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Upcoming events-nervous

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    Upcoming events-nervous

    I can imagine not having wine tonight (even though American Idol is on!) and I can even imagine myself not drinking wine at tomorrow night's Bunco party. I even picture myself getting through Friday evening without drinking wine (grudgingly). But DH just mentioned having a campfire on Sat. eve. and that's a BIG red flag. Wine is aflowing on such situations as this. I am also concerned about Easter. DH took the day off-another BIGGY for me. I feel as if I can't get through days w/ DH home without drinking. Isn't that sad? I want to celebrate our Lord's resurrection without sousing myself in wine (how hypocritical!) How do you get through the real tough times and how do you keep yourself from worrying about them ahead of time?

    Upcoming events-nervous

    One day at a time, green. Make a plan and stick to it so you don't get sideswiped or loose your resolve. Or don't go to the events. I skipped a couple because I was scared. There is a toolbox thread here but I forgot where it is. I bet someone reading this will bump it for you. Take along what you are going to drink, have your answers ready for why you aren't drinking if you anticipate being uncomfortable being asked. A leave early plan, an excape route, etc. There will ALWAYS be events. You just have to go ahead and start! We'll help you with each event if you need it. Rootin' for you!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      Upcoming events-nervous

      Thanks for the encouragement, Greeneyes. I feel somewhat confident about outings w/ friends. Might be difficult to explain but I figure I can always say I am trying to lose weight. It's the at home times that are going to be really tough. Hubby drinks as much as I do and it's kinda what we do at home. Sure, we do things like campfires and BBQ, but it ALWAYS involves drinking and I don't know if I'll have fun with him without the wine. I know it sounds sad and I hope I'm wrong. I'll take it one day at a time. Hopefully I can come back and say the weekend was a success!


        Upcoming events-nervous

        We all worried that. We worried about who we'd be sober. If we'd like ourself. If anybody else would. If we'd like our friends, our mate. You are SO not alone. You WILL like yourself - much more so. Life is much better but it is there staring you in the face, undiluted. I'll see if I can find the tool box thread for you. :l Be strong!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          Upcoming events-nervous

          Hi Green,
          I can totally relate to your nervousness. Like Greeneyes, I did avoid certain situations once I finally realized that was what it was going to take to get sober (and quit smoking for me).

          Camping, campfires always involved alcohol. We went camping once last summer. I will say that the other things that I've begun doing again (AF) get easier every time. I'm actually looking forward to camping this year. I'm looking forward to feeling great in the mornings, and actually feeling like fishing, swimming, etc with my kids.

          My hubby and I were drinking buddies from the day we met. He still drinks, but he seems to be getting used to the "new" me. It is so worth it!
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            Upcoming events-nervous

            I know how you are feeling about upcoming events/holidays. I spent the first Christmas Eve and Christmas sober this last holiday season. I only did it because my Mom was spending the time with us and I never drink in front of her. I'm in my 50's, an adult, but she does not even know that I drink. I can say I had the most wonderful holiday season ever because I was sober.

            LVT, I can so relate to drinking while camping. We go camping alot. I can't remember an AF camping trip. LOL It's getting warmer here and we will be camping soon. I know I will have the feelings of wanting my poison, but I will deal with that when it comes. I hope I can stay AF.

            Green, I know it's gonna be hard on you with your husband drinking. You got to do this for yourself. My husband doesn't drink so it's easier for me. When he does drink (1 beer a month or so) it was always a green light for me to drink and then I would drink to being so drunk. Maybe you can have just one drink. I don't know,I just know I couldn't do that. This is your individual journey. While it would be great that he join you being AF to help you, you have to do this for you. You are always going to have events come up that will make you want to drink. Your husband loves you, try to tell him what you want with your life. I know it's gonna be hard having that discussion. It was so hard for me to tell my non drinker I needed to stop drinking. He never really said anything about my drinking and it was hard for me. I wish you the best in your journey. You can do it?:l
            RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

            "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


              Upcoming events-nervous

              Aprilmoon, LVT and Greeneyes, Thanks so much. It's words of encouragement like that that help me know that I am not alone, not bad, and just need some help. I really hope that I am surprised with how I enjoy my time w/ DH. I also pray that I will be setting an example for him not drinking (I now know that nagging at him makes it worse and makes me drink MORE!) I think it may be possible to have a glass of wine and stop but not just yet and not in certain situations. Right now I think one would lead to another especially if I had that one early in the evening. Thanks again! Prayers for all of you!!

