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Good Morning All

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    Good Morning All

    I'm on day 6 af!!!! big acheivment for me.

    Have a wee question i would like to put to the board.
    Does being af totally change your personality or is it part of withdrawal?

    I have turned into this quiet little mouse who has very little to say and rarely feels the need to voice my opinion on everything.
    It's like i'm scared to speak incase my real mood shines through that i am angry,anxious and to be honest somewhat depressed.
    My partner is really getting on my nerves these days so much so that i'm questioning our 4yr relationship on silly wee things like him tickling the kids and making them hyper.Before i loved all that craic.
    Anyway just thought i'd throw this on this morning to hear what you all have to say.Will log in after i take the kids to school.
    Look Forward to your comments.
    Good Morning

    "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
    Bring it on!

    Good Morning All

    Hi Annie, firstly MANY congrats on day 6!!
    About the personality? I think at the moment your body and mind is going through SO many changes. Just go with it. It takes quite a long time to back to the real you. I guarantee you will like you sober more than drunk too!
    For me, I am now finding myself, I am more courageous, more outgoing, calmer, happier and MUCH more self confident.
    However, it has taken me some time to get to this point, but it is SO very worth it...keep going.
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Good Morning All

      I,m on day 8 today Annie and feel similar to you one minute I`m ok the next I want to kill him , I have been with him nearly 13 years 3 of them in a haze lol ... I think I like people better or him in particular when I am half cut lol .... I need to learn to be myself without drink

      Tracy x


        Good Morning All

        Hi Anniemac,
        Well done on your six days.
        I agree with startingover. Your head will be going through a few changes and will take a while to settle down. It really can be an emotional rollercoaster but keep at it.
        I was always introvert and quiet, except when I drink and the idiot-that-thinks-he's-cool comes roaring to the fore. I haven't met him for a while I'm pleased to say. Sober me is a lot calmer; less critical....but that's me....we're all different thank god.
        Relationships are rarely completely free from at least a little turmoil whether you drink or not, but any problems are always better resolved with a clear head.


          Good Morning All

          Hi Annie!

          :goodjob: - 4 days ahead of me darling! Well done!!!!! Anything takes adjusting to and everybody's different and depending on how much you relied upon AL 7 plus days ago I suppose will depend upon how different you'll find life now. For me at the moment I'm feeling a bit on a high 'cos I feel so "clean" if that makes sense (?). I'm getting headaches so that's making me a bit irritable but am getting rid of them with headaches but I suppose I'm here after a mega-weekend of drinking and feeling so crap so that is so fresh in my mind that I'm re-living that at the moment. Depending on how long you've been "dependent" really will depend on how long you'll have to give yourself to "not" depend ... just don't give yourself a hard time. You've taken a BIG step in 6 days. Keep going ODAT and build on the 6 days you've done to 7 and then 8 and 9 and beyond. In the meantime just accept how you're feeling and adjust to life without the AL - you can and you will. Afterall the only bottle we were given as a baby had milk in it (hopefully!) and it was our choice later in life to pick up a different one. We've just got to learn now to put down this different one with an AL volume and pick up a different one with a 0 AL volume. Stick with it, take deep breaths, walk out of the room, don't snap, count to 10 - anything not to undo your good work!

          Good Luck with Day 9 :lxxxx


            Good Morning All


            I mean day 7! Sorry! xxx


              Good Morning All

              Thanks Photogirl

              You are sooo day at a time and walk out of the room when i feel my temper rising...
              Sound advice....
              I've been knocking back copious amounts of wine for the best part of 5yrs,every night of the week and day & night at the weekend!
              Takes some getting used to not having a "wee glass" sitting at your right hand.
              Will have to take up knitting or something jst to have something to do with my hands.
              Glad you're feeling optimistic this time.You def sound it....
              Keep with it pet,i so badly need to this time cause i've been talking bout gving up this past 2yrs but only ever managed 4 nights.This is a record for me...
              And,by the jaysus,it's hard!!!lol

              "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
              Bring it on!

