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Hi, I am new.

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    Hi, I am new.

    :thanks:Wally, Beaches, Mica and Lostagain and everyone!

    Yesterday was my 2nd day moderating. ((You can check my DrinkTracker.)) I just bought one 24 oz bottle of beer just in case I am sick. Well, it never happend! I was not sick, no shaking.
    Opened the beer, drank about 15 oz., the rest went down the drain again!

    I was sweating a lot, but I tried to overlook it. Sry to be graphic, but had a Lake under my armpits. But kept saying to myself: So what, I am just sweating, this is just like summer in Europe with no A/C. Or something like: People who run Marathon sweat hours at a time and do not quit running until they reach the finish line. Today, Day 3 and I am very proud to say that I have much more energy, and plan for an AF weekend!

    I totally agree with all who said WD from AL is mostly mental, not physical.
    I agree that I was (am) very lucky. I just could not sleep the first night. 2nd night - Melatonin did the trick.

    Lostagain, try what I did, get few beer cans, NOT the whole case and NOT your favourite brand, and save them until you think you cannot be without AL any longer. Then open it and sip it very slowly, like you would wine. Hopefully it will taste bad and you can realize that you do not need it, because you went all day AF and do not want to throw those hours out the window.

    You can check my posts. The hardest part was to decide to quit (or modearate). I do not know yet what road to take, but for sure am not going back to the way my life was just last week.

    Good luck!!! Keep osting!

    Thanks so much all to your words of wisdom, without you guys I would still be a mess!!!!


      Hi, I am new.

      Welcome! I am new as well! Keep reading posts and being active in the MWO community! You get loads of support and I find it so helpful just reading through the posts when I get a craving. Gives me something to do other than drink! I've been checking this site pretty regularly since becoming a member. It's very inspirational, and also very private, which is important to me. Good luck on your journey! And way to go with the 3 beers.... way better than the several bottles of wine. You may have many ups and downs, but the fact that you are here shows you are making some sort of a commitment to making improvements in your life! Welcome!


        Hi, I am new.

        BTW..... I am only up to 50 mg of topamax and beer already tastes pretty damn awful already. Are you following RJ's program or taking any prescriptions or supplements to help with the cravings???? (Pardon me if it was mentioned in one of the above posts..... didn't read through them all!)


          Hi, I am new.


          Can you talk now?


            Hi, I am new.

            Hi Finallymadeit,
            how do you get the Topa?

            To answer your Q:
            "Are you following RJ's program or taking any prescriptions or supplements to help with the cravings???? "

            No, have decided to quit after I drank 3 liters of wine in 1 day. I did not want to wait for the supps to arrive. I took 10 mg Valium the 1st day and 5 the 2nd. I had some Valium left from a year ago. I bought B Complex with Folic Acid and vit C.
            Today haven't taken any Valium so far.
            And the cravings?: they are not too bad. I go outside and have half a cigatrette.

            Green bean,

            I am sorry I can't talk right now. Off to the park again w/ my son. I can talk later tonight.
            Hang in there!!!



              Hi, I am new.

              Welcome MamaZum and Finallymadeit !

              I just joined 2 days ago and feel better already. Before this site I felt completely and utterly alone. I felt like I was lieing to everyone I love because of my hiding. Now that I have found all these wonderful people I dont' feel alone anymore. I feel empowered.

              I couldn't go cold turkey and I don't have any of the supplements/cd's/or topo yet so I am moderating this week. For you to have a few beers instead of 4 bottles of wine is an amazing feat in itself. Don't be hard on yourself at all.

              I have cut back more than 1/2 of what I usually drink. No hangovers this week! My goal is to moderate - to not think about alcohol all day - everyday. I want alcohol to be a distant thought in my everyday world. I know that all the wonderful support I get here can help me to achieve my goals.

              I'm glad your both with us!


                Hi, I am new.

                Hi Boobster! (Sry, my 7 old yr son calls everyone I am not mom, I am momstr)

                I hear you, moderating is my goal now too. I was so proud of myself past 2 days.
                I CREDIT IT ALL to the support we get from each other on this forum.
                However, today I scr** up. My goal was again 2 drinks, but I had 4.
                I guess quitting is not so easy as I made it sound.

                I did not have a reason to have 4 drinks tonight, but my hubby and son went for an overnight trip. I stopped at the liquor store and bought 2 bottles of Riesling. (As last nights, one went down the sink).
                But I finished the other one. It has only 8% of alc, but still....It is 4 drinks!
                I planned to be AF today, and I messed my plan up.

                It is funny, because I feel like I let all of You down. You have been such a support for me!

                I am sorry,
                but you, keep up your resolutions!

                Love, Zum


                  Hi, I am new.

                  I got the topa from my physician. I went to her office armed with topa research and the MWO book. She put me on 25 mg. for the 1st week, and then 50 mg. Said she would increase my dose as needed, but only very slowly.... did not want me to dose up too quickly and get adverse effects. (I also take anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds) She wants to see me every 6 weeks until I get up to a dose I am comfortable with and have my drinking under control. FYI.... I am in the U.S. I also take milk thistle & the b-comlex, which I find helps TREMENDOUSLY! Particularly with my energy. I am also ordering the all-one powder supplement and see how that goes. I am currently a smoker as well..... although I did try to quit for a little over 24 hours, but just lit up a little while ago instead of having a drink. I would like to give up both, but not going to beat myself up over it. Even with the drinking, I am not sure if I am going to go for AF or moderation. Right now, I am enjoying the challenge of seeing how many days I can be AF since I haven't gone more than 2 days in a very long time other than during my 2 pregnancies. The money I spent on my past drinking alone is a big motivator! But the biggest motivator is my two darling children and my very supportive husband. Do you have some support at home? It helps to have someone to give you a "pat on the back" when you have an AF day or even a "2 drink" day!

                  If you have insurance, I really recommend going through your physician if you feel comfortable talking with him/her about it as the topa can get pretty expensive. Especially as the dose increases. It took me 3 visits before I could finally admit my drinking problem to my Dr., but I finally did it! Keep reading everyone's posts and "drench" yourself in the "normalcy" of your problem. I was encouraged by my therapist to go to AA and even rehab, but find this so much more manageable and comfortable to deal with in privacy. I tell the people I feel I need to tell. And for the first week of my life in a VERY long time, I haven't been drunk. Good luck with everything, and if you need any more information, please feel free to shoot me a PM!

                  MamaZum;590323 wrote: Hi Finallymadeit,
                  how do you get the Topa?

                  To answer your Q:
                  "Are you following RJ's program or taking any prescriptions or supplements to help with the cravings???? "

                  No, have decided to quit after I drank 3 liters of wine in 1 day. I did not want to wait for the supps to arrive. I took 10 mg Valium the 1st day and 5 the 2nd. I had some Valium left from a year ago. I bought B Complex with Folic Acid and vit C.
                  Today haven't taken any Valium so far.
                  And the cravings?: they are not too bad. I go outside and have half a cigatrette.

                  Green bean,

                  I am sorry I can't talk right now. Off to the park again w/ my son. I can talk later tonight.
                  Hang in there!!!



                    Hi, I am new.

                    :upset:Hello Finallymadeit and everybody!

                    How r u doing today?

                    Thaks so much for your complete info. I have a great insurance, but due to my anxiety am afraid to see any kind of doctor, b/c of what they might find. I know, stupid me.

                    I also have 3 great kids and a wonderful husband who is trying to help me with my al problem.

                    Last night, after having my bottle of Riesling, I searched the house hoping to find more.
                    I did find a bottle of wine! Drank it all! Threw 2 really good days out the window.
                    Today is DAY 1 again. We all can do this, right?

                    love, Zum


                      Hi, I am new.

                      Hi Zum,

                      Just checking in to see how you are doing today! Don't think of it as throwing 2 good days out the window.... maybe today is the day you were meant to start...... or maybe tomorrow. You will find your place. It's kind of like dieting. You need to be in the right place at the right time. Eventually you will tire of making excuses. One of the things I found helpful was to make a list of all the negative ways drinking impacts my life. For example, embarrassing my family, paying bills late, my health, the "what if" there was an emergency with my kids and I was drunk, the money I waste on booze, etc. etc. One of the kilers that really got me is when my two year old would bring me my wine glass and say "mommy, drink, drink." Like it was the "normal" thing to do. I also have an uncle, 50 years old, and in need of a new liver due to alcohol abuse. Another uncle died in his 40s from cirrhosis, as did my grandfather. Please reconsider visiting your doctor or find a trusted physician who specializes in addiction who might be able to help you. 2 months ago I would NEVER have thought I would be at the point I am at now, admitting to my doctor how much I drink, admitting to my therapist how much I drink (which by the way, ended my relationship with my therapist because I did not like her approach to my problem which was basically AA or I was doomed forever.) You have options! Right now you are doing a GREAT job just becoming part of this site and figuring out ways you feel comfortable addressing your problems. YOU can do this! What seemed to work easiest for me was to moderate for several days (1-3 drinks). Then pick a day that I wouldn't drink. For me, that was last Wednesday. Then each day has become a new challenge to see if I can do it just one more day. Yesterday and today have been the most difficult, being Friday & Saturday, my MOST FAVORITE days of the week to drink! On a rainy day like today, I could have very easily drank allllllllll day! But, I didn't. I got through it. Schedule lots of activities for yourself. Even if it's little errands here and there. I find giving myself an excuse to have to go out and drive at night a good way to curb my drinking as well, since I never drink and drive. This may or may not work for you. Just thought I'd give some tips on what's worked for me so far. Please let me know how you're doing!


                        Hi, I am new.

                        Hello to all and welcome. I am not new, but back and starting out again.
                        Never got completely AF, but am back again to restart towards that goal.
                        I drink everyday, but can cut back on vacations. Recently did well on vacation with no notice or statement of encouragement from my husband. Once home just went back to status quo and now it's been 3 days since he's been home.
                        If I don't quit it seems my marriage is over, so I haven't had a drink since Wed night.
                        As you all have said keep busy, so that is what I am doing. Cleaned the house all day, drinking lots of decaf tea and now back on the forum to get some help and encouragement.

                        I can relate so much with the difficulty sleeping if not drinking, which is one of my major issues. Re-trying trazadone for sleep and also taking benadryl if the trazadone doesn't do the trick. Was up till 3am last night and it's now past midnight. I should go to bed, since if I keep up the late nights, Monday morning getting up for work is going to be rough.
                        So far just working with my primary MD. Has anyone gone to a clinical social worker at all to help?


                          Hi, I am new.

                          Hi Zum - hang in there...I am confident it can be done! Keep the faith and keep on this site!


                            Hi, I am new.

                            Welcome Zum. If it was easy, we would not all be here.

                            But we -are- here. Every path is different, but our goal is the same.


                              Hi, I am new.

                              Hi Zum.... if it makes you feel any better I "fell off the wagon" tonight and had 3 4 oz. glasses of wine. (yes.... I actually took out a measuring cup, lol!) I'll post more about my experience about it all tomorrow when I am not so tired. Have to get up for work in the morning. Hope you are doing well! Nighty nite! xxoo

