:thanks:Wally, Beaches, Mica and Lostagain and everyone!
Yesterday was my 2nd day moderating. ((You can check my DrinkTracker.)) I just bought one 24 oz bottle of beer just in case I am sick. Well, it never happend! I was not sick, no shaking.
Opened the beer, drank about 15 oz., the rest went down the drain again!
I was sweating a lot, but I tried to overlook it. Sry to be graphic, but had a Lake under my armpits. But kept saying to myself: So what, I am just sweating, this is just like summer in Europe with no A/C. Or something like: People who run Marathon sweat hours at a time and do not quit running until they reach the finish line. Today, Day 3 and I am very proud to say that I have much more energy, and plan for an AF weekend!
I totally agree with all who said WD from AL is mostly mental, not physical.
I agree that I was (am) very lucky. I just could not sleep the first night. 2nd night - Melatonin did the trick.
Lostagain, try what I did, get few beer cans, NOT the whole case and NOT your favourite brand, and save them until you think you cannot be without AL any longer. Then open it and sip it very slowly, like you would wine. Hopefully it will taste bad and you can realize that you do not need it, because you went all day AF and do not want to throw those hours out the window.
You can check my posts. The hardest part was to decide to quit (or modearate). I do not know yet what road to take, but for sure am not going back to the way my life was just last week.
Good luck!!! Keep osting!
Thanks so much all to your words of wisdom, without you guys I would still be a mess!!!!