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Seeing DR. today

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    Seeing DR. today

    Hi all-:new:
    I have been reading this site for several months, just knowing I need to make changes. I have an appt. with my doc in 30 mins. and I am so anxious, and afraid I will cry the whole time. She has been my doc for 5 years but has no idea that I am struggling with alcohol addiction. I faxed her info about the MWO program, including all the supplements I have already been taking. I will NOT go to groups or any kind of psychotherapy, which is why I want to try this program. My husband is very supportive and is telling me that everyone just wants me to be well, so don't hide anything from my doc. STILL PETRIFIED.

    Seeing DR. today

    Deep breaths Chellee, your doc will already be a bit prepared as you have faxed her some info already, plus, they must see this problem frequently.
    Do you know what you want to achieve from seeing her? If you have a plan in mind, you will probably find it easier.
    Best wishes and lots of luck.
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Seeing DR. today


      thank you for your reply, I am on my way out the door right now. I do have a plan, and I know this dr. very well- my whole family sees her, but she had no prior knowledge of my addiction, so I feel nervous. she is very very compassionate though, so I hope all goes well. out the door I go!


        Seeing DR. today

        You will be fine...let us know OK?
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          Seeing DR. today

          Hi Chellee :welcome:

          I think you are really brave and i hope your doctor has been really understanding and suupportive.

          Lots of good advice and support here so keep reading and posting. it really does work!
          If alcohol made you happy I should be the happiest person alive! I'm not.


            Seeing DR. today

            Chelle-chelle-bo-bellee!...brave you! Hoorah! Let us know how it went. The thought of that, after the initial "hey doc I've got something to tell you...." sounds SOOOO relieving to do...chicken me.


              Seeing DR. today

              Bonana Fanna Fo Fell
              fee Fi Mo Mellll

              I'm sure that was way off but it's a try.
              Chellee, I hope the Dr went well. Check in when you can. Krigs
              "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                Seeing DR. today

                :goodjob:You go girl! Someone once told me that 40% of all hospital admissions are related to substance abuse. We are a powerful force that can be destructive or constructive. Also, I may have read this at MWO....but the medical professional has largely abandoned us. However, the National Institute of Health has not. They are giving away tons of money. Why? Because the problem is so widespread and the destructive part of the problem costs big $$$$$$. So, maybe you should just think of yourself as being trendy. Personally, I'm just extremely that I don't have multiple addictions to manage.

                You can do it!


                  Seeing DR. today

                  Hooray for you! I was in your exact same place about 2 weeks ago. We are lucky to have doctors we can go to, even as nerve wracking as it is..... after many years, I returned to the my family doctor that I began seeing when I was 14 (20 years ago!) to discuss MWO and my alcohol abuse. I look forward to hearing how your visit went!


                    Seeing DR. today

                    doc. done, meds started

                    (sorry this might be long)

                    thank you all SO much for your pep talks about "coming out" to my doc. turns out she had not even read my info because she had 2 baby deliveries the day I faxed it. sigh. so that was thursday and I was so anxious to get started and think I did a really good job of letting her know that I was set on trying this program. she said she'd look into topamax and give me a call. end of day thursday I was already drumming my fingers. friday morning called office, her nurse sounded truly apologetic that doc didn't have a chance to get the info she wanted on the meds. I made it clear that it was extremely important to me (in 5 yrs. I have never been a problem/naggy patient.) first thing monday morning my doc called and said she had the scrip called in for me to start the topamax!

                    I have started the topa and all the supps, but not the CDs yet (money is an issue, at least the meds are covered by my insurance.) only thing I am noticing so far is THIRST, wierd dreams, and a kind of paranoia? like every little thing someone says has a lot more meaning than it should.

                    I keep peeking around the site and seeing such great words of encouragement and touching stories, and thank you all so much for sharing. I can't wait for the day that I can share some success and be a cheerleader like you!



                      Seeing DR. today

                      Way to go Chelle! What an amazing step you took and you kept on being persistent! This is the start of breaking free from AL. :goodjob:! I am so proud of you that you stuck to your guns and got thourgh to your doc. Keep us posted as to how things are going for you. Onward and Upward, and as my friend Dill says Progress, not perfection! Go Chelle Go!!! Keep posting and talking. You can PM me if you want. I am so proud of you:l


                        Seeing DR. today

                        Chellee, this is GREAT news! Well done on you courage to go after what you believe.
                        I look forward to hearing more of your journey!
                        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                          Seeing DR. today

                          chellee;593974 wrote:

                          I can't wait for the day that I can share some success and be a cheerleader like you!

                          Hi Chellee
                          Well done! You sound very motivated and ready to take on the beast. I can hear you cheering very soon - way to go girl.

