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ODAT - TUESDAY (come on guys! check in again!!!)

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    ODAT - TUESDAY (come on guys! check in again!!!)

    PHOTOGIRL;588022 wrote: My word - I hadn't realised you'd gone so long! Well done!! How are you keeping a count? You must now feel that you're on the way to beating the demon ... :b&d:? How did you start? Was it just a ODAT and it went from there? I'm a bit worried I must say. Scared almost - :shocked: I know I'm OK thinking well, ODAT until the weekend or ODAT until a social do or ODAT until, say, a celebration but then
    on the otherhand - I feel SO good after 1 night of 1 day AF so I can only imagine how good I COULD feel after 70 days .... inkele: But - you had to start somewhere and even if this is just the start of my AF 4 days and 3 days as a mod FSS girlie then so be it! xxx
    I have been AF for 4 months last year and screwed up in dog died, no excuse, but it's the truth. So from April till Jan 28 I was binge drinking alot. On Jan 28, 2009, I found this website. With this website and my husband, I have not touched a drop. I have wanted to alot. I just have a great life and I was so stupid for starting to drink again. I know I haven't beat the demon. It will still be in the back of my mind. I poured out my poison back on day 3 or 4 with the help of folks here and for a while I wanted to buy some. I know if it's not here, I will not drink it. One thing I do to fool my brain is that I tell my self I'm not a drinker....LOL I know I am, but I tell myself that.

    I'm a smoker.........that's the next thing to quit. I'm not even sure I can do that.
    RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

    "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


      ODAT - TUESDAY (come on guys! check in again!!!)

      Good Morning ODATers!!
      Yep this post is off and running!! Very positive and supportive here...that's awesome!!!:l
      I'm on Day 7 today...longest I've gone...I joined the AF April thread...wanted to see if I could do far so good...and amazing what you all said was DO start feeling better Wow---who knew....besides all you that have been over the 4 day hurdle:H Thanks for the encouragement for me to make that "jump"---feels great!!
      "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



        ODAT - TUESDAY (come on guys! check in again!!!)

        Hi everyone...

        Yes, Photogirl, the water consumption is exceeding any AL consumption, but I am not complaining there! Day 2 for me has worked so far and at least I didn't wake up feeling like a piece of chewed string...more like a confused rabbit..a bit twitchy and nervous with those staring eyes, ready to jump, but that calmed down a bit and I can honestly say I still felt better this morning than many mornings before!

        April Moon...Day 70? Fantastic!!!


          ODAT - TUESDAY (come on guys! check in again!!!)

          Photogirl and all.... I have bumped up my first thread I ever made on this website. You can see the journey I have been on. If you are new here, please read it. I joined Jan 28, 2009. I have had ups and downs and I hope you can find some hope in my thread.

          I wish you all the best in your journey!!!!
          RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

          "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


            ODAT - TUESDAY (come on guys! check in again!!!)

            Me, Too!

            Hi, All!
            OK, today is Day 2 for me, too. I'm delighted to be here, and feel motivated to make this work. We are FINALLY having some spring weather, so after taking my mom to the doctor, I'm heading outside! Woohoo!


              ODAT - TUESDAY (come on guys! check in again!!!)

              Hi Guys!

              Oh Afternoon everybody "UK" time! Great to hear from you all! It sounds as if we're having a really positive ODAT today - whether it's day 2, 3, 7, 9 or 70 - EDC (every day counts!!!!!).
              APRILMOON - am going to check your thread - going to put the kettle on first and make a nice cup of tea!
              PHIL - your body will be, like, woohaa, what ARE you doing to me mate?! Stick with it - you'll feel SO glad you did! Can't wait for your thread after AF Day 3!!!!
              Sante - I think pursuing any kind of dream is just a dream in itself - at least you're acknowledging you're not in a great place at this moment in time. Don't beat yourself up, just accept how you're feeling and, like you say, at least you're AF. What would be worse - pretending everything's hunky dory whilst glass in hand - that would be only masking things. At least you can sit there quietly on deck quietly contemplating life - living the dream at the same time.
              (mind you - for me, you'd giggle - I get sea-sick stepping over a puddle!!! I'd be flat out on deck as if I'd been drinking for a year!!!!!)
              We're doing great guys!!!!!!:wave: :lxx


                ODAT - TUESDAY (come on guys! check in again!!!)

                Oh April ....

                Thanks SO much for that ..... I'm going to print it out - you are a:


                  ODAT - TUESDAY (come on guys! check in again!!!)

                  Hello everyone! Couldn't log on until later today....been extremely busy at work. On day 2 today! I feel great and seems like everyone else is getting along nicely as well. Let's hope we can all hang in there and make it to day 3 together!
                  AF Since Sept. 20, 2010!!!


                    ODAT - TUESDAY (come on guys! check in again!!!)

                    Tell you what, guys, shocker of a headache ...... obviously detoxing ..... just reaching for the painkillers!! Mind you, it's NOTHING like the blinder I had at 6.00 am on Saturday and that's what I've got to remember! Hope you're all OK!!!! It'll be worth it.


                      ODAT - TUESDAY (come on guys! check in again!!!)

                      Just checking in, day 2 for me, had a little trouble getting to sleep last, didn't feel that tired. Woke up today feeling really good. Emotions are running a little rampade, sometimes feeling l had a little tto much coffee, only had 1 cup this morning. I just don't want to start thinking that I need a drink to calm down. I just ate lunch and feeling pretty mellow right now. Mica, nice picture, makes me feel good. Good to read everyone's doing well.
                      Only Those Who...Attempt The Absurd...Achieve The Impossible


                        ODAT - TUESDAY (come on guys! check in again!!!)

                        Checking in. On day 20 AF and feeling so good. Pleased with myself although every day is a new pop up trigger that hits from nowhere. Physically feeling better and finally sleeping through the night. Sunny here and that always helps. Good job everyone on staying AF - Strawman - I was incredibly anxious the first 5 days, L-tryptophan - magic stuff. Mellower than I've been in decades.

