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AF April April 8

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    AF April April 8

    Hello April AFers, I'm up early so I'm going to get the thread started before I head out. It is 32 F here, so if I am doing my math right, it is 0 C. (Did I get that right decastille?). It was easy because 2 x 0 = 0 so I had no addition or subtraction to do. Thanks again for the formula de!

    I'm still on spring break, so today I am going out to breakfast and then shopping with a good friend. I hope for mild temps this afternoon so I can get out and get some exercise. I have been slowly putting on weight due to so much sitting and vacation-style eating habits. Another AF day for me!

    SD, be sure to check the post I wrote yesterday in the Newbies Nest. I put something in it for you!

    Have a great day, all.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    AF April April 8

    AF day for me, too!
    Wednesdays, previously, were notoriously UN-AF...I teach class at 9 and am done at 10. So that was license to start drinking whenever! And because it was vodka with energy drinks, I could still be going strong for wine with dinner. Not today! Finishing class and then taking my son, who's on Spring Break from school, to a craft store for some Easter supplies. Then we might go see the new Monsters vs. Aliens 3D movie followed by a bike ride!

    ...hey, just giggled when I thought of something. Am glad I won't nod off in the movie today because of the midday buzzzzzz! Awesome! New realizations around every corner.

    Happy Wednesday!


      AF April April 8

      Day 6 af for me

      Hi there!
      Good afternoon dill & yogamomma!
      Dill,like you i too have gained a few pounds but as it's raining cats and dogs here in ireland i doubt if i'l venture out for exercise....maybe just curl up on the sofa with a slim a soup!

      Yogamomma,i really hope you have a lovely afternoon with your son.Don't you just love it when you feel like a good parent.I'm waiting for my two youngest(10 & 11yrs to come home shortly and i just love the fact that they're coming home to a sober mum,who will make them tea and help them with their homework instead of hurrying them upstairs to get their uniforms changed so i could get another swig of wine down my neck...
      Like being sober....but by jaysus it ain't

      Have A great Wednesday!!!!

      "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
      Bring it on!


        AF April April 8

        Hi Dill, yogamamma, annie, and others to come. Not doing well today. I was depressed yesterday and drank. I'm so ashamed of myself. I'm back on day 1, when is this going stop:upset:. I know, when I decided that it has to stop. God help me:upset:
        :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
        ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


          AF April April 8

          Happy wednesday!

          Good morning everyone,
          Dill you got the number right 32 F is 0 c.. but have to now you reverse the formula 32F - 32 =0 divide by 2 = 0C Good job on day 8!!!
          Yoga and anni have a great day with your sons !


            AF April April 8

            1more Im sorry you feel depressed . hang in there, I had a bad day last week too....back on track now you can do it!!! we are here for you !!


              AF April April 8

              Thank you for your support decastille. I'm hanging in there.
              :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
              ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


                AF April April 8

                Hi Peeps!

                Just in to work now - kinda tired today. Didn't sleep as well last night, rather fitful, so it was harder getting up today - I'm just not a chipper as I was yesterday! I think I over tired myself with the running at lunch, walk home and then when I got to the pool, I had hardly any energy. Draggin' it!!! I did manage the 2000m, the last 500 only with the encouragement of another fellow swimmer at the pool, who said, "Come on, you can do anything!!" Well, talk about a challenge!! So bring on Day 8!!!!! It's beautiful and sunning out there, and I may not run at lunch again, but give the old jambs a break - walking only today.

                1more- don't feel badly, just get back on that horse, ok???

                Yogamomma - wednesdays = humpday = drink day. Hmmmm..... I actually got away from that once everyday was like humpdays!!! Have a great sober day with your son.

                De - I think I will write that formula down. I used to know it when we first went over to Celcius as it does take a while to understand a new language without some translation!! All I really need to know is that 32F = 0C and that the two meet at -40 (I think we reached that temp here quite a few times this past winter)

                Hey anniemac - stay dry today, don't get pelted with those pets!!

                Dill - how long is your spring break?? Are you off all this week? Our boys are off next week, and I am thinking I might like to take a couple extra days off. I am so looking forward to this upcoming long weekend, but I will miss my daughters at Easter this year. I wish they didn't live so far away.

                Cat - did I hear that correctly - 17lb down since you quit drinking?? How long have you been AF for now?

                Off to my lab - will check on you all later!
                xoxo peanut


                  AF April April 8

                  Ugh - I think I'm getting a cold!!!! This is so stupid - when I drink wine every day, I don't get sick - the wine kills anything that gets in me. Now, I'm feeling good and way more healthy, and i seem to be open to infection!!! Why oh why does this happen?!?!

                  I am lamenting, obviously. I will go out for my lunch walk anyway!
                  xoxo peanut


                    AF April April 8

                    Hey peoples!! How's everyone?

                    1MC - I'm going to say something that I heard someone else say and it has stuck with me, please do not be offended, here goes. Put one foot in yesterday, and one foot in tomorrow, and you're in the perfect position to shit on today. So...that being said, live today. Get through today. Then wake up tomorrow, and do it again. However you have to. Everybody is here to listen...

                    Peanut! You warrior! Swimming and make me tired, nah just jealous. Yeah girl, 17 L.B.S.! and 98 days! whoop, whoop (she whispers)

                    Dill - I don't diet or count calories etc etc etc. I do eat pretty healthy though...friuts, veggies, whole grains- I even eat dessert now at night. But now I dont shovel in quite so much food that Im not drunk at dinner, and of course there's not all those empty calories, and my body finally just let that bloating go! I have a skinny, minny face!!

                    I hope everybody has a fantabulous AF night! Clinicals for me tomorrow, so up at 4am...hmmmm=(


                    "It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."
                    -Alan Cohen


                      AF April April 8

                      Yogamom: Fantastic on staying AF. I think it?s great you spent good quality time with your son. One benefit of AF is that you?ll remember the day! They grow up SO FAST.

                      Anniemac: I never did get the exercise today. I took a leisurely walk this afternoon and that was the extent of it. Oh well. I?ll try again tomorrow.

                      1MC: Come back tomorrow and tell us you are on day 2! Don?t give up, ever. I hope you post more often. I often think of you and wonder how you?re doing. :l

                      Decastille: Wow! Canadian transplant in Florida! That must have taken some getting used to for you. Thanks again for the help on the formula. Let me try again. It is now 48 F here. That would be: 7 C?

                      Pnut: I?m off all this week and next Monday. I?m loving it! How old are your daughters and how far away are they? My kids are adults and both are married and live far from home. I was happy to get to visit with both last weekend in Florida. Easter will be a quiet affair here.

                      Cat: I love the ?skinny, minny face?! I?m going to get back to eating right and exercising. Maybe I can drop a few before June. Then I?ll have a ?skinny, minny face? too!:H

                      See you all tomorrow!

                      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

