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Another addition to the team...

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    Another addition to the team...

    Ok...didn't think it would come to this. I'm, at a minimum, a two bottles a night red wine drinker. Still doesn't do me in as I've got "a hold of" needing to get absolutely wasted. However, I need this to sleep, maintain being "normal" during the day, etc. I plan to stop and would like to do it on my own. What should I expect for WD, how long, and am I in danger of quitting without a doc? I've been on this path for 8 years+....your help is appreciated.

    Another addition to the team...

    Hey ya, Herky.
    First off, NONE of us thought "it would come to this". We all want to drink normally like those friends we have who can moderate successfully. Please get past that and think of coming here as a first step to progress. Safety in numbers, right? You'll find much support from new friends here.

    Second, re: WD. This can vary from person to person as I've read posts by others whose experiences differ from mine. I've escaped the nighttime sweats and headaches but get irritable during the day from the usual triggers that would have me reach for the bottle. I'm using kudzu and L-Glutamine to diminish that. There is a toolbox thread here (perhaps someone's got the link handy) that is VERY helpful and you can learn more to decide if you think supplements would help you.

    And re: a doc, that can never hurt but it's up to you to make that decision.

    Look forward to seeing you here often.


      Another addition to the team...

      Herky, welcome to the club ! Were going to move on from: "Misery loves company" to " My tomorrors are full of rainbows and butterflies " ( Not really ha!, what you will get here is good information and support from pros......MWO has supplements that can help or curb your cravings. Good luck. IAD )
      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
      Dr. Seuss


        Another addition to the team...

        Welcome Herky!

        This quitting thing isn't easy, but it's worth it! I wish you well. Oh, and it DOES get easier with time!

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          Another addition to the team...

          Thanks for the replies.....Uneasy, but actually looking forward to the journey. This "prison" is no longer any fun. Day 2, here we come!


            Another addition to the team...

            Welcome Herky

            My withdrawal was very difficult and had to be done under medical supervision. If it gets to be more than you can handle, please do, call your doctor. The book is worth a read or two in my case. Also, the toolbox thread under Monthly Abs is very helpful. Look forward to seeing you around.
            "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


              Another addition to the team...

              :welcome: Herky,

              It takes courage to face the realisation that we're no longer in control of our drinking, and even more to actually do something about it, so congratulations for getting to that point!

              Can't offer more advice than what's come before, but just wanted to wish you well on the start of the journey - it does get easier and the rewards are tremendous - heck, you get your life back - what bigger reward can you hope for??! Welcome and good luck - keep posting!
              :rays: Arial

              Last first day - 15th April 2012
              Days 1-7 DONE
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