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AF April April 9

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    AF April April 9

    Let's get started! Today is the last day of the first 1/3rd of April! That's a chunk of time, for sure!

    I started in March, so I have completed 2 weeks. I never would have thought it possible. And it is getting easier. Old habits die hard, and I do get lots of thoughts, but somehow, it is easier as time goes by.

    1mc, if you didn't check my last post where I commented to everyone, in yesterdays thread, I want to repeat: keep coming back. I wish you would post just a bit more often. I think about you often. Never, ever give up on your goals!:h

    Have a great day, everyone.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    AF April April 9

    Nicely done, dill! Have been at it for a couple of weeks myself but I Mod on the hoping to taper that off to one day per weekend, then, AF 24/7.

    AF April 9 here we come!


      AF April April 9

      Hi Dill, yogamma and others to come. thanks for your words of encouragment, now i just have to put them to practice. Cat, no offense that is great advise.

      I'm doing better today, didn't sleep well but no hangover today!

      I'm on my way to get an accupuncture treatment. will check in again later. You're right Dill, I need to check more often and post.:l:thanks:
      :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
      ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


        AF April April 9

        I read the following on the Daily Recover Readings website. I found it helpful. I first learned of this site from a member of MWO, AAthlete. (Thank you, again, AAthlete.) It's an AA website.

        Walk in Dry Places

        Understanding Compulsion__Protecting Sobriety
        Often called a "compulsive illness," alcoholism is still a baffling mystery to most people. All we really know is that a single drink, a pleasant beverage for many, becomes a deadly trigger for alcoholics. We may even think it's unfair that we're unable to enjoy the pleasant customs of social drinking. If we let down our guard, we can even entertain the thought that we've somehow been cured of the compulsion to drink.
        But we don't have to understand the exact nature of compulsion to realize that we are victims of it. Bitter experience and the tragic examples of others should tell us that our compulsion exists and is activated by the first drink. That's really all the understanding we need for living successfully in sobriety.
        If there's anything we should question, it's not whether we have the compulsion, but why we would have any doubts after so much bad experience with alcohol. After all, if we always had a bad reaction from any other food or beverage, we would soon give it up. Why is there so much persistence in denying that we are compulsively attached to alcohol?
        We still may be trying to convince ourselves that we can take a drink safely, and this delusion is another way the compulsion works. All we have to understand is that a single drink leads to our destruction.
        I'll remember today that I've accepted the fact that I am alcoholic and subject to disaster with a first drink. I'll live today with the knowledge that I only have to understand that I have a compulsion to drink
        Here's a link to the site:

        Daily Recovery Readings

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          AF April April 9

          Hi Dill & 1mc & yoga all to come!!
          Im taking this new class tonight its called Can San Asanas.. some form of yoga..helps stress and anxiety ,clear yur mind and spirit.....will see...
          Hope everyone has a great day...


            AF April April 9

            Question For Yogamomma?

            Have been at it for a couple of weeks myself but I Mod on the hoping to taper that off to one day per weekend,..;

            Hope you don't mind me asking your advice here but i have been af for 7 days now and i'm planning to have a bottle of wine one night at the weekend.Scared this will set me back to square one?did you have any issues like this?

            "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
            Bring it on!


              AF April April 9

              Hi all!

              Decast.....I have daughters 20 and 17 too!!!!

              Lets all make today an AF day. It will be hard for me, because I am only half day. I had two light beers last night but dumped the third one.

              Good vibes to all.


                AF April April 9

                Hello April AFers,
                Very late getting in to work today as I felt quite wretched. I rested (dozed) most of the evening after a hot tub, had a fever, went to bed and was asleep by 11:30 and woke at 9am. Actually, was awake on and off earlier, what with BF and the boys getting out of the house, but i couldn't drag myself up. Walked the 50minutes to work as it is so beautiful out there. Of course, it was probably something lik 7C, but suuny - and when your coming UP to that temperature from way down there, it feels practically like summer!

                Dill - 2 weeks!!!! Woo-hoo!!! Good for you! After struggling along making 2, 3, and 4 days at a time, it does feel good to finally get over that, yes? Day 9 here and doing fine! My daughters are 19 and 21. The younger one is in Calgary, the older one in Victoria - lots of phone calls, but still - not the same thing.

                hey De - enjoy the yoga - it's on my list of things to do!!

                And Cat - you SUPERSTAR!!! 98 days - that's fabulous. No wonder you feel so good, you little skinny-minny!!! I've already noticed my face has thinned out. I think when I drink every day, I get this round moon face!!

                1more - when I called the homeopath last week, it was to inquire about having accupuncture. He will start is next month with me. I am sooo curious - please let us know how it went, how it feels, and all the gory details!!! Are you doing this for one particular purposer? psychological? physical? I can't wait to hear!

                Anniemac - a bottle of wine, eh? Hmmm... After 8 days AF in January I did that, and ended up drinking two nights in a row, stopped for a couple and drank again, and have struggled since because I didn't make a real strong resolve to not drink, allowing myself to drink on weekends. I think I still have that goal, to drink socially on weekends - haven't yet come to terms with AF for life!!! So I guess it depends on your goal. It is really easy to slip back into it, that's for sure. Do you want to try for 30days AF before attempting the wine? I did try drinking wine once after 33 days AF last year, and I was on Topa at the time, and holy shite - hangover from hell!!! Not sure if it was because of the Topa or the Kudzu, but I couldn't remember having a hangover like that for years! I stayed AF for a while after that too, and managed to control my consumption way better (until I went to my home city for holidays with my sibs of course, where it all went to hell anyway, with me actually having slightly more control than my sibs!!)

                Welcome MamaZum - good for you dumping the beer. Today is an AF day for sure!!!!

                I guess I should do some work!
                xoxo peanut


                  AF April April 9

                  my accupuncture went well. i was so relaxed after the treatment. i'm always afraid of needles but i belive in accupucture. Peanut, I'm getting accupuncture treatment for depression and it's also good for al withdrawal. It's really good for anything really. it was hard to dish out $100 but it's worth it. I'm feeling well and it doesn't really hurt, you just feel a prick like a mosquito bite almost without the itching. don't be afraid, you'll feel great after the treatment. I'm really happy to be back and talking to you guys.
                  :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                  ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


                    AF April April 9

                    Oh, I was just thinking that that daily reading may have offended some. I didn't mean to presume that anyone here is an alcoholic. I'm not even really sure I want to label myself one. I will acknowledge though that I have issues with alcohol. Anyway, I thought the reading helped me trying to frame my struggle. I found some relevance in it whether or not I call myself or am or am not and alcoholic. I hope no one took offense!

                    It's a beautiful day here. 57 F which is: approximately 12 C, I believe. Perfect!

                    I am curious about accupuncture, too. Thanks for sharing 1mc.

                    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                      AF April April 9

                      No offence Dill
                      I appreciated the reading. AA is like the catholic church for me; take what helps and leave that rest. they call us cafeteria catholics in the vatican.
                      :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                      ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


                        AF April April 9

                        Hey there everyone!!
                        I got on here this morning and started to type...only to get interrupted and had to shut down...I'm now just getting back on....I just hate when you are expected to WORK at work....jeesshhh!!!
                        On day 9 here...getting ready for the 4 day Easter school tomorrow....I really want to have a beer tonight....couldn't I just have one tonight and then not drink May 1st?!?!?! It just sounds so good right now!! grrr....
                        I put the offer in on the house today.
                        Put the smack down on the ex-hubby for playing his stupid games...all and all...pretty productive day I'd say!!
                        Hope everyone is having a great Thursday...and sticking to their goals!! I'm going to go hop around on the other threads and see what's going on!!
                        "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."



                          AF April April 9

                          Thanks for the quick response, 1mc! I was kind of stressing out about it. I don't want to ever offend anyone here.:h

                          I know exactly what you mean about taking what helps. That's exactly what I was doing for myself with that reading. I am also Catholic. Well, that's my upbrining and oddly, I have recently been going to church. (after 40 years away). I am searching everywhere for help with this and that includes church. I find some help there, but like you, take what helps and leave the rest.

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            AF April April 9

                            Same here Dill and 1mc !!

