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Day 6 af feel awful

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    Day 6 af feel awful

    I wasn't going to post but what the hell. I wish I was one of those drunks that goes to detox for four days and comes out feeling normal again. This is not the case with me. Everytime I stop drinking I feel horrible for weeks sometimes months before my brain regulates itself. Today is day 6 af and the worse so far. Eyes burn, cannot concentrate, disturbing dreams, severe irritability and fatigue. I started taking campral yesterday and will try to keep taking it. Alcohol has to be the worst drug to come off of or be dependent on. If not I would like to know which drug is worse. At least they give heroin addicts methodone.The sick thing is that if I drank tonite I would feel back to normal tomorrow. This really is why I am stopping. Anyway, is there anyone out there that has been through feeling bad for so long after stopping drinking?

    Day 6 af feel awful

    Hi Jacksoncage. I cant feel what you are feeling because When I go AF I feel so good. I feel like you when I am drinking makes me wonder why I keep doing it.
    But I just want to say hang in there the rewards will be soooooo good. Keep posting and reading. I t will get better!!!!! xxxxx I'm on day 2 AF so you are doing better than me....


      Day 6 af feel awful

      Agreed. The cold turkey thing really stinks. I'm on Campral since Friday and its really helping. Excercise helps also. You may want to consider getting some vitamins. Most of us are vitamin depleted by our using. And, depleted in other ways also. I've been drunk every night for years and had a real bad day today---but NO Desire to drink. Not even a fight between my ego and superego--as I say. For me, taking a drug to stop the craving cycle has been a miracle. I hope that you will have the same experienc.


        Day 6 af feel awful

        It sucks... It f-in sucks. No other explanation.

        No one goes through detox and feels normal. Thay are so messed up that appear to feel ok. They are just happy that the withdrawal is over.

        You will feel better if you drink but you start the cycle over again. We all know how that is. go back to a happy time when you didn't need to drink. Maybe beck when you were a kid. It works for me!
        Starting over again 09/06/11

        "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



          Day 6 af feel awful

          The 1st time I tried to stop I felt like total shit all the time -- was still depressed, couldn't sleep, still unfocused at work, can't even remember what else. I felt -- why bother trying to stop drinking? And it is so disheartening. That was almost a year ago. I am still struggling, but when I have done even a few days AF recently, I have felt better. I even stayed AF during my week off from work a couple weeks ago, when usually that would have been my excuse to woo-hoo party. So, while I am not anywhere close to the finish line yet, I am still trying, in small steps. Keep trying, Jackson!


            Day 6 af feel awful

            borderboomer makes a good point. it isn't just about detox, it's also about replenishment. We are malnourished after ravaging our bodies with this poison. Vitamins and nutritional supplements and lots of yummy food and water would likely ease your discomfort.


              Day 6 af feel awful

              CS04;587829 wrote: I even stayed AF during my week off from work a couple weeks ago
              That is impressive :goodjob:
              Starting over again 09/06/11

              "When its good its good its so good until it goes bad" Pink,Sober



                Day 6 af feel awful

                Hi Jacksoncage, look - it's GOT to get worse before it gets better. That's why it's so flipping difficult mate! Otherwise it wouldn't be an addiction and it wouldn't be a battle and also it wouldn't be an achievement when you've done it. You'll be waking up to day 7 and by now you'll start to be feeling better. Just make sure you're having plenty of water and a healthy diet - people are right, your body would have been stripped of nutrients as well as being dehydrated. You're over the worse - your body will be thinking "what the heck are you doing to me .... where's my staple diet?" - then it'll get used to functioning and that's what you'll be hitting now. You'll start to wake up without the headaches, you'll start to sleep better and hopefully you'll feel a lot calmer. Take care, don't undo all the good work - you've done the hard work now - keep at it


                  Day 6 af feel awful

                  I just wanted to let you know that it will get better. Drink lots of water to flush out the AL...get some exercise.
                  RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

                  "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


                    Day 6 af feel awful


                    I have to say I've done the same thing over and over again. I go AF for a few days week and then back to binge drinking.

                    When I got out of rehab I stays sober for 45 days. I always felt like I was trying to prove something to someone and like I wanted to jump out my skin. they never told me to take supplements.

                    This time I took everyones advice and loaded up on L-glut, vit b1, mag, vit c, b-complex. I didn't buy them off the website because I needed them quickly.

                    I do feel a lot better.
                    Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it!



                      Day 6 af feel awful

                      Oh and lots and lots of water
                      Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it!



                        Day 6 af feel awful

                        Still sober

                        Thanks everyone for your input. Have a week af today. I haven't had this much time af since I relapsed last July after being 13 months sober. Still feel like crap but I go to with a clear head and do not wake up in the middle of the night with anxiety attacks caused a guilty conscience. I'm just trying to take it one day at a time and not let anything no matter what it is cause me to pick up. That was what kept me sober for those 13 months. Total dedication to staying away from the first drink.


                          Day 6 af feel awful

                          Jackson, sounds like you are doing well. 7 days is really great! You did over a year AF before (very impressive!) so you can get on again. Have you been to AA? Many MWOers utilize its program in conjunction with MWO, just because it's a place to go in person. Best to you!

