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Day 2 AF want to quit smoking too

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    Day 2 AF want to quit smoking too

    I am on my 2nd day of being AF. 11th day of taking Topamax. Currently up to 50 mg. once per day in the afternoon. Undecided if I am going the AF route or to moderate. I want a drink sooooo bad right now. And a cigarette. Trying to quit them both at the same time. I want to feel healthy. My drinking has varied...... 1/2 - full bottle of wine daily, weekly bottle of gin, several beers, etc, etc. some days I'd start drinking at noon, other days I wouldn't start until 6, but I drank practically EVERYDAY. I was a 3-4 pack per week smoker for the last 6 months, back after quitting for 5 years, so I've smoked and quit before, and semi-recently became re-addicted. (Had my last cigarette this morning.) Am I just setting myself up for failure????????

    Day 2 AF want to quit smoking too

    Hi finallymadeit2, congratulations on Day 2. It does get easier. Just take it one day at a time. I always promised myself I could have a drink tomorrow if I just got through today, and so on.

    I gave up smoking nine days after my last drink. I tried to quit the nicotine at the same time and I just couldn't do both together. I didn't call my continued smoking a failure tho, just a temporary lapse. Each day I vowed that would be the last day I smoked, until finally, the day arrived and that was it.

    It was bloody hard. I too had given up smoking previously for nearly 5 years and this time was really tough. But I have persisted and am now over 60 days AF and nearly 60 days NF.

    You will only set yourself up for failure if you don't have the right attitude. Good luck.
    Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
    AF May 23 09 to July 09
    AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


      Day 2 AF want to quit smoking too

      Hey Finally. Well done on Day 2! Pan is right, it does get much easier.
      I gave up nicotine 2 months ago and drinking 9 months ago.
      Some people can do both together, some cant.
      Just keep working at it, you will get there and be so happy you did!
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Day 2 AF want to quit smoking too

        Thank you both for your responses! I feel much better about making the post. Wasn't sure if I was trying too hard to "get on track" with kicking my bad habits. I just keeping thinking back to what kind of example I would like to set for my 2 young children. I don't want them to remember me as a smoking, drunk, mom who always had to step outside for a smoke in the middle of whatever we were doing. I have the opportunity to quit smoking right now as it is difficult to "get away" to smoke away from family that is unaware of my "secret habit" which is one of the several reasons why I've decided to try and quit them both at the same time. I am now on day 3 of being AF...... no plan as to how long it will last. We'll wait and see! At least if I can get through today, I can finally say I can make it through 3 days in a row without the excuse of being pregnant. I don't know the last time I went 3 days without alcohol now that I am thinking about it. (Other than during pregnancy, which was AF until the very end, but not very much.)


          Day 2 AF want to quit smoking too

          Have you thought of nicotine replacement therapy? That might help you over the hump?
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            Day 2 AF want to quit smoking too

            I have.... was hoping I might be able to do it on my own since I smoked less than a pack a day and drinking & smoking together was a big trigger..... or so I thought. I may have to reconsider this option though. Thanks!


              Day 2 AF want to quit smoking too

              Hi again Finalymaid it!
              I will post tomorr. I am beating myself up about giving up and having 4 drinks!

              Fin...we can beat this, right?


                Day 2 AF want to quit smoking too

                Anyone in a Chat now?


                  Day 2 AF want to quit smoking too

                  MamaZum;590512 wrote: Hi again Finalymaid it!
                  I will post tomorr. I am beating myself up about giving up and having 4 drinks!

                  Fin...we can beat this, right?
                  We can beat this! And don't beat yourself up for the four drinks! While I have been AF for 3 days, I am not expecting it to last. We'll see though. Always remember, tomorrow's a brand new day!


                    Day 2 AF want to quit smoking too

                    Hey Finally - I'm on Day 2 (for the umpteenth time!)... but I almost want to quit smoking more than quitting drinking!! I just ran out for cigs, and my little "cheap" store was closed, so I went to 7-11 where I paid almost FIVE bucks (cheaper store sells for under $4 - still Expensive...).

                    I have 2 unopened packages of Nic Gum sitting here. I was Supposed to quit on April 1st... and didn't even TRY. I'm hoping that since every day, I'm becoming more & MORE disgusted with myself... I will get to the point where I say "ENOUGH" and Mean it!!

                    Of course, drinking "goes" with smoking, so quitting drinking will be necessary (plus, I need to do that, too!!)...

                    Sometimes it seems like I'm at the foot of this HUGE mountain, looking up and thinking: NO WAY can I climb that! But I know... the longest journey begins with ONE step.

                    Thing is, both with drinking and smoking, it's a matter of dealing with ONE craving at a time. It's not like you have one constant crave. And the cravings do become less severe and more spaced out... with TIME. If we'd Only give ourselves that chance!!

                    Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin

