY AND ALL OF YOUR QUESTION.. WE ARE HERE FOR YOU .. GOOD LUCK
                :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                  Home alone

         guy's ROCK!

                  :thanks: I just checked back in and was really touched by your messages! The first one in the thread was EM and I practically got choked up, THANK YOU for staying with me tonight! And we just met! lol...Thanks Peanut, DeCastille, Lavande and Savon! You all meant a lot to me.

                  Full disclosure, when I sent my SOS message, I was so emotional and fearing that my nightly Cabernet sedative will be missing, I called my Dr. and he prescribed 1 weeks worth of sleeping help...I am so relieved and so grateful! I'm also battling a sinus infection and it has kept me up for the last 3 nights, so sleep is critical!

                  Its 7 PM and all is well...I even had a friend stop by for a couple of hours and I poured her 2 glass's of wine and Zero for me...I explained what I was doing and she was surprised, but very supportive! I'll check back in about 2 hrs, I should be home free by then!



                    Home alone

                    You can do it Out!

                    I too am struggling through the witching hour right now...all we need to do is just NOT POUR THAT GLASS!!!!!!!!

                    Much harder than it sounds, I know.

                    We can do it!



                      Home alone

                      Dove..its 8 PM here and I can say with absolute certainty that I will not drink tonight, please say the same for me!!

                      Yogamomma - I like your plan and will try and come up with a similar one....I may try and launch with a 30 day AF and then a similar plan as yours...I got the idea from some other Mod websites and most of them require this initial period?

                      TLRGS - Thanks Man and Congrats on your 10/07!! Thats awesome!

                      2 -3 more hours and its nightie night! And after at least 3 years or more of drinking every single night, I look forward to the victory lap with milk!!



                        Home alone

                        Sleeping was one of my many "reasons" for drinking. It was always hard for me to fall asleep. So I assumed that I would have that trouble again. Well, I do have sleep issues still, but I fall asleep quick, but wake up after about 4 or 5 hours. It's all good because even though I wake up at 4AM I feel so much better than waking up after a night of drinking.
                        RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

                        "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


                          Home alone

                          Good Morning All and again Thanks to everyone for your comments and support! I had my first night AF last night and feel very proud! I'm so Thankful for this community!



                            Home alone

                            Dear Out,

                            Just checking in with you to find out how you did. Best advice I saw and used when dealing with withdrawl is take 600mg or so of B1 (thiamine) in several doses of 200mg during the day along with Vit C 500mg twice per day and 200mg of magnesium twice per day also. Make sure you eat and drink TONS of water. I take melatonin at night.

                            I'm still with you!
                            Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it!



                              Home alone

                              Congrats on making it thru day 1, knew you could do it
                              Stay focused, the days will go by quicker than you think!!!
                              Personally, I'm looking forward to day 14 tomorrow and I am very, very happy.
                              Stay strong,
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

