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I won! can you!

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    I won! can you!

    The lottery? Better. I beat Al one of, surely, may challenges to come but today: yogamomma-1, Al-0

    My friend (who is dealing with the, soon, death of her mother) came over with a bottle of wine to share this afternoon and WITHOUT a beat I said:

    "you know, I've been cutting back so I'll stick to my tea but let me grab you a glass".

    WOW!!! I did it!

    It gets better. That refusal after having her 6 year old son for the afternoon (over to play with my 6 year old son) and the chaos heightened when her 4 year old girl entered. MASS chaos. Before I'd have been the first to chug my glass as a stress-buster, then go into my stash after we'd polished off the bottle she brought for bottle #2.

    Today? I chose "the road less taken"...well, up until now. And feel suPERB for it.

    If I can do this, everyone can.

    I won! can you!

    Yehhhhhh. Good on you yogamomma. It is such a buz when we do say no. More so than when we say yes. Makes you wonder why we did it in the first place. Keep it up.


      I won! can you!

      Great POST, Well DONE on turning AL away !!!!! I love the feeling of freedom that comes when we can FINALLY SAY............ NO THANKS, I DON'T DRINK...
      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


        I won! can you!

        Really great post!!

        Thank you for sharing.

        AF April 9, 2016


          I won! can you!

          Good call, Mia, on terming it a "buz" when we say no. It really was! Like "stickin' it to the man" or something. Sheesh...never thought of myself as vengeful but, if it's toward Al, I'll be happy to do it!!!


            I won! can you!

            Congrats...and thanks for sharing your story! I am struggling right husband is leaving for a soccer game and I am going to be home alone...and bored. The wine bottle is calling my name...
            AF Since Sept. 20, 2010!!!


              I won! can you!

              every step forward you will feel stronger
              Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                I won! can you!

                :happy::yay: you go girl...!! that's awesome .you should be proud.!!


                  I won! can you!

                  :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                  best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                    I won! can you!

                    It does feel like a high when you say NO to AL. Way to go!:goodjob::goodjob:
                    RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

                    "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


                      I won! can you!

                      Well done Yoga Mummy!!!

                      Just seen your post! :goodjob: You see, that's my worry ..... I've always been a girl who can't say "No" - always been a "good time girl" - when my best pal's Mum died last year and we had her wake - christ alive we got soooooo pissed - if I'd have said "I'll put the kettle on" I think she'd have shot me. However, we're now in a different place now - or should I say, I'm in a different place - and that's what I've got to deal with ..... and that's what I've got to work out how .... ops!: Mind you, I've had a revelation this morning 'cos a girlfriend was talking about a forthcoming birthday bash she was planning and the "w" word was mentioned (wine) and my stomach actually turned ..... now, this may be to do with my over-indulgence at the weekend (at my age throwning up isn't a pretty sight - am far too old and ugly to be at it!!) but 'cos I feel just SO good after 2 days AF, I don't actually want to feel that crap again. SO, thankfully the TOPA is taking effect, I've got some NAL on the way and I now want to be a OGAT girlie (one glass at a time) - god, I'd save a FORTUNE on taxi fares!!!!! Keep at it Yoga!!!!!! :lointup: xxxxx


                        I won! can you!


                        You sound really empowered. Every victory like this gives us more strength.

                        And to everyone who worries about turning down a drink offered by a friend...when I was drinking I frankly didn't give a damn what anyone else had in their glasss as long as mine was full of wine! So politely decline, offer an excuse if necessary (diet, antibiotics, driving, up early tomorrow) then pour your friend a drink as you put the kettle on.
                        If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                          I won! can you!

                          Y'all sound like I was. THE person to contact if you were going to tie one on and wanted a pal. Just like that friend (...well, better than an acquaintance but no best get it) who came over with wine yesterday. I'm sure she was FLOORED when I gave her the "not gonna do it" heads up. She, first said "oh did you give it up for Lent?" A good reason but I'm working on a lifestyle change.

                          On that note, interesting how your identity changes from being "that" party person, you know? The one who'd show up already with 2-3 drinks in the hole. The one who'd be a little blootered and funny when everyone else was coming up to speed. I feel ever so slightly boring and more pensive but I LIKE it. I didn't like that party person anymore. She was cute in college but she got MUCH too involved with when and where he next drink would come from.

                          I like me now.


                            I won! can you!

                            Well, I'm IMPRESSED!! Wow. That was really a test... I admire your strength.
                            Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

