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Doing so well...until a fews day ago

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    Doing so well...until a fews day ago

    Hi all

    I have been on the program for over a month, taking sups, campral, hypos, exercising etc and it has been sooooooo good, almost easy compared to all the other times, and the campral (although it has been hard to get it) has made SUCH a difference. So much so that I went on holiday with my husband, 2 young children AND MY INLAWS without drinking!!!

    Anyway I have been off the booze for nearly 5 weeks now and things have started to go really wrong, work has gone crazy and it's the kids school holidays here in the UK and on top of that me and my husband have been having problems, which we have been having for a year or more but since I have giving up drinking I am not able to hide behind anything anymore so I am having to face up to stuff. On top of that my alcohol cravings have come back big time and all I think about for the last few days is kicking back with some beer or a big glass of wine, why why why??? I was doing so well, now I just feel like it's inevitable that I am going to pick that bottle again.

    Doing so well...until a fews day ago

    Hang In there

    Hi - I can relate to having things going well and then Boom! Everything comes at you all at once. Try to remember how things were when you were drinking and how much better you have felt since you stopped. There is a thread here somewhere called "When I don't drink" and people have listed all the positive things that they have when they dont drink....and the negatives that come with the alcohol. I read it nearly every day because its a good reminder. Take a look or make a list yourself -- it may help. And keep coming here and posting. That helps too!:h


      Doing so well...until a fews day ago


      I hear you about not having anything to hide behind. I quit drinking for five years and thought, "Wow, my troubles are over now!". I still fought with my husband and actually became more depressed about it because I didn't have the booze to turn to.

      You have made it five weeks without drinking. That is quite an accomplishment. You also deserve credit for making it through a holiday with your in-laws and not drinking (especially if your in-laws are anything like mine).

      I wish I had some divine words of wisdom for you here. Try to hang in there. My mantra lately has been, "It's not easy, but it's worth it".




        Doing so well...until a fews day ago

        Dear Clairelou,

        Congratulations on over a month!! GOOD FOR YOU!! ditto what Jackie just said about in laws.

        I think you hit it right on the head, we do it so well and then feel like we are going to slip or actually do slip because we have been hiding behind alcohol for a variety of reasons.

        Alcohol covers up the ability to think clearly and realize you may need, require and deserve a better life . . . maybe even with someone who is more supportive. The fact is when we are drunk we don't feel we deserve anything different. We may hinder our own progress because facing the fact that life can be boring or feel trivial, or maybe this is not the right guy even . . . .geeez a hundred thoughts like that - all really tough concepts to come to grips with. Those thoughts can be overwhelming when first attaining and maintaining sobriety.

        I have been doing the program since March 27th, got the supps a few days later, followed with the book and CDs about week 7. For myself, some of those things have become an issue and I have heard them said on the boards by quite a few people. Quite awhile ago Kathy suggested to someone not to make any huge changes in their life until they have been sober for awhile, a few motnhs, as you are going through so many life altering experiences. Sit with those changes and then make decisions when you are no longer "raw" from the process of being sober.

        Celebrate each day and give yourself some time and space - more than half of life is the journey and what we are willing to learn from it.

        I applaud you and say know these are your triggers. For me, learning my trigger points and knowing I can do this without alcohol has been the toughest part.


        Nomorewine is right, remember back and know how great it is to wake up without a hangover.


