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ODAT - WEDNESDAY - Anybody up for it?!?!?

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    ODAT - WEDNESDAY - Anybody up for it?!?!?

    god feel so good after 2 days AF - anybody else? Would love to hear how you're all doing!:lxx

    ODAT - WEDNESDAY - Anybody up for it?!?!?

    Day 8 for me whooooo, And well done on day 2 Photo, I read one of your posts about having a secret stash and it was just like me , I was looking for a letter in one of my kitchen cupboards last night and found an empty bottle of vodka the not the half bottle the one below , it was hidden , I dont even remember putting it there

    I hope you all have a good Wednesday


      ODAT - WEDNESDAY - Anybody up for it?!?!?

      Thanks Cake Queen!

      Sorry my last post was so short!!! My hubbie was in the gym downstairs and I was worried I was going to get caught out any minute .... story of my life!!!!!:egad: Weird last night though as I posted, I had THE most horrid headache nfire: which I can only put down to detoxing after 2 days (?). Thankfully after 2 paras (of the tablet variety, not of the red-cap millitery! :H and a few cranberry juices later (this week without the secret vodka being poured into them) it went. Also - is this TOO much information to ask (.....?????) but -------- is anybody else peeing for England (or wherever else you happen to reside!) 'cos I am! 3 times a night at the moment which to say the least is flipping inconvenient! Don't worry, you don't have to share too much info if you don't want to. Anyway, was talking to a girlfriend this morning and she was planning her birthday bash and a WEIRED thing came across me for the FIRST time ever in my 42 years - she mentioned wine and my stomach actually turned ... am thinking this is too good to be true but the thought of having a sesh at the moment when I'm feeling so good - am not sure I can and them I'm worried that I'm going to let her down ... is this what AF life is going to be like? God, is this how I got here in the first place?!?!? Well, I've always been a girl who can't say "No!" ... Maybe I need to let my girlfriends know that from now on, Wednesday 8th April 2009 I'm a OGAT girl (one glass a time girl!). Hope I still have some friends!!! ray: Anybody else feel this pressure/worry? Would like to know.

      Also Phil in HK - Hope you're doing OK mate on Day 3 - looking forward to seeing your Post - fingers x'd for you!

      :l xx to everybody !!


        ODAT - WEDNESDAY - Anybody up for it?!?!?



          ODAT - WEDNESDAY - Anybody up for it?!?!?

          Photogirl, if your friend is a true friend, she wouldn't care if you had that glass of wine or not.

          Also check out my thread when I was new here on this site. I bumped it up for you.
          RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

          "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


            ODAT - WEDNESDAY - Anybody up for it?!?!?

            well done photogirl,good of you to admit you are anxious to go out now i no how you feel,you want to have a good time without going over the top nut you also want to try stay AL free i fel the and hubby now on day 10,he suggested we share a bottle of vino tonight for the football,which compared to the 15 or so bottles i was drinking to myself before is an amazing achievement i don't want to fall back,i'd like to think i could mod and just have a couple at weekends,but am scared of going back i have never felt so good,if you have a drink does day 1 feel as bad as 1st time round,i am starting to sleep really well now without waking or taking any kalms,and really don't want to start all over again.


              ODAT - WEDNESDAY - Anybody up for it?!?!?

              Day 6

              Hi All,
              Hey i'd just like to say i feel the same way bout having a drink.My kids go to their dads on a friday night and i was thinking about making it my one night a week to have a drink.
              But because i've come this far,and gone through the awful withdrawals i don't want it to set me back,which,i truly believe it will.
              If i see friday night as my night for a drink then i guess im still using alcohol as like something i can look forward to......and after the horrific hangovers i've had in the past due to drinking why the feck would i see drinking as a reward?
              It should be a punishment?
              So,i'm going to try to keep af as long as i can.
              It is not a treat,it is not good for my mind,body or soul.
              It depresses me,makes me eat shit,makes my face swell,my eyes red and makes me feel awful the next day.....

              This i have to remember when i'm home alone on fri and 2mins from a wine store.
              Will spend most of my night on here for sure.
              Sorry for rambling,,,,,,all over the place,me.
              "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
              Bring it on!


                ODAT - WEDNESDAY - Anybody up for it?!?!?

                anniemac, see my signature. I got Florida boys permission to put it in my siggy. It's so true.
                RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

                "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


                  ODAT - WEDNESDAY - Anybody up for it?!?!?

                  Hi Annie!

                  I replied to your thread - please read :l xxxxx


                    ODAT - WEDNESDAY - Anybody up for it?!?!?

                    Hi April Moon

                    Thanks so much for that! I read it - gave me such inspiration xxxxx


                      ODAT - WEDNESDAY - Anybody up for it?!?!?

                      Hi Photogirl and other ODATers

                      Yes I had headache in week 1 too. This despite not getting hangovers of the headache variety from the copious amounts of wine that I was knocking back nightly. That's rough justice isn't it!!!!:H

                      Greeneyes recommended lots of water with fresh lemon and that really helped. Guess I was really dehydrated after 20 years of wine!

                      Which brings me neatly to the next point...yes, lots of peeing. Wake up in the morning desperate to go! Probably as a result of all that water and lemon. But also my body is no longer dehydrated and trying to flush out all the toxins...I hope.

                      Keep Strong, you sound like your flying!:goodjob:

                      Cakequeen, congrats on Day 8!

                      Aprilmoon, I read your story and it brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for posting that. You are so right that we have to learn to go through tough times sober. Alcohol does not make things better in any way it makes everything so much worse. I'm ashamed to say that I can't think of any huge trauma that turned me to drink, I just love the buzz. I was quite shy in my late teens and I found alcohol helped me be more sociable. What a joke that it actually stopped me going out in the end cos I'd rather sit at home alone and drink.
                      If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                        ODAT - WEDNESDAY - Anybody up for it?!?!?

                        Blue Sky, Yeah, last year was awful for me and I used it as an excuse to start drinking again. I'm like you most of the times I was drinking there was not excuse for it other than I just wanted to drink.
                        RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

                        "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


                          ODAT - WEDNESDAY - Anybody up for it?!?!?

                          Aprilmoon, your husband sounds like a diamond!
                          If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


                            ODAT - WEDNESDAY - Anybody up for it?!?!?

                            Hi guys!

                            Yes, Aprilmoon - your husband does sound awesome - you are very lucky to have him!

                            Everyone seems encouraged and upbeat today which makes me happy. I am on day 4 this round (did 7 last week and then blew it on Saturday). But I'm up for another 7 - 10 and so on.........

                            I"m tired - slept well last night but I think all the lack of sleep I've had in my life is catching up with me. I jsut want to stay in bed all day. I think that's a bad sign -the dreary weather here doesn't help, that's for sure........

                            ah well, go to my therapist tomorrow so looking forward to that cause it always helps me to feel better.

                            Have a good ODAT day everyone!
                            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                              ODAT - WEDNESDAY - Anybody up for it?!?!?


                              Quickie here - greenie was a bad girl and didn't do the taxes yesterday. But THIS year, it wasn't because I was drinking! OMG, the things I neglected whilst drinking! AF is a sooooooo much better life. Successful modding probably is too - I'm afraid I'm not made of that.

                              Have a good one!

                              Matthen, where are you?
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

