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ODAT - TUESDAY (come on guys! check in again!!!)

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    ODAT - TUESDAY (come on guys! check in again!!!)

    :goodjob: everybody yesterday! Monday's always a good day to start - start of the week, etc, etc, As you know, I felt so proud of myself last night and certainly felt SO good this morning - 1st morning in :shocked: knows how long waking up with NO hangover (wish I could say same about hubby but he's off to work early this morning (6.30 uk time) hence I thought I'd be the first to start the ODAT Tuesday thread!. So, check in guys - join in and let's do today together! :groupluv: and if you're feeling tempted - don't forget - :moon: to the bottle :giggle: !!!!!!! Just on my 2nd cup of coffee before hitting some good old excercise - have a good day! Will check in later! PS - Hope you're having a good day Phil in HK - by my reckoning it's lunchtime for you in HK - hows the chilled water (I mean H20 pure variety!!!!) Bye for now everyone! :lxx

    ODAT - TUESDAY (come on guys! check in again!!!)

    What a lovely inspiring post to start the day Photo! Good for you!
    It will get better and better!
    have a great day all...
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      ODAT - TUESDAY (come on guys! check in again!!!)

      Hi all ODAT'rs

      Thanks for starting us off Photo. Im checking and running. Teenagers home on holidays so not getting near the computer.

      Off for my long walk with the doggies, its what keeps me sane. Have a great day everyone.



        ODAT - TUESDAY (come on guys! check in again!!!)

        You are more than welcome guys - you've got to do something when you're up since 5.30 am!!!!!:H right - off to find something else to do now!!! Will check in later!!!!:l xx


          ODAT - TUESDAY (come on guys! check in again!!!)

          I've been up for 2 hours now... LOL, I'm ready for a nap. I'm still going strong one day at a time. I think I'm up to 70 days AF now. WOO HOO to me.

          :thanks: to all of you guys for the inspiration!!!!
          RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

          "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


            ODAT - TUESDAY (come on guys! check in again!!!)

            Photogirl - you sure sound Zippy this morning!

            Day 2 for me. Feeling ok. This "clear-headed" thing feels pretty good, I must say. Just can't get to that point where I feel that "what the hell" thing I often feel after a few days AF...

            April, you are Awesome! 70 days is CRAZY good.
            Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


              ODAT - TUESDAY (come on guys! check in again!!!)

              savon19;587987 wrote: Photogirl - you sure sound Zippy this morning!

              Day 2 for me. Feeling ok. This "clear-headed" thing feels pretty good, I must say. Just can't get to that point where I feel that "what the hell" thing I often feel after a few days AF...

              April, you are Awesome! 70 days is CRAZY good
              Thank you. I am proud of myself, but not so proud to know that I didn't do it alone. I had so much help from folks like you!
              RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

              "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


                ODAT - TUESDAY (come on guys! check in again!!!)

                Kudos to you, Photo, for the Rally.
                And April for the 70 days.
                And Savon for the day there, myself.

                See, there's a reason for everyone to be proud here!!


                  ODAT - TUESDAY (come on guys! check in again!!!)

                  My word, April Moon!!!!!

                  My word - I hadn't realised you'd gone so long! Well done!! How are you keeping a count? You must now feel that you're on the way to beating the demon ... :b&d:? How did you start? Was it just a ODAT and it went from there? I'm a bit worried I must say. Scared almost - :shocked: I know I'm OK thinking well, ODAT until the weekend or ODAT until a social do or ODAT until, say, a celebration but then on the otherhand - I feel SO good after 1 night of 1 day AF so I can only imagine how good I COULD feel after 70 days .... inkele: But - you had to start somewhere and even if this is just the start of my AF 4 days and 3 days as a mod FSS girlie then so be it! xxx


                    ODAT - TUESDAY (come on guys! check in again!!!)

                    Hi Everyone,
                    I usually post on the AF April thread, but it doesn't appear to have started today, posting here. Hope that's okay. I'm AF 8 days and today is #9. Am doing okay. A little testy and seeing "issues" that I used to obscure by drinking. Not sure how these will be resolved/handled, but I'm not worrying/focussing on them now. Just doing my ODAT thing and staying AF. Have a good day to you all!


                      ODAT - TUESDAY (come on guys! check in again!!!)

                      Hi Sante!

                      Thanks for coming here instead!!!! Hope you're OK - you sound a little down. Are you on anything to help at all? I'm on TOPA and am getting to grips with the dopa effect but it is helping. Also - just think - you're 7 whole days ahead of me so go for it Sante! You can do it. Stick with it. :yougo::l xx


                        ODAT - TUESDAY (come on guys! check in again!!!)

                        Good to see everyone doing so good !! Im just leaving now for work big catering job for have to go...will be here 2 feeling good...have a great day guys..


                          ODAT - TUESDAY (come on guys! check in again!!!)


                          Wowee we're off to a racing start today!!! Congrats everybody on your victories! :goodjob:

                          Keep the pace! Jump over those issues and triggers and keep going!

                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            ODAT - TUESDAY (come on guys! check in again!!!)

                            Hi Photogirl,
                            Yes, I am down. Lots of changes are going on in my life and my husband & I (who normally are totally sympatico) are totally out of synch. There is something inside of me that is not quite right (an inner compass kind of thing). I haven't gotten my finger on it yet, but I am trying to be quiet and listen, so that when I reveals itself, I'll be "here" to accept it. You probably don't know, but in other posts I've mentioned I'm living on a sailboat this month with my husband. We are exploring the Florida Keys. It is a dream of ours come true and I'm sort of messing it up with my moodiness...

                            Anyway, yes, I am taking topa but only in small doses (25 mg). I did the whole MWO thing about 4 years ago and went into high anxiety mode (topa has that effect on some people). It was really scarey. Now I basically take it at night and am taking campral during the day (because this is still early days for me and the campral helps, I think, with cravings or the kinds of triggers that would set me off). I'm not sure is any of this prescription medicine is helping, but I'm not about to question it now, because I'm AF and that's the most important thing -- #1 as far as everything is concerned right now.

                            Thanks for your post,


                              ODAT - TUESDAY (come on guys! check in again!!!)

                              Wow! What an active ODAT post this morning! I love it!

                              Exploring the Florida keys - oh god I wish I was there - my sister lives down there - wish I could join her.

                              Woke up clear and sober again today - what a great feeling. I didn't sleep well last night but it's amazing, even tired with lack of sleep waking up this way feels better, like I can get through the day. Day 3 for me again after blowing it on day 8 last week. This time I'm determined to make it to day 10 and then move on from there. I am really loving this no smoking, no drinking thing!

                              Hope everyone has a great day ODAT,

                              Love and Hugs,
                              Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.

